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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Sam Mateo and Santa Clara are both pretty good. Worth the trip to both. Maybe the new system will help Pleasanton so don't count them out in the future.
  2. I have tried many times at my local store to buy a box only to be told I would be better off buying in cups. I was also told by an emplyee that the ordering process for the PAB wall pieces has changed. In the past there was a spreadsheet with the available pieces and each store would order their own boxes for stock. Some stores were more proactive with their ordering and always have a great selection, others like my local store in Pleasanton, have hardly any selection. Now TLG is auto shipping the boxes and the stores just get what they get. Might be better for my local store but maybe not so good for others.
  3. The villians are the counterpart for the heros. What if there was no joker, or the riddler, and such. It would be just a bunch of ambiguous guys wearing spandex. You are right that we need to wait for the second wave to be sure, so for now i will hold off buying any more princess sets. Maybe the issue is with the disney themed sets overall. They seem like they aren't very well thought out or maybe tthey just put forth as little effort as possible in the design. Maybe the designers have a strict set of guidelines handed down by the corporate side when it comes to disney. The line has potential, but is it directed at little girls only so much so that it loses its appeal to the afol types?
  4. Maybe I missed it but is there a review of the Cinderella's castle set? I recently was able to buy 2 of these for the price of 1, damaged boxes from a dealer on CL. Anyway, after putting one of the sets together I was a bit disappointed. The castle is pretty but is much smaller than expected. Not to mention it has only 1 play feature really, the spinning disc for making the mini dolls dance. That is another gripe of mine that there were only 2 mini dolls. The set has some nice pieces, nothing too special though. To be honest I doubt I would have ever bought one at full price. What is really missing from this whole disney princess line are the iconic Disney villians. What about Ursula the Sea Witch? Maleficent the evil queen? How about a Cruella DeVille set with her white limo? And how about few more mini dolls in the bigger sets? I like the concept and the sets are pretty, but I feel there is something missing.
  5. I spent the weekend attending this event with my 11 yr old daughter. I had attended the public days on the 3 prior years but this was my first time as an "attendee" of the convention. While there was a day dedicated to a general public viewing of the models, there was much more than that going on. I am not a real active member of this forum, or any other Lego themed forums, but I was able to meet and talk to many other Lego fans from around California and the west coast of the United States. There were many opportunities to interact with other members: speed builds, build in a bag, group bulids, as well as many seminars related to Lego. If you are in the bay area or even Northern California and are a Lego fan this even can't be missed.
  6. I noticed a few Target stores in the Bay Area, California have now placed a 10% mark-up on almost all of their Legos. San Ramon, and Walnut Creek both are now selling Legos at above MSRP. The Dublin store still has normal pricing. Anyone else noticed a 10% mark-up at Target?
  7. This thread is worthless without pictures! OK, so here is a few I took. Super detailed micro scale diorama. My vote for best in show. Not mine, but I got this set as a kid, my all time favorite birthday or Christmas gift.
  8. Well I made it, did anyone else? Just curious as to which model won the fan vote? I showed up at 11:00. All I can say is WOW, huge crowds, and really long line to get in. Forgot to buy tickets online and I didn't want to wait. Luckily I had brought along my Great America tickets, which was one block away. Spent a few hours at the theme park, then headed over to Bricks by the Bay. No line at all by 2:00 or so when I got there. I took a few pics, and spent a few bucks at your vendor area. Overall my daughter and I had a great time, thanks to all who helped put this thing on. The bigger room was nice, but as always there was room for more exhibits and more vendors. I plan on going back next year. Maybe my kid and I will have something to show?
  9. I went to the 2010 event. Waited over 45 mins just to buy tickets. Once I got in my daughter and I were very impressed with what we saw. Looks like your webpage states some changes will be made for this year, glad to hear it. So if I wanted to display something at the convention, how would I go abut getting signed up? Would I just need to register for the event and pay the event fee?
