Everything posted by joeygunns
Our Zorro (Dieter) passing away
Sadly i did not know Dieter, R.I.P Dieter my thoughts and prayers go out to his friends and family.
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Awesome, thanks for the info! I really hope it's not a store exclusive.
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Does anyone know when Pharaoh's Quest comes out here?
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
Does anyone else think that those pictures are not the "official" photos? I think i can only spot one Captain Jack looking mini fig and where it says number of pieces there is a big XXXX (maybe that means beer comes with each sets-that's a joke for all the Aussies out there) Also on the Cannibal island set it looks like those islanders are just computer generated minifigs.
What about ancient Roman and Greece sets?
When gladiator first came out i built a chariot and a few roman soldiers using the pieces i had at the time.
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
There is a feature on the new movie in the new "Empire" magazine issue for anyone that is interested. Pirates is something i grew up with, i'm not all that fussy about pieces or prices so pirate Lego is better then NO pirate Lego. I think the QAR looks awesome while i am a bit of a history buff i can put that aside to enjoy a movie.
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
Youtube but here is a link. there is the trailer. here is the promo Captain Jack did a few months ago.Enjoy.
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
C'mon guys the only pics we have seen are rather small and doesn't really give us a clear indication of what the sets will be. I wish the guy could of taken a photo of each set by themselves, but its better then nothing i guess.
MOC: Russian Metro station.
i love the little railway car, well done.
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
yeah i know, i was replying to a guy that asked if we would see topless women in a disney movie.
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
its a fantasy movie, pirates of the caribbean isn't really the place to get your historical information from. Do you really think we will see topless ladies in a disney movie? no? well there is your answer.
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
one of my pet peeves about this thread is the negativity, we DON'T know what the sets look like. Wait until we see photos before we all start judging the sets "they look good on paper"
Athens, 6th century BC
WOW! what a beautiful piece of art!!! well done!!
Will the switch to natural-flesh-toned Pirates will be permanent?
1) i think its too early to tell what will happen after this wave.(pun?) 2) flesh doesn't really bother me that much, i'd much rather see them in the flesh (mr jones i think you have started a tidal wave of puns!) 3)I don't have much of an army...i'm sure some people will just use the bodies from the potc range and replace the heads with yellow.
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
Found a behind the scenes video on youtube from the new movie. I think it gives us some better idea of the set pieces from the movie and how they might translate into lego. I re-watched the trilogy on the weekend, i'm looking forward to seeing how lego pulls this off, of course im a classic pirate fan from childhood but after last years disappointing pirate range im optimistic to see pirates of the caribbean lego. I'm most excited about "the london escape" set..simply because of this.. I assume the scene they were filming has something to do with escaping from london..why else would captain jack be riding on top of a horse and carriage? I think we may be getting a horse and carriage in the london escape set :) Queens annes revenge looks like a huge ship, i'm hoping the captains cabin set can fit inside the ship, that would be very cool.
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
guys i've just found a photo of the Queen Anne's Revenge from the film here is something interesting from the behind the scenes information from the article above. "The Queen Anne's Revenge is portrayed by the Sunset, which previously portrayed the Black Pearl in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest and Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. In 2010, the Sunset was redesigned to portray the Queen Anne's Revenge in Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" So from what i gather the same ship that was the black now the Queen Anne? don't be too disappointed about the black pearl and flying dutchman the QAR looks like a beast!, i'm still hoping for a Davy Jones minifig, but the range sounds good so far
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
I think i read somewhere that in the new movie the Black Pearl is the Queens Anne's Revenge.
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
Am i the only one that is excited about a possible Keith Richards minifigure
LEGO Collectable Minifigures General Discussion
I just wish the stores in Australia could start stocking cant TLG send some more our way! also when people buy like 60 bags..its pretty selfish..meh im not even gonna bother with the minifigs anymore.
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
So last week i went on the hunt for the Minfig series 1 at the local stores, first stop on my list was Toys R us, i walked to the lego little yellow bags :( BUT i sore a empty Yellow box, i thought "hmm perhaps target has them" to my luck target had a whole bunch of them on the shelves..not wanting to be greedy i picked up five and made my way back home. opening them i found i had the zombie, the wrestler, the scuba diver, the ninja and the robot, i put them on my books shelf along with the Indian that i got off ebay. The next week i went back to target to find the display box of minfigs gone and only one last packet on top of a prince of persia box so i brought that one and got the magican. i was talking to the lady at the checkout we had a nice little convo about the minifigs and how cool it is that you don't know which one your getting, she told me they were not meant to come out till june. So i'm just wondering if any Aussies know when they will be released here, June? are they out now? or has the time come and gone already? i know that they will be hard to get..but man i want that forest man! I'm praying i haven't missed out..but i'm guessing target released them a bit too early before the other shops did cause my local hobbie shop that sells alot of the lego sets you can't get in the stores hasn't got them yet.
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