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  1. I have added to my MOC webpage on https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-82737 My friend Karl kindly did a "beta-test" build of my Basic Antikythera Mechanism his feedback resulted in number of bug fixes and clarifying improvements in the instructions (v5.3 to v5.4). Karl then went on to write-up a two part review of my LEGO version of the Antikythera Mechanism. Part one is from Word and Part two is from PowerPoint. enjoy
  2. You really nailed the key points!! I very much agree with your comments! I have added a "Gear Schematic" drawing created by my friend Karl, with some help and corrections from me. This drawing (see above) was added to the https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-82737/ web page, as well the Gear Schematic for the actual Antikythera Mechanism from Wikipedia for comparison. enjoy kurt
  3. I also was really impressed by Andrew Carol designed and built version of the Antikythera Mechanism. Andrew used 7 differentials subtracting ratios to get to the primes that LEGO does have. My design has 2 LEGO gears in the paint stand, 47 LEGO gears in the Mechanism and 5 custom AKM gears. vs. 139 LEGO gears (+ 7 difffs) in the pure LEGO design! Parts totals my design 1318 plus 5 custom AKM parts vs. 3715 total for Andrew's design. BTW no lunar phase ball in Andrew's base design (it can be added).
  4. I am glad that you liked. If even a few people show interest by building the current "Basic" Antikythera Mechanism, I will likely work towards version 6 designs of the other required custom parts. I will also spend the time to create the full LPub3D plans of Antikythera Mechanism with pin and slot. This work will likely take another year or more to do this. I am glad you liked it. And the large prime numbered gear are very neat.
  5. I just posted my MOC of the basic Antikythera Mechanism, including instructions on https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-82737 The custom 3d printed parts can be ordered and shipped directly to you at https://www.shapeways.com/shops/rtn-lna Added the Gear Schematic to the rebrickable page enjoy.
  6. Cool, sometime take a picture of it! Well there is a story! The other TexLUG guys were "yanking my chain" (I wonder how old that phase is?) "I'd be really good if all I built was one thing (ie. ships) all the time." So they always are doing city/train MOCs for the shows, so I tried my hand at the new Cafe Corner Buildings (new to me, they aren't even 4 years old!) I built a number of cafe corner compatible buildings finishing with A Taste of New Orleans for Brickworld 2009. And now I am MOCing the first railroad in Texas the Buffalo Bayou, Brazos and Colorado Railway see here on eurobricks Old Swaybacked Flatcar (No Freeloading!) my first train MOC and here on eurobricks BBB&C "new" 4-2-0 and Class A Shay locomotives my first Locomotive MOCs I don't think train guys like them... I am working on another "over-the-top" city MOC (for brickworld 2010, I hope) someday I'll come back to my ships. kurt
  7. I can answer this. The 3rd mast of a larger 4 (or more) masted Sixteenth Century galleons is called the Mizzen-mast or the Main-mizzen-mast The 4th mast is called the Bonaventure-mizzen and a fifth mast would be called the Jigger-mast which also means the last mast on most ships A source here. in case anyone wanted to know. kurt
  8. Thanks Mark, I am glad you like them. Your question will be answered, if you watch the Shay Videos! ------ later edit ----- Mark you built this Shay mechanism I had looked at it in my research in building my Shay! I didn't connect your name to it until now! I was working on the Shay building challenge on pages 34-35 of Railbricks issue 3 Have you watched the videos yet? ------ later edit ----- enjoy kurt
  9. WOW!! I am impressed! Just excellent work! What do I like about it? She has nice lines! Your great use of color! That she has a spritmast! with a sprit-topsail!! try1 try2 If you don't see the drawing of a sprit-topsail try this link: http://www.in-arch.net/Sqrigg/galleon.html and scroll down to the drawing named "mizzen topsail and sprit-topsail" This site is blocking linking to it's drawings. (I do wish that your spritsail was set though!) Keep-up the great work! kurt
