I'd love to see a Police Station (come on, we got a Fire brigade and a Bank already!), a Hospital (yeah, I know there's one being released this year, but it's not a modular one), a Train/Bus Stration (you know we need a big, modular one!) and a Theatre/Opera House (we have a cinema, so why not; an amphitheater would be great).
I's also like to see a Post Office, a School, a Library and a Museum/Art Gallery (any combination of two or three of these would be nice), an Arcade (a very European one with lots of arches), a mechanical repair shop, maybe with a filling station and garage, a Marina/Boathouse, and some "farm/country" buildings like farm houses, barns, storage silos and mills -- why not a Zoo?
And I do think we need more residential buildings: condos, high-rise buildings, town houses.
A couple of commercial buildings would be nice too: pharmacies, malls, hotels and a skyscraper -- definitely a at least one skyscraper!