Fx Bricks (Michael Gale) announces Fx Track system
The blog on the Fx website was last updated over 6 months ago, stock is non existant - not good signs in my book. :-/
Fx Bricks (Michael Gale) announces Fx Track system
Does the space between those tracks match the distance if your using Lego switches?
Fx Bricks (Michael Gale) announces Fx Track system
Sounds great! Ordered another set of straights. :-)
Fx Bricks (Michael Gale) announces Fx Track system
The silence is worrying me. Should have bought more straights. :-(
Fx Bricks (Michael Gale) announces Fx Track system
I was at the BTST 2022 and Michael was there with some of his tracks and they also had a small layout. He did an Interview in YouTube. I saw it live and found the video on YouTube.
4. LEGO Train meeting "BSBT22" in Schkeuditz / Germany
Will be there on sunday with my boys!
- A review of the first elements from the FX Track system
Fx Bricks (Michael Gale) announces Fx Track system
So, are there any news?
Another station heading for 10,000 on ideas
Wow, that is a really nice looking station.
Fx Bricks (Michael Gale) announces Fx Track system
It totally looks like mix of the old train controller and the technic controller from the 90s. I like it a lot!!! :)
Fx Bricks (Michael Gale) announces Fx Track system
This Just popped up on my youtube feed. :) It looks awesome!
invitation to 3rd lego train fan meeting Schkeuditz / Leipzig (Germany)
Great, we are looking forward to tomorrow! :)
invitation to 3rd lego train fan meeting Schkeuditz / Leipzig (Germany)
I forgot about this topic but I saved the date in my calendar and I just received a reminder. Are visitors allowed? And yes, we were in Ferropolis 3 years ago. It was awesome! :)
invitation to 3rd lego train fan meeting Schkeuditz / Leipzig (Germany)
Wow, just saw this post and had a look at the pictures of last years event. Living in Wörlitz I will be sure to visit the event (if possible giving the current health situation) with my two boys. We just built a layout with my old 9V trains. See you in August! :)
- A review of the first elements from the FX Track system
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