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Everything posted by Rolli

  1. Rolli posted a post in a topic in Guilds of Historica
    Convenient to Christmas I hereby present "The Alchemist": Situated in Albion, Erlan the Elfen alchemist runs his business in this upper class house. Made from wood and in green tones you can clearly see it's Avalonian roots. On the right behind the carriage we can see Ninfoodle the Peddlar trading mushrooms from the elven forest with Erlan: A closer shot: Finally the cast of this scene: From left to right: Ninfoodle the Peddlar, Erlan the Elfen alchemist, Generic Avalonian farmer, Generic nobleman, Archmage Septua Comments and critiques always appreciated! With this moc I also want to wish you all a merry christmas and a peaceful holiday! Best regards, Sir Moriartus / rolli
  2. I'd like to take No. 60. With No. 59 being the Mages Guild, I'd like to errect an alchemist! Best regards, Sir Moriartus
  3. Wasn't meant to be offensive, just to everyones information. But yeah, mines with small dwarven workers and a grey wise man fighting a diabloesque balrog - why not? Need to find some hobbits though ;)
  4. I don't think so. Yet. And to make it clear: I did not take the reference from Tolkiens Lord of the Rings but from my photographic projects (moriartus.com). Moreover "moria" is greek for olive tree... Just to make sure cause everyone is asking :/ (Sir Moriartus -> Moria -> doesn't it look like it could be logical?) Greetings!
  5. May I present - the Watchtower of Moria Guarding the Pastures of Moria that I still have to claim. And with this amount of cheese slopes I may consider building a cheese dairy.. ;) Best regards!
  6. Rolli posted a post in a topic in Guilds of Historica
    Greetings! My mighty watchtower - guarding the Pastures of Moria! Still preliminary pictures, I will update them after the contest has ended. Just wanted to make sure, that I can enter this great challenge. Unfortunately one piece of the tower is still missing, hiding at the back.. My merchants must have get caught ;) Hope, this matches the rules. And for those, who may ask: Yeah, a lot of dark green cheese slopes. ~120 per side. The round slopes underneath the wooden part are these: (link to bricklink) Thanks for watching, comments and critique appreciated. Best regards, Sir Moriartus / rolli
  7. Thanks! These two roof pieces consist of ~260 cheese slopes, but there are 4 to go ;) (i have like 1.6k dark greene cheese slopes, bought them for another project that i had to put aside..) Still hoping to finish this one! Best regards!
  8. Fellow guildsmen! The deadline's tomorrow and I think, my architects and builders won't make it. Nevertheless I wan't to prove, that I am not unworthy - hereby I present my unfinished watchtower. I hope I can finish it by tomorrow evening but just in case: It's surrounding is already finnished but as the focus lies on the watchtower... Best regards, Sir Moriartus
  9. Fellow guildsmen! Sir Moriartus and his fellow companions are here to serve Avalonia's needs.. I already introduced myself and now I can say, that our documentarist did a great job! From left to right: Earl Mercari, oversees all trading actions and is responsible for the economics. Myself - Sir Moriartus, Count of the Pastures of Moria to be. Archmage Septua and his companion, the sacred speaking ape. Part of my army. These are the 5 generals, with Knight Nimrais (third from the left) being the head. As of today, i still have to urge my workers to finally finish our watchtower. It's almost done and only needs some furbishing! Yours sincerely, Sir Moriartus
  10. I already signed up in the Avalonia Guild thread, but better safe than sorry. Hereby I officially sign up for Avalonia. Just loving the color and architecture combinations there. Mocs are on the way. As to all fellow builders - regardless of the guild they are in: Thanks for having me here and thanks for the amount of inspiration i get every day by scrolling through the various guild threads! Best regards, Markus (Sir Moriartus)
  11. Hereby I pledge allegiance to Avalonia. I hope, this is still possible. My troops are eager to fight on your side as they took two long weeks until they considered themself as worthy. Therefor they are challenging their documentalist to present them in the finest way. Which is the reason, why I have to excuse myself for not having pictures of my loyal friends and myself online.. I hope they are satisfied with the poor documentalist in the near future. In order to errect my watchtower, I'd like to claim this island if it is still available: If not, I'm sure that I'll find another solution. My ships carrying the building materials are already on the way, trading them took too long to not have them already on their way ;) Yours sincerely, Sir Moriartus
  12. "Hamlet - the Musical" "Son! These philistines turned the great tragedy of Hamlet into a musical. What a shame - somebody has to suffer for this! You will kill the actor of Claudius who - as you know - is Hamlet's dead father in order to sabotage the performance. This should be a lesson for the producer! I kinda like the irony in this! " My vignette features the mafia guy after the assisination of the actor who plays Claudius. His task was to sabotage the musical and to make an example on this. He then has to go into the orchestra pit to fulfill his role in order to be undetected and successful. Title: Hamlet - the musical Minifig: Gangster Theme: City
  13. I had many scenes to build in mind but in the end I came up with one of the many memorable scenes in PotC 3. Due to work and a tight timetable this counts still as WIP. Sao-Feng, Barbossa and Elizabeth: "STEAM!" "If he's not with us, and he's not with you…who's he with?" I hope, this "WIP" isn't too bad, a shame I wasn't able to finish this moc. Maybe in the next weeks.. Oh.. Despite the very small chance on a first place, I would choose the LEGO set... Some more: http://www.flickr.com/photos/moriartus/?saved=1
  14. That's a pretty rad design. I'm in love with the sheeps. The tower. The bridge. Almost everything ;) Only thing that bothers me are the connections between the river / water segments. I really don't like that there's such gaps. But shame - I don't know a better technique... Awesome build!