  10. Nice find. Still looking but no luck for me. I have found a few at full price, but not willing to bite till I see the price start with a 3. I did notice the City House getting marked down for clearance, only 15% off right now at Target. The City Corner for $15 just might have been a pricing gaff by Target. I noticed the other day a fully stocked shelf of the City Corner sets and a corrected price tag on the shelf. So if you were lucky enough to get one at $15, you really did get lucky.
  11. Plenty of the Gateway of the Squid for 50% off at the Target in Fremont in the Fremont Hub shopping center, also in San Leandro at the Bayfair Target. I found the Western Train Chase at the Hayward Target, off of Hesperian. It was the last one. This was the same Target I found the best deals at although all the sets are pretty well gone by now. Airport for 30% off, Battle of Endor for 15% off, and my beloved Battle of Alamut for 50% off just to name a few. The night I saw all these sets I had no extra cash. When I went back a few days later all I could find was the Train Chase set, so I bought it. Never did see that set on clearance anywhere else. Markdowns on clearance items happen sometime mid-week, most are at 50% to 75% off right now. I found a $150 tent I was looking at for 75% off along the way, that was a nice find too.
  12. Well my quest is over, for now anyway. Over the last 3 weeks I have gone to 13 different Target stores in Northern California. I was on a mission to find the Battle of Alamut for 50% off. I found one, but didn't have the money so I put it back. Went back to the same store just a few days later and it was gone. Never have found it for a discount again, only full price. For some reason I'm not interested in it at full price. Trolling the clearance sections of all these different Targets made me realize that not every Target has the same things on sale or markdown. One store has the item on clearance, but another Target just a few miles away has it for full price still. Take the POP Quest Against Time set. I found that set still full price at most of the Targets I went to, but I did find it for 50% off at only 2 of the stores I went to. Same with all the other POP sets. Some Targets(only a few) had them for 50% off, but only certain sets of the series were marked down not the whole series as you might think. City Corner for $15? I found the tag on the shelf at 8 or 9 different Targets (out of stock for that price of course), but a few still had them at full price with full shelves. I talked to the guy at the customer service counter and found they won't price match from another Target store. I was told to buy it at the store that had it at full price, and then return it to the store that had it for a discount. Once returned I would have to immediately re-buy it at the lower price. I though about it but since I already had the set I didn't bother. Seems a bit dishonest, but no more dishonest than Target playing games with their pricing. Hopefully someone will read this and go play the game for a pretty nice set. All in all I didn't do as well as I had hoped, but I did wind up with a few sets. Bought all these for 50% off: 7572 POP Quest Against Time 7749 Star Wars Echo Base 7207 Fire Boat 7597 Toy Story Western Train Chase 8057 Atlantis Wreck Raider I did pass on quite a few 50% off sets along the way. I found the Troll Mountain Fortress for $50(already have it), and plenty of Atlantis, Space Police, Power Miners, World Racers, and way too many Bionicle/Ben 10 sets. I might buy the Atlantis set if it goes to 75% off, but so far no Legos have been at the 75% off price around here. Although the clearance deals are winding down and are somewhat hard to find, there are still some deals out there for those willing to do the legwork. If anyone in the Bay Area has a heads up on the Battle of Alamut, let me know I will make the drive to get it.
  13. A little late, but I scored 2 sword holders, a headband, and a few stickers, All without a kid with me.
  14. Well capitalism is what it is, and it came full circle for me today. I was still butthurt over the extra $20 (as evident by this thread). I decided to hit craigslist this morning. Saw an ad for Hogwarts Castle for $90. Must be too good to be true, right? I met up with the guy and it was all legit. Factory sealed, in good condition. So talking with the guy, he also has a Hogwarts Express set, and a Freeing Dobby set all for $150. I already had the Dobby set, so I made the deal for $135 for the Hogwarts castle, and Hogwarts express sets. I immediately went and returned the Hogwarts castle to TRU for a full refund. I put $30 back into my pocket, and got Hogwarts Express, and kept Hogwarts Castle.
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