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[Mini Challenge - September 2021] Faction Flavours! - RESULTS POSTED!!
- [OL - FactionFlavours] An Exhibition
The rapid growth of Nouveau Oleandia included an exhibit for artists of all kinds. Painters, scultpors, actors. And what better way to celebrate the grand opening than an exclusive get together, especially when the mayor of the town is invited. "Just what is that man doing?" Emile asked to nobody in particular. "Actors." The second level holds small paintings and busts. "Follow me, bring a torch," Elise said as she dragged Emile through a door and up a stairwell. "The attic?" He questioned. "Yes, now turn around and close your eyes." Emile did as he was told. After a few moments, Elise said, "Alright, you can look." "Draw me like one of your Oleander girls." "But... but you are from Oleon..." OOC: I believe I have 4.5 different uses for the Goblet piece. 5 if you split the railings,- [OL- CH IV - CAT D] Center-River Trading Zone
Updated with photos!- Heroica: Glory Amongst The Stars - General Discussion
And they pray to the ancient deity Lord Boom(er)ingham.- Heroica: Glory Amongst The Stars - General Discussion
This is glorious.- Settlement: Nouveau Oleandia, île Dionysus, Oleon
St. Axel Cemetery #1 | Large Arts and Culture- [OL - FB] Nouveau Oleandia Dock and Lighthouse
Thanks! I'm wanting to (if I can) to show a growth in style (while still keeping the settlements design style) of going from early colony to late one as time goes on, if possible. Thank you! As I mentioned, the buildings were kind of an afterthought, so Ill make sure to do better next time. Thanks! I hated how square they looked otherwise,as I didn't think it would fit the build.- [OL - FB] St. Axel Cemetery #1
Thank you, Bishop! Thanks! The fence was was something I wasn't sure about, but after adding the spike piece (are they ice cream or nexo knight spears? I can never remember), it helped a lot with the flow of the build. For the tombs, technically 90%+ are all different, due to various pieces being used to give variety in color. There might be two that are identical" Maybe four? So two pairs. I wanted each to have some differentiation, even if they look the same at a glance, as a lo of funeral homes all sell the same casket. Thanks! I'm not emo either, but when you think of New Orleans/Nouveau Oleandia, then cemeteries are a big deal haha. I'm glad you enjoyed the markings. Sadly stud.o doesn't have all the printed tiles LEGO has made, because I would have loved to throw some Exo-Force ones in there and just random things.- [COR-FB] Plans For Expansion
... how many backpacks do you own that WEREN'T involved in this roof? Very clever structure you have there. I go back and forth with liking it and thinking it's an abomination. There's definitely a way you can make it more stable I'm sure. It actually might work better for terrain than roof, now that I think about it.- [OL - FB] Essian Reiterhaus, Fort Arltrees
What a fantastic build, Khorne. Very effective for the scale and size.- [OL] The continuing adventures of Archbishop François by his companion, Monsieur Gallo
- [SR - Faction Flavours] Mc Blackbeard Drive-in, Sea Rats, Poppy Port
Wow that was quick! I love the not-McDonald's sign and how clean the whole build is.- [SR - FB] Palacio de Ratas Marinas, 128 x 112, Bastion
Great work on this! The detail is phenomenal.- Pirates Mafia IV - Conclusion
- [Mini Challenge - September 2021] Faction Flavours! - RESULTS POSTED!!
