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Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by mahjqa

  1. The rebrickable page is now live. Enjoy! Or you could check the LXF file here:
  2. You can help getting this produced as a set! Please check here: Link to the Cuusoo page 10.000 votes and it may get produced. As I'm writing this, we're at 1500+ votes. Please get the word out. I love the think tanks from Ghost in the Shell. Tank, cat, spider, philosopher, AI superhero all in one. Built for Marchikoma
  3. When I was 3, my dad bought this: To this day, he claims it was a gift for me :D
  4. Grum; I suppose you are aware of the movie intouchables? I was wondering about your opinion on it. Personally, I thought it was an excellent movie, and would recommend it to anyone.
  5. That was intriguing, very inspirational.
  6. Is there, or will there be, an option to allow similar parts to be used? For example, there's this mold change: -> In roughly 90% of the cases, one can be substituted for the other. Or this one: -> I'm willing to bet that in 99% of the cases there's no functional difference between the two. Would it be possible to insert an 'or' function, as in "You're going to need 4 of this brick. Or 4 of that one. Doesn't matter, really."
  7. They still sell sets without PF. Apparently, the did their homework, looked at the sales figures and saw there's people who want sets with PF and sets without. So they sell both, so both these groups can be happy*. *Unless they are the kind of people who want a multimillion dollar corporation to listen to their whims because surely, their way of seeing things is ultimately right.
  8. They're still being sold. There you go. Lego wouldn't still include them in sets if people thought they were worthless. Their accountants have access to the sales figure down to the last cent. If PF didn't offer anything extra, it would be gone in an instant.
  9. Apparently, the technology is already there, here's one of their prototypes.
  10. I was led to believe that they were. Very keen eye, thank you for that. Can a mod please remove any mention from Lego's involvment from the subtitle?
  11. This deals with a new electronic system. It's described in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srIiQAUYkbY I've been asked to spread this survey: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dHk5MWkwb0RLTHdua1RCX05JaTNyZ0E6MQ Please tell them what you think about this product, and how it can be improved to suit your needs.
  12. Yes. When used properly. If you use it to change the speed of the pistons in a fake engine? Yawn. If you use it to drive 4 times more functions than you have motors (like your beloved space shuttle does)? Excellent. Recent technic sets have no shortage of those gearboxes.
  13. A technic truck based on the real-life Unimog, both of them released at a similar price point. How hard is the comparision? Cites: Catalog picture showing it priced at f78,50 Dutch inflation figures over the years.
  14. Because most kids don't give a flying rat's ass about gearboxes. All the rest of 8880's functionality has been replicated elswhere. It didn't even have doors, for 's sake.
  15. Im glad you folks like it! Anyway, off to the responses: I'm fairly certain that it isn't named after this guy, it's simply 'Tank' in reverse. In an odd way. I hope so, I'd love to see what other people do with this. You've seen at the end of the video? You've downloaded Lego Digital Designer to look at the LXF file? I wouldn't know what else would help you. Knowing Tank girl, more likely stickers are "I booze" or "I kangaroos".
  16. I don't know if Youtube is still blocking my videos in Germany, but just in case, here's a copy on Vimeo:
  17. For best results, I'd recommend two XL motors per battery box. Your weight question is irrelevant. Negating friction for a moment, if you gear down a motor to half the speed, it will be twice as strong. That being said, XL motors are pretty damn strong to begin with.
  18. Inspired by the 'Tank Girl' comic book series. And if all this has inspired you to build a tank, you're in luck!
  19. Wiseman is right; http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItemIn.asp?itemType=P&itemNo=32062&in=A&v=1&oV=Y&colorID=11&srt=2&srtAsc=D System sets still have them in black.
  20. The XL motor can twist axles. I'd say it's powerful enough.
  21. It's frickin' RED. Like they won't ever return. I'd be more worried about lime, blue, orange or white parts being discontinued.
  22. I don't think I can claim the colors yellow and black together as my own colorscheme. I mean, even bees used it before me! :D Very interesting vehicle though, looks very streamlined. It's also fun to see how you've improved the design over the previous version. I saw you didn't connect the rear springs. Maybe the hinge align tool (Shift-H) could work here? Click the pin, click the hole where you want it to go, and LDD tries to align the parts so they fit. Is there any chance you'll post a video of one of your Utahraptor trikes? I'm very curious how it performs.
  23. First, make sure you're running LDD in extended mode. Here you can find out how: http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=53760 I forgot where I found the panel, but you can copypaste the part from another LXF file.
  24. You are aware of this set, right?
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