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Eurobricks Dukes
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Everything posted by Brainbox

  1. I'll give you that one then, if it's within the issue itself. Stuff like that really bugs me... I believe the first issue was out last week, with the second to follow at the beginning of November.
  2. Ooh, pretty! I happen to be rather partial to a bit of Firefly, so it's great to see this! I like the way you've incorporated some light into the engine, it really takes the whole thing up a notch. Great work!
  3. Having finally seen the new pictures, I have to say that I like, even if they do bear an eerie similarity to the sets of old. But you know what, I don't care a jot! The minifig updates are gorgeous, we get a set with Supes, WW and Luthor (!) and we get more Bat-vehicles. And as any Bat-fan knows, there are never enough Bat-vehicles. And wait a moment, do I see '66-esque Bat-labels in the cave? I think I do! The possible Marvel set names sound interesting too. I'm particularly interested in seeing that separates an Avenging Cycle from an ordinary motorbike.
  4. Cheers guys! Also, a Happy Birthday to my fellow birthday-er!
  5. It's been a thoroughly nice few days! I nipped out wearing a leather jacket the other day... Bad idea, I think I started to cook! Typical though, as soon as my birthday came round today, the sun vanished...
  6. Brainbox replied to emilec's post in a topic in Buy, Sell, Trade and Finds
    Hmm. This disappoints me. Although I read that Asda were going to be stocking them (?), so I shall have to look there this week.
  7. Brainbox replied to emilec's post in a topic in Buy, Sell, Trade and Finds
    Liverpool had the iPod game and (I think) the Winter Post Office out today, but they said the Pudsey was in the back ready and won't be on shelves until Monday. They seemed disappointed about this wait, mind, so I think it must be a Children in Need rule.
  8. It'd be nice if this time we could send off for them all together like we could in the old days of the Mirror promos. I doubt we'll be able to, of course, if we couldn't last time. We students can't get to Smiths every day, see...
  9. Perhaps we should have a tea break, then get back to the running out thing all refreshed?
  10. Brainbox replied to bricked one's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Wow, I love it! Particular kudos for managing to hide all the joints so seamlessly in truck mode, always one of the more difficult things to do. And he's posable to boot! Plus, well... come on, it's Prime!
  11. You mean he doesn't normally? I really must get round to reading the New 52s I've picked up, I've got a bit of a reading backlog going on at the moment. While I'm not sold on some of the changes that have been made, I'll go in with an open mind. The old stories are still out there, waiting for me to buy all those stunning trades and hardcovers anyway.
  12. Thanks for the review. I have to say, nice as I thought this set was from having seen all the photos emerging, it wasn't really one I wanted... Until I spent a while today examining it in the window of the Lego shop in Liverpool, and I have to say, I think I've fallen in love with it. It's gorgeous!
  13. Brainbox replied to lego-maniac's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    Ooh, I'm liking! A nice atmospheric scene, combined with some rather unusual "Gotham-y" building designs makes for a very nice result! I shall be following with interest.
  14. Brainbox replied to Kikuichimonji's post in a topic in Community
    I went to the Lego shop in Liverpool today, and came away with a small PAB tub, an Alien Quest battlepack, a Pharaoh's Quest battlepack, two keyrings, a build-a-minifig (well, three for £3.50), two Series 5 minifigs and 40019 Brickley the Sea Serpent. I just can't resist a nice polybag!
  15. Brainbox replied to emilec's post in a topic in Buy, Sell, Trade and Finds
    I'll see what I can do if I find any more.
  16. See, it's the little pernickity details we Brits love to fuss over!
  17. Dark Victory, the follow-up, is really rather good too, I'd definitely recommend it. In fact, to be perfectly honest, I'd recommend anything that has Tim Sale's art involved.
  18. Brainbox replied to Brainbox's post in a topic in Culture & Multimedia
    I'm afraid we transfans are like that...
  19. Brainbox replied to Kikuichimonji's post in a topic in Community
    I grabbed six Series 5 minifigs in TRU (I don't know which ones I have yet, I've not had chance to open them), and then stumbled onto 4738 Hagrid's Hut for £20 and 4841 Hogwarts Express for £19! I have to say, not a bad deal...
  20. Brainbox replied to The0's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    I do nurse a certain penchant for alternate models... Of course, it helps that this one is rather neat to boot! The use of the tyres is rather neat, and I think the doors (with the LEGO logo) look rather nifty there too. Plus it definitely looks swooshable!
  21. Brainbox replied to emilec's post in a topic in Buy, Sell, Trade and Finds
    More new offers in Tesco, they're having a proper clear out! I went in one of the home plus shops this evening and managed to grab: 4738 Hagrid's Hut- £20 (we've seen this already, of course) 4841 Hogwarts Express- £19! There was also a pile of stickers waiting to be put on the correct shelves, but the sale prices are in effect now because I overheard someone asking: 8093 Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter- £6 7741 Police Helicopter- £2.25 5929 Knight and Castle Building Set- £4 5930 Road Construction Building Set- £4 I think there were a few others as well, but I didn't get chance to check all the labels. I see no reason why these offers shouldn't carry over to the main store, which is good... I think I'd quite like to take advantage of some of those other offers if possible. But, alas, I'd spent up... In other news, I spotted the Star Wars Advent Calendar in TRU today. It was full price, but it's good to see it appearing on shelves.
  22. Brainbox replied to Brainbox's post in a topic in Culture & Multimedia
    One of the wonderful thing about Transformers is its ability to change (if you'll pardon the pun) into something new every few years or so. So either we get a continuation of the film series, a new film series with a new style and direction, or something else altogether. Whichever, I'll be looking forward to it!
  23. We'll know more once some more issues are released, but not that much has happened to Batman. His history has been condensed to fit into the new timeframe, so everything happened over five years. Although there have been rumours that Bruce started operating in secret as an urban legend before the first public superhero (ie. Superman now) came on the scene. As far as is known at the moment, Bruce and the gang are ever so slightly younger, with Dick and Babs in their early twenties, and Bruce in his early thirties. Babs was paralysed (so Killing Joke happened), but then she "got better" and is now Batgirl again. All the Robins are canon, they just each spent less time with Bruce in costume. To that end, the idea of Robin is now being treated more like an intern-ship, where each Robin is intended to progress to their own identity (Nightwing, Red Robin, etc.) In particular, the reboot Bat-books all take place post-Batman Inc. so that's the status quo at the moment. Which is awesome, because it's a great idea in my opinion. Until more comes to light, that's all we know. Bats is one of the least changed, so you're in luck there.
  24. How could I miss that? I was really surprised, I was up in Dundee for a ceilidh last weekend, and it seemed to be the only part of the country not raining!
  25. When I'm not depressed? Although having said that, I do find that pottering about with a few bricks does often cheer me up a bit. Even if it doesn't go anywhere. As far as time scales go, I'd have to say afternoon and evenings. Mornings aren't my thing at all, and while I often feel at my most creative in the middle of the night (weirdly), I can't help but imagine the rest of the household might not appreciate being woken by rattling Lego boxes.
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