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Eurobricks Dukes
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About jorgeopesi

  • Birthday 01/23/1978

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    Lego Technic 8043
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    Powerlifting and rugby.


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  1. Thanks twice, your suggestion is correct but it would be too much weight on the front part, but anyway it was useful because I put the steering motor on the front and I was able to put the battery lower than before. That is why I like to share all my progress, you can have good advice at any time, a first slook from someone outside the project may be better than mine. Now I will give another chance to the back part...
  2. It is finished, I tried to do back part but I failed... I will open a thread a will try to do a short explanation and video. A 8x8 tatra with 2 steered axles each one with different angle steering and full suspension no more no less with 0nly 705 parts so far. The part I like the most is that you can easly change the gears due the modular construction looking for speed or climbing.
  3. Very nice looking MOC we are very similar making videos, manual MOCs are a nightmare to show... and we have similar breathing too .
  4. Very cool MOC, it is faster than I thought so it seems fun to play with.
  5. Thanks, I had not seen it. I worked a little and I almost finished the instructions.
  6. Awesome mini work I also thought it was the original set .
  7. Awesome scary crane , seeing the more tensioned parts would be interesting.
  8. I like the color scheme and all the compact design, MOCs like that make me want to build bikes but I don´t how yet .
  9. Happy new year and also new total chassis redesign but finished... It was not as strong as I wanted so I come back to the rubber liftarm solution, now it is stronger ald lower. This is the rubber suspension on every axle. The chassis now is enough stronger. The motors and battery are easily removable and you can change the gears easily to get more power, speed or whatever. Now I want to do the back part and another cabin types to can have different trucks, classic or trial trucks for example.
  10. Thanks for the instructions I do not have the motors but I will see your work to learn something.
  11. Which is the vehicle and what do you want for the axles, suspension, differential steering etc?. In that scale should be possible to achieve something good.
  12. I does not matter you can use them as you wish because you can change them in the drive central axle.
  13. The pics I promised. As usual the part I am more very proud is the steering and you can see it is a non asimetric tatra, I can not with that awful tatra charasteristic. I will do some changes in the chassis for the instructions but just some small ones. I do not like the Lego control but it will be easy to change it for the power functions.
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