Everything posted by joeygunns
Lack of medieval figs in minifig series.
"Lego, Y U NO make one?" "Lego, Why do you not make one?" So every time I make a spelling error I get chewed out on it, but then someone is allowed to use a internet meme with poor spelling in the title.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
yes that is a moc a doubt lego would be that tardy
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
sadly those prices look just about right
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
cool haldir comes with helms deep
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
im gonna guess we will get screwed when it comes to the price AGAIN! these are my estimates gandalf arrives $20 shelob $34.99 uruk hai $45 orc forge $50 weathertop $70 mines of moria $99 helms deep $150
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
whats up with the orcs hair pieces? since when did the orcs have mullets? my thoughts on the sets gandalf arrvives: cool set to start out on shelob attacks: another cool set not sure if i should get it or not orc forge: no intrest seems like its for army builder fanboys and glowing eyes huh!? weathertop: ive been debating weather or top (hehe) to get this set urukhai army: looks cool but its not emoer! its just a random soldier! mines of moria" looks cool! ill probably get it helms deep: looks cool as well come to think of it i might get all the sets so i can review them on youtube
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
I think the sets look great!! My 7 year old self would go mental over these sets, as a matter of fact I know my nephews will go absolutely mental over these sets! I'm a huge fan of Sean Bean so I cannot wait to have a Sean Bean minifig!
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
well if everyone is being nit picky, shouldn't gimli be a bit taller then the hobbits?
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
umm whats all this talk about indy? can we please get back on topic? at my local k-mart there are still alot of sets around, i think its because the sets were so expensive here.
Bricks 'N Pieces Magazine scans...
those were the days. I still have the shell of my black seas baracuda! They don't make them like they used to.
Celebrating Three Years of the Reviewers Academy!
Happy Birthday To You!
One million views!
How Exciting! Well Done Guys!
POTC - Black Pearl!
Hmm, It looks like "Brickbeards Bounty" painted black...
A Game of Thrones
They're fantastic! I like the hound and the mountain! Nice job on Pycelle's chains :) Great work!
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
I saw the movie on Friday, I went to my local cinema which was the only place where they weren't showing it in 3D ( I really can't stand 3D) I was the only person in the cinema which was fantastic. The reviews have been overly harsh in my opinion, The film like the other POTC films are just plain fun. Grab some popcorn, a coke and sit back and enjoy yourself. Oh yes, there is a scene at the end of the credits if you feel like sticking around.
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
I think its around $199.
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
I saw that at my local K-mart as well, I haven't seen it anywhere else. POTC sets are now in stock at Target at Garden City (or now westfield as its not called) in Newcastle, I picked up the i picked up the Isla De Muerta for $39, I know i said I wasn't going to get any, but the sets are great and the captain Jack minifig is fantastic.
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Lego has to be absolutely INSANE with those prices! I know the "cost of living is set to rise" but honestly this is (excuse the pun) flat out piracy! I assume if the Fountain of Youth set is $39 dollars i assume the captains cabin must be around $20, I think i will skip this.
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
You should see the Australian prices.
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
No sign of the POTC sets at K-mart. I'm guessing we will be getting them in May.
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
I'll be making a trip to Sydney if they do have them
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
I guess we will all just have to play the waiting game and see what happens next week.
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
This release date is rather frustrating, One source says April 16th another May 1st. I wish LEGO could sort out the release dates. Have they even said when they will be released?
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
K-mart now has series 4 of the minifigs, I didn't pick any up due to screaming kids in the LEGO aisle.
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
I walked into my local K-mart this morning. I quickly glanced up the LEGO aisle, the local k-mart store is pretty pathetic when it comes to stocking any new products. So i thought "just look up there you may never know" as i turned and looked i saw that they have extended their lego section. Then i saw a k-mart worker stacking the shelves with new LEGO boxes. I got excited, my excitement went up to 11 when i saw those boxes looked awfully like the POTC boxes we have seen photos off. As i got closer i saw that those boxes were hero factory boxes.
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