  15. That's going to be better and better. Saw this on 1000steine, but this thread with the whole development is just great. I expect some more genious buildings there ;)
  16. Rolli replied to Horry's post in a topic in LEGO Pirates
    Perfect tutorial. Thx for updating my general knowledge as well as my next moc ;)
  17. Rolli replied to Nannan's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Thats so brilliant. And I live in Germany and will never have a chance to visit major events in the U.S. This moc would be a reason to go there ;)
  18. What a shame, i wasn't able to visit LL Germany on this weekend (stayed in Brussels). Enormous presentation with a great amount of details!
  19. Rolli replied to Rufus's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    That is one nice ship! Somewhat remembers me of the Slave 1, don't now why. I especially like the tailboard - great work!
  20. Thanks for all the votes! A third place in category B, never thought of such advancement. Congratulations to the other finalist of course, Darkblane definitely has rocked this category. Sad, i wasn't able to join in in Category A but conisdering the Mona Lisa, the chances would have been low. Sending my PM atm..
  21. The Minifig Museum The Minifig Museum is the place where our little friends out of the Lego world are able to learn about history as well as the future. It has two stories and also a sewer level. It features the following minifigs: From left to right: Royal Guard Description: Protecting kings and queens and looking somekind golden. Accessories: Spear and 2 dark red armor pauldrons. Aged Sunbather Description: A gentleman in his older years who loves lying and the sun and having a ice cream. Accessories: Ice pop, cap and beard. Roman Warrior Description: S.P.Q.R. Accessories: Helemt, shield, armor and sword. Steampunk Captain Description: Nothin' more to say?! Accessories: Raygun, Hat (by V&A Steamworks - hope this is legal), golden claw hand. Elfen Mage Description: Wise woman and magician. Accessories: Hat, owl and cape. The Buccaneer Description: A pirate - always on the scout for treasures and more. Accessories: Sword, scabbard and tricorn. No parrot ;) Javelin Thrower Description: Sports guy. Accessories: Spear. [not pictured] Snake charmer Description: Ssssss... Accessories: Flute, turban and snake. From left to right: Cat Lady Description: Old women loving cats. Accessories: Bag and cat. Space warrior from the future Description: On the hunt. Looking for aliens in the sewers on planet earth. Accessories: Helmet and weapon (by TheLittleArmsshop) Photographer Description: Click. Taking fotos - professional. Accessories: Camera. Waiter Description: It's bad to have problems with the tray (and only one glass on it ;) ) Accessories: Tray and glass. War Goddess Description: Once upon a time in ancient Greek... Accessories: Sword. The Nerd Description: Lives in his digital world arraying himself in the way of his heroes. Accessories: Laptop. All he needs. The Aristocrat Description: From a better social class.. Accessories: Hat and cane. Female skate boarder Description: According to the statistics there has to be a skate boarder every two series. Unless you have a surfer or a snowboarder in there ;)Here the female version. Accessories: Skate board. Back and front view: More (detailed) shots on my Flickr
  22. Rolli replied to KimT's post in a topic in Watto's Junkyard
    Would an entry involving General Grievous be allowed? I'm not sure under which category this character falls... Great contest! Ideas acquired, bricks sorted, ready to build! ;)
  23. Title: A hook-up and a strange body.. Minifigures: Series 1: Diver Series 2: Pharao Series 3(Imaginary): Fisherman Theme: City (?) - open sea Earlier this morning, the local Rescue team got a phone call by a sailor who thought that he has seen a body on the seabed. This scene shows the diver who finally finds the strange body, which appears to be a Pharao with all the funerary goods. Maybe some smugglers collided with the cliffs... Only one thing, the diver forgot: There's a fisherman who wants to make a great haul and accidentaly hooks the diver, which he believes has to be a large fish or something like that. (The fisherman goes in the boat on top..)
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