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Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by mahjqa

  1. jorgeopesi; Thanks! VMLN8R: The hub drive system felt very odd to build; I kept expecting to bump into some sort of unworkable problem, and was quite surprised that it worked out so well. The only thing I'd want is a better gearing, the vehicle seems a little underpowered for something driven by two XL motors. I Lifelites requiring their own power source is a mixed blessing; it helps that the batterybox is only 2x3x8 studs; much easier to incorporate than regular boxes. No attachment points, though. And don't move to Europe for the snow; it's a bitch to deal with if you're not on a skiing holiday :D Freakwave: Thanks! The skis were a bit of an afterthought; on flat surfaces it stays upright, but on snow it just sinks in and topples over. The hub doesn't keep much snow out, I'm afraid. It still sticks to everything, and seems to work itself into every little corner. Worse still, if it gets squeezed between something (like gears) it turns to ice. One 8z gear didn't make it home... Also, I rebuilt it in LDD. Get the file here: (This is the version for indoors. You can add any kind of scoop you want.)
  2. More pictures: It's the season again; for the single time snow falls this year, I've built another snow vehicle. To be honest, it's offroad capabilities aren't exactly amazing, but I'm glad I got it to work anyway. Things of note: -Based on Lego's Arctic Expedition line. -Get gearing so that snow CAN NOT GET TO IT. It's like sand when it gets between the gears. (Which is why tracked vehicles won't last very long in snow, either.) -Consequently; just because I drive this in snow (which is simply frozen water) where it can get to the XL motors, doesn't mean you should. -Each XL motor has it's own receiver. Since receivers are limited in power, this actually improves performance a great deal. -Those Lifelites are damn bright.
  3. Your solution will still put all the strain on the single gear. The other gear is just floating.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/user/mahj http://www.flickr.com/photos/28134808@N02/ http://build.mahjqa.com/
  5. The only thing 8466 has going for it, is that it's rare. Perhaps those wheels. 8110 has better parts and more functionality. Also, the suspension doesn't fall apart when you blink at it.
  6. There are some more models here: http://build.mahjqa.com/
  7. Welcome. I hope you also have the remote control, because the remote conrol is crap for pretty much anything that's not a train. (images are clickable)
  8. If you can't see it, there's two other copies. Flickr: Vimeo:
  9. You were actually right. Sorry for being so blunt.
  10. Great work, this. Between the 'yo', the music, tight editing and glorious model... good stuff.
  11. I am in no way involved with this store or sale, and was not informed. Can't say I'm happy about that. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I've emailed him. We'll go from there.
  12. Great work! So, having built it, any comments on it? Is there something you (would have) improved? Also, it's just a detail, but on my Indrik I staggered the tracks, like this: This actually makes the ride a bit smoother, even with the parts added.
  13. Please resize your pictures. Anything above 1200*900 is not suitable for this forum. Some people aren't on highspeed internet connections, and there's no added value in keeping them this big.
  14. Well, boats float and planes fly. Now guess what's hard to do with Technic.
  15. Does anyone know what kind of axle goes into the dark grey part in this image? It doesn't seem to accept a regular axle, but whatever's in there also needs to go through a gear.
  16. Please take some pictures of the inventory in the back of the building instructions, so the part numbers are clearly visible. Thanks in advance.
  17. This is absolutely weird to look at. Just that someone took the time to rebuild this just using pictures and a digital file of the chassis... Great work filling in the gaps that weren't covered by either. And spending 600 bucks just to get the parts? Wow. That gets me thinking about how I didn't have to order anything for this, I just had it lying around...
  18. At some point better algorithms won't help anymore. The human eye and brain have got millions of years of evolution, and there's simply no software that will replicate it anytime soon. If you'd compare the mosaics I make, and the pictures they're made from, you'd see that they're not completely accurate. I've exaggerated edges, lines and fine details so they'd stand out, or completely rework eyes and hands so they work better given the limitations of the bricks. Any idea if you'll include mosaics with multiple orientations?
  19. Some examples of said mosaics: However, even though the computer does most of the grunt work, all of these have had a lot of manual tweaking before they're good enough. I hope your program supports some kind of editing after the software has had a go at it.
  20. How about you decide for yourself. Bye!
  21. More pictures: http://www.flickr.com/photos/28134808@N02/sets/72157623112621657/with/3419434996/
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