Everything posted by Darth Jar Jar
UK Sales
Argos are giving a free lego max minifig if you join at Which is prettey good considering the exclusive parts on the max minifig
Eurobricks guild on Lego universe
I would join but all my guys are on storm I could create a new guy though for overbuild though Btw congratulations Jebediahs I saw you on the winners list for the survival contest
UK Sales
John lewis the other day were selling the orient bazzar for £6 so I bought one and some off the other games they also had ehro factory %50 off
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Well this pretty much confirms the rumors off the star wars advent calender I wonder what the price will be and what it will include, hopefully some nice minifigs and some mini's Source.
2011 NINJAGO sets
Heres a pics of Nyas,Cole DX and Nuckals spinner sets
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Mraz 'Skintas posted in the what did you buy today thread and said that he got a mini V-Wing and stormtrooper promo set inside his clone trooper battle pack
LEGO UNIVERSE: Dragon Team-Ups
I would fight dragons with you but my main character (which is sentinel) is on storm universe because im in the UK But I do have one character on overbuild which is on venture he has full rank 3 daredevil gear but not buccaneer Also I think I have seen you on as well
[Star Wars] A Pair of Figures from the Old Republic
Wow these figures are so detailed I just love them
UCS Sandcrawler MOC
This is a big projetc and im sure it will be amazing also I always thought a sandcrawler would look good snoted out
UK Sales
Anyone noticed that the tantive IV has gone up by £22 good job I got it earlier this year and the imperial shuttle has gone down £5
Lego is out of their minds!
Yes you can do that if you want but then you aren't getting as much accessories and the skellie doesn't have the shoulder armor which is one off the important features to the skellies Also it doesnt come with a spinner or cards And finally you got your price mixed up its 7 not 4
Modular Building 2011
Why does everybody go CC,GG,FB and GE when we are all forgetting about MS Also so MS had the hint off GG with the vegetable crates on the side off the street and the guy in he green overalls was a hint to the color off the building like the tan purse to the GE?
UK Sales
Yeah I saw that the other day when I was there,they have a dot cheat sheet behind the desk and when I was there some kid asked when they would new pirates so he said the new ones would be pirates off the caribbean so I said yeah I have seen pictures off them they look very good so the guy at the counter goes o the store computer to see what they look like I got only a glimpse off them they look good
Lego is out of their minds!
I have to disagree in some way. We are getting cards a spinner which is a whole new mold to this theme which you cant get in the normal sets. Think how much a pack off pokemon cards or yu gi oh cards sell for then look how much a CM sells for then you get the spinner which you is a lego beyblade really which are quite expensive and then there is the blister packaging which is more expensive so in all in all I think what some people are looking at it is just for the minifig when there is a whole lot more in that pack Also it is selling very well when I went to my local tesco they had just put all the spinners out and when I came back to get more later in the day they were all gone I am not sure if it is going to be like this in the US but in the UK its selling very well right now from what I have seen.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
I am not sure if anyone has pointed this out but in this kingdoms set the person in the bottom middle with the darktan hair could be the new luke hair If so it looks mighty fine!
Lego jobs video reveals 2011 sets!
Oops I meant the top left corner sorry
2011 NINJAGO sets
Yes but the sensei wu in the fire temple has a black suite maybe its his DX suit
2011 Kingdoms + US prices
Its definitely not lion castle if you look where the red roof is you can see the sunset sky is coming over past the tower but on the lions castle its only on the right side Though I may be wrong its a very blurry pic
2011 NINJAGO sets
I like it. I don't think anyone else will get it like that I have most off the ninjago sets and not one off the figs is missprinted
2011 Kingdoms + US prices
Yeah I thought that at first but there isn't much off a castle and there is loads of dark green and black
Lego jobs video reveals 2011 sets!
Has anyone noticed in the top right corner there is a set with some kind off dark green car in sort off a jungle environment. Could this be a a new part off pharaohs quest like with the old adventurer sets EDIT the boat transport looks fantastic too bad its a limited edition
2011 Kingdoms + US prices
I am not sure if this has been posted but if you look in the left hand bottom corner there a kingdom set off some kind Thanks to aaronptrck for the image
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
What are you talking about this pic clearly shows he has loads off detailed printing on him
UK Sales
Where the flames the new mold or old mold??
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Oh yes I knew lego if they made a mini slave 1 would use that technique for the cockpit
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