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About GoldVillage

  • Birthday 08/15/1978

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  1. L120 needs to be build with a tire size of approx 74-75 mm to match the L350 in scale
  2. No, cars dont sell better they just taking short cuts because they lack imagination and creativity, thats also why we dont get any more b-models. Also its disgusting to see how they prey on the younger & unexperienced buyers to let them actually believe that some sets are electrical (power functions) when they are not. Last year we had the 42175 and now we getting the same false advertising in the Volvo L120 "electric". This seems like a scam/fraud attempt and thats the new road they are taking?
  3. It does, very cool design and alot of functions. By far the best set in 1H
  4. Those days are long gone... its an absolute joke what technic has become, and with all their cars license it only gonna get worse I can give you that info right now: just more cars
  5. Only way to justify that price is if its pneumatic (highly doubt)
  6. Its getting worse and worse every year... so they choosed to make a backhoe as a mini set with basically no functions, and then we getting like 7 cars (and/or some bikes) as the larger sets.... and this is 1H alone, expect more cars in 2H I bet 5
  7. Both are horrible, no where in places when theres some load put on should there ever be these weak cross axle connectors because they always cracks
  8. As a fan of monstertrucks (especially in RC) i would love to see such tires. Maybe they could be designed to use 2 existing rims put side by side
  9. Come on guys we all know the 80's was the best ;)
  10. Indeed! and these new switches would be perfect to mount in the roof since the 5 hole wide base wont cause it to bend and flex like the old ones did
  11. Actually they do, but its more like a return to center function i dont think its able to turn the grabble while loaded with timber
  12. Mini LA's for the blade works fine =) However whats missing is the rotating for the grabbler (just geared axle with a knob would had done it) but still, this seems to be the best set for years
  13. The 24t gear has a lose poor contact with the small 8t gear, they want to skip apart during load. I suggest you replacing the grey 6x1 plate with a 8x1
  14. Yeah ofcourse! its the direction they taken... 2020 was bad enough but i said 21 was going to be even worse (it was) and 22 was going to be worse than 21 (it was) and 23 was going to be worse than 22 (it will) so now we only getting ONE useful construction set (the mini sets and the polybag shouldnt even be counted) 2024 will be easy to predict: bike, boat, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, aircraft
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