Everything posted by Darth Yogi
- [MOC] ARC-170 starfighter (Instructions)
REVIEW: 9492 TIE Fighter
Thanks for the review. I really love this set, even more because of this, and am planning on picking this set up as my first one of this wave. Great review
Bahamian Rhapsody
I it. This seems so alive. I love all the differnt buildings and every thing going on in the street. Great job
Review: 9490 - Droid Escape
This is an awesome. Lot of pictures of this very nice set. The photos are great quality. I really love that new head, and can see some great customization pieces in my future. Great review
Sheathipede-class transport shuttle
This looks very nice. The greebling on the side is great. This must be huge as that is the slave 1 cockpit Great job
WIP Ship
Thanks. I started this shortly after visiting the USS Constitution, so some details, and color are inspired by that. Then I used a picture in a book for size proportions, like length to height of masts and how far apart they are. But the details are not taken from that.
WIP Ship
Thanks for the comments. Thanks, it's great to hear a great shipbuilder like you likes it. I hadn't actually finished the yards. some don't even have anything. But I don't know what the proportions for the should be, since I have no views of the ship I'm using straight on shot of the yards. Any suggestions would help. Also thanks for the tip on the mastheads
Le Sans Fin
Thanks, and the gold safe was not that exciting, except it was shiny Thanks for the blogging.
WIP Ship
New photos added, tell me what you think.
Banana Republic
Very impressive army, and the leader looks great. I never would have thought that Banes head would work for a gorilla, but it most certainly does. Maybe they should all be wearing nice cloths Great job
MOC: Minifig Sculpture
Awesome. I love how technical it is. It can do every thing a minifig can, such as hold the accessories, and the opening briefcase ... Awesome. Great job
Midi Star Destroyer under attack! The Rebels arrived...
All of these look great but the Nebulon-B Escort frigate really sticks out. The detail for the size is great, and I especially love the pirate hooks. Great job
This looks very nice. The eyes really complete the figure. I also like the compartment in the base. Great job
Brickvention - SW representing
These look like some awesome creations. Thanks so much for these pics. The Hoth stuff looks great.
MOC: M113
This looks very nice. I really like the SNOTed side and the overall smoothness. It's nice that you made a little scene for it. It's nice to see it in action. Great job
MOC: USS Reliant NCC-1864
I've been watching some Star Trek recently, and this looks superb. The shaping, the size, and the awesome details like the docking bay are amazing. Most certainly the best Star Trek ship I've seen. Really great job
Lego Uncharted
I have to say that hair really make the fig. It looks like it could be used for a lot of hero characters. Great job
LOTR Project Preview: Sauron
Great combo of customs and your own work. This looks fantastic, but maybe some more spike such as on the shoulders might finish his evil look. Great job
Le Sans Fin
[pid][/pid]200B Here is something I built a little while ago. It was inspired by a MOC I saw on Toomuchcaffine's Flickr. I had it on a shelf for a little while. I took a picture (this one) to show someone I know. It kinda slowly got destroyed and this was the only picture I had, and I cut the background. It had interior to the buildings, and a secret entrance to a gold safe under the rocks. so here it is and enjoy. By Darth Yogi on Flickr. Thanks for looking. Please C&C.
Lost Glory
That looks very nice. The shape it gives is great, but with all the holes I think it looks awesome as a sinking ship. I really like the technique on the smaller ship too, and very clever use of the seats. Great job
Review: 9491: Geonosian Cannon
This is an awesome review. I love when someone puts so much effort into a review. That Gree picture makes me want him even more. Great job
EB SW X-mas Raffle 2011
Got mine (B) yesterday. Thank so much CopMike I can't wait to use them in a MOC or something
EB SW X-mas Raffle 2011
Ah damn, I should have traded No, just kidding, but I can't wait to get my figures. Thanks so much CopMike
Ewok Treehouse or: homedisplaying the cute furry things
Agreed, that really caught my attention as well. I always love a good Endor scene, and this is no exception. The huge size also makes this so cool, and accurate. Great job
[LDD MOC] TIE/in Interceptor
Wow, another great TIE from you. I really want to see one of these in real LEGO I must say the back is my favorite part, and how you made it is very clever. Great job
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