  10. The First Locomotive of the First Railroad in Texas The 4-2-0 named the "General Sherman" (for Texas General Sidney Sherman) was the first locomotive of the Buffalo Bayou, Brazos and Colorado Railway More pics and video here. and A two truck, two cylinder, "Class A" Shay Locomotive My BBB&C's locomotive number 7 More pics and videos here. I should say that I built this MOC in response an article called "SELECTIVE COMPRESSION APPLIED TO MECHANICAL DETAILS" by Steve Barile in RAILBRICKS issue 3 on page 34-35 where it says: "The Shay does not have traditional steam driver wheels but instead only front and rear two axle trucks. What is tricky about modeling the Shay is the rotating, bending, and changing length of the drive shaft, while maintaining a 90° crown gear connection to each axle as well as a connection to the vertical piston rods. It barely makes mechanical sense while studying the real engine. Trying to achieve this in a six wide (even eight wide) train with a pure LEGO solution seems to be impossible (ha, a challenge!)." I hope my 8-wide MOC answers this challenge! enjoy kurt
  11. FOUR replies here! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks, I am glad you enjoyed it! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am glad you like it's "cleverness"!! I liked the idea of racking the flatcar, which was why I did it! Sorry about the "no ghosts" though, But I am glad to give you any LEGO ideas I can! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not all of my MOCs have sails and/or reciprocating engines!! (close though!) I got that trick of using 1x5 technic plates somewhere on the web... You can see it well here: Note: that this is the only corner with a "good" step. Ooh!! Cool! A good flatcar with a large load of new cannons, just cannons! Carefully stacked and strapped/chained down nose to tail in layers!! Like a large shipment from the iron casting forge to the to the naval yard... I can see it! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am glad you appreciate my "original building techniques" The torn and twisted planking can be seen better in these pics: You can see that the planking is "suppose" to be torn up and off of the iron subframe, leaving the step far below the the wood deck planks. enjoy kurt
  12. I am pleased to bring you: Link to see more pictures: Old Swaybacked Flatcar (No Freeloading!) The Republic of Texas has gotten a Railroad! Or maybe just railroad equipment, or just rolling stock. OK, it's got a piece of rolling stock, I mean a piece of heavily USED rolling stock. All right it's got one beat-up old used flatcar. So, are you happy? Look, I know it's a piece of rolling cra... er, farmyard fertilizer. But it's the only thing we got so far, OK? I mean it may be racked, twisted, and swaybacked, but it's our racked, twisted, and swaybacked flatcar. SO THERE! enjoy kurt
  13. I just did some cross sections, I'll try to update them as you build! they are: a brick built mid section ----- slope inverted mid ----- jumper mid Note: that they are all the same width. enjoy kurt
  14. Way-a-go! Cpt. Green Hair! I like that you are even trying to to do this! In that sprint I have a "thought" (my brain hurts!). Why not use "slope 45 inverted" and "wedge plate (wing)" parts to widen the hull? I feel that you get a fairer (smoother) surface. I CADed up some versions for you, with five mid sections. enjoy kurt
  15. ??? On that web page: RTN goes to Brickworld 2009 http://www.mocpages.com/moc.php/132169 there are thumb nails and links to these two pictures: As to " post-civil-war Monitor" from: http://www.mariner.org/monitor/08_legacy/intro_monitor.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Passaic_class_monitor "Though Ericsson's original monitor is well known, it is not commonly understood that it served as a prototype for several other monitors built during the Civil War. In all, including the original Monitor, sixty monitor type ships were constructed during the war, and of these thirty-seven were actually commissioned. This new batch of monitor-type ships, designed by Ericsson are classed into two classes of vessel: the Passaic Class and the Canonicus Class monitors. Both of these classes were improved and enlarged designs of the original Monitor. During the course of the war ten Passaic class monitors were built, starting in 1862 with the Passaic followed with the Montauk, Catskill, Patapsco, Lehigh, Sangamon, Weehawken, Nantucket, and Camanche. As a class the Passaic's were remarkably durable, and many saw continued naval service off and on during the remainder of the 19th century. The Passaic-class ironclad monitors of the U.S. Navy saw service in the U.S. Civil War and the Spanish-American War. The last such monitor was stricken from the Navy List in 1937." Of coarse I am modeling the Republic of Texas Navy and my monitor is "suppose" to have been built in the late 1840s. You can read this for: The story behind why Republic of Texas Navy has a monitor. The story starts after the MOC's photos. The web site of my RTS LEGITOR a single-turret seagoing monitor kurt
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