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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by CadBane

  1. Ok Thanks but Wampa Room???? Others are all great, I'm starting a layout now
  2. I'm planning on doing a large mod when I pick the Echo Base up. Other than these issues, is there anything else I should include? -Too Crowded -Bad Placement of Rooms -Bad Gun on left side -Random gun placement -No V-150 Ion Cannon -No Rebels -Only 1 Taun-taun -No Good Shield Generator -Not enough imperial forces I've got the 2 Hoth Battle Packs and I own 7666 with the wall, so I plan on building around the set with the extra minifigs and features while heavily modding stuff like the guns, shield, ect. What I probably won't be able to do is make an accurate roof, as a) I don't have enough grey without destroying a lot and b) I ust don't expect I'd have the patience to build it accurately. Anything else?
  3. CadBane replied to illspace's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Has anybody else seen the new pen set at tru? It was on the shelf beside the "poor mans C3po" and fett pen, but it had R2D2 in the pen and a light brown chewbacca beside it-anybody else seen this?
  4. Some questions- 1. How many figures will fit in the frigate? I know 1 in the cockpit and 2 in escape pods, but how many in the main storage space? 2.Are there any close ups on the bottom, inside, or engines of the frigate?
  5. Nice, we get a new Anakin torso Yup, I hope savages horns are prelims, as the colour is... off?
  6. Does anybody know of stores in Vancouver that carry the winter 2010 wave? TRU doesn't even have it on their canadian website anymore, but i'd like to pick the t-6 or BHG up. Thanks
  7. Where did you get it. I wonder if they have it in Vancouver TRUs? Or anywhere else? Thanks. Sorry KimT about the availabilty. On topic: Do we have pics of the summer 2011 sets yet? Again, thanks
  8. Wonder if the summer wave will feature any of the new jedi costumes in CW, such as Ahsokas new outfit. If you don't know what that looks like, click here: http://www.wired.com/underwire/2010/11/clone-wars-ahsoka-new-look/ (awkward new computer, haven't figured out link building yet )
  9. Few questions about the new sets. 1. How many peices will the sets have? 2. What features will they feature? 3. Are there any clear pictures of the SE sets? Thanks.
  10. Battle of Geonosis
  11. Quick question: When will Lego Star Wars III the clone wars be released? Amazon.com said October 2010, but this is obviously not true- Many other shopping sites are saying 2011. Some of the lego instruction booklets say Fall 2010, and Brickipedia says 2011. Which of these sources is reliable? Thanks.
  12. Does anyone have pics of the summer 2011 sets yet? On my "Its a fake!": I stand corrected.
  13. I'm new so am probably wrong, but in my opinion, this rumour is a total fake. Even though a Pelta frigate or Geonosis set would be nice. Huh! I've just found out from a secret secret source about a secret Cloud city coming out secretly next year.
  14. Holy **** thats amazing. Possibly one of the greatest MOCs ever! The only potential problem I could see was a few of the jedi were in 2 places at once! . Still, an amazing creation. Now we just need lego to make something half as good as this. Although I'm sure if they made this set, it would include Han Solo and a space skeleton. (minifig inconsistency joke!)
  15. Yay, we get another starfighter. How many is that for CW, now? 4? Seriously, why does TLC need to keep releasing similar sets with slight modifications. I see the flick fires have returned the tactical droid speeder looks the same as the one in dookus fighter only with other colours. I like the idea og getting more battle sets, but seriously. Since when is a jedi starfighter a ground assault vehicle. I like the figs though. can get another Windu, a new astromech, and a tactical droid . The staps and speeder are/is good army builders as well. I still would have preffered windus vehicle to be a fighter tank or cannon.
  16. I'd like... Cold Assault Rex A CW geonosian -Maybe a battle pack! An arc trooper Jedi Master Di There it is.
  17. I'd like a good jedi robes one. The more the merrier- Lots of robes are wanted!!! Thanks peeps
  18. Next years sets all look promising. Hate the barc speeder though.
  19. Great work! A little blocky, but the size and shape is good and I like the storage compartment!
  20. I would like.... 1. a large geonosis set, cw or canon detailed, not like battle of endor lots of jedi-ki-adi mundi, luminara, ect. acklay-would be awesome if it was cw, a supertank or geonosian cannon would be nice 2. the malevolence. I know you can make a midi scale with peices from 2009 sets if you can download the instructions file, but a minifigure scale one would be nice. We'd get another cw grevious, a bunch of droids, a cw padme, and repeats of various jedi. The ion cannon would probably feature a bunch of cool peices. 3. A little weird, but i think a battle of Orto Plutonia would be cool. Although I hate battle of endor, i would love it to be similar. Thee vehicles would be cool. Another couple of freeco speeders, maybe for obi-wan, quite a few barcs, built better than the new battle pack one . On the side of the talz, there could be some of those creatures they ride. A republic base would be a nice fit too. It would come with a bunch of talz, obi wan and anakin in gear, rex in cold assault armour, some cold assault troopers and a a few pantorans. Some other ones could be.... zillo beast attack-although the beast would probably be a plastic nightmare cloud city medical base attack on kamino-from cw, maybe some tridents. At the least we'd get some arc troopers
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