Really excited to see what people do with this one.- Heroica: Glory Amongst The Stars - Heroica Hall
"I'm just saying," Varen raised his hands in mock defense, "when you're used to the GOOD stuff, you're used to it. Now yeah back when the backwater swill is the only thing around, I'm not gonna complain. Remind me to tell you about the worst gut rot I've ever had. Make sure you're not eating when I do." "Yeah, all part of the job. Nobody left behind, right? At least that's what they say in the corps from what I've heard. Aetherspace is just bizarre. Definitely need to learn more about it, otherwise we're not gonna do well here, I got that feeling." "Now, Thorvald!" Varen exclaimed with a cunning grin. "I would never think this place is not friendly. The atmosphere is sublime. Just needs a little live entertainment is all. You probably don't want to talk to us all day." Varen sipped down his drink and looked at Valesia. "Garbage chute? What in blazes were you doing in a garbage chute? As for us, yeah it went well, as well as nearly dying in the endless void of Aetherspace can be. Well, me dying. Felix here was keeping my alive. Varen." He extended a hand "Nah, Polaris, you don' want to hear me sing. It would sound like a dying cat." He quickly turned to Felix. "No offense, bud."- Heroica: Glory Amongst The Stars - Rules & FAQ
I'm of the mind that I don't personally mind either way for it, although I would hate to lose all the equipment and the character I had been working on for years. It's one thing to lose an early character, but if the worst happens where you get unlucky enough to keep losing your low level character and never level up, that sucks. I had the thought what if you're under X amount of character points, you're immune to perma-death, and then at X+1, is when characters can die permanently. Although to be fair, if Varen dies in combat, I most likely would "revive him" and explain he's either a clone, he miraculously came back with no equipment, or somehow figure it out, at least for the first time or two.- [OL - FB] St. Axel Cemetery #1
Life. Death. As towns grow in size, so do the populations, as do the cemeteries and graveyards. Subjects, travelers, all die at some point. It's inevitable for everyone to pass on. As Nouveau Oleandia grows in size, so does its cemeteries. St. Axel's #1 is the first , and surely not the last, to be erected in the area. Due to the crocodiles, and the weather, burying bodies simply is not feasible. Instead, they are placed above ground. Clerics to Hades maintain this cemetery, as Hades is the lord of the underworld. Here, one stands by the gate, along with an offering plate. Another cleric walks from further in the cemetery, and he passes a fountain dedicated to Poseidon. Not all is death here. The head cleric walks past a large mausoleum. You might as well pick a plot now, people are dying to get in. OOC: I think this can be classified as a large Arts and Culture building, due to the religious aspect of it. I've been wanting to do more New Orleans inspired builds that weren't just buildings, and the cemeteries are famous, so it seemed like a good way to spice up the town.- Heroica: Glory Amongst The Stars - Heroica Hall
Varen nodded in greeting to Felix. He raised his glass. "Eh you know, the usual. No reason to change it up now." He bounced his head to the beat. "Yeah good idea. Hey bartender! Ever consider some music in this joint?" He then took a long sip on his drink, savoring it as it went down smooth. "Gotta be better than some of the swill on backwater planets, right? Someday, after a big score, I'll buy a nice bottle for the place. Hey it was good working with you on that last job. Thanks for saving my skin, or should I say my digital skin? That place was something."- Pirates Mafia IV - Conclusion
- Heroica: Glory Amongst The Stars - Mission Masters Lounge
Yay my turn to talk! First, thanks for the fun intro quest, WBD. I feel kinda special knowing I was on one of the first missions of Heroica: GATS. And of course it was fun to roleplay again in a similar manner to H1, which is very different from mafia games and the building games in other subforums. I really liked the quest and story. It definitely took me some time to wrap my head around the new terms and characters after having done H1 for so long, even if the last mission was a few years ago. But I'm really liking the world/universe that's being set up. I liked the straightforwardness of the quest, and it was a great way to ease into the new world/system. The Aethersphere reminded me of a mix of the Matrix and Cyberpunk 2077's The Net with how dangerous it is, probably because I'm playing that game. I'm really excited to see where this Aethersphere goes along with the organizations you set up. The not-so-fun parts: Believe me, I had a lot of fun, but I found the combat frustrating, but I think I learned as it went along. I always wanted a more complex system than H1, and GATS definitely has it. I think it's just me needing to learn the ins and out and get used to this style of combat compared to the heavier number crunching of H1. And I don't think any of us have played new characters in a LONG time on here. With H1, we all became accustomed to our characters dealing massive damage and walking out of battles with barely a scratch. Not so here. As Khorne said, we definitely need healers in this game, especially starting out. That's not to say I didn't enjoy the combat, it's just the learning curve (at least for me) is pretty steep. I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy it as Varen levels and I can really craft him into a role I want him to be, and by learning the new system. I will admit that the constantly getting knocked out kind of killed my drive for the game, coupled with being knee-deep in work and other LEGO responsibilities. Character-wise, I'm happy with Varen's first outing regarding who he is. I really wanted to try something different from Kiray in H1 and make a more confident, wise-cracking character from the get-go. Less sleazy lawyer, more guy who just found himself in the sleaze, enjoyed parts of it and can't shake the habits at times. Definitely want to dive into that in the future. I really like Felix, and he's fun to interact with. I can see Varen and Felix becoming fast friends, especially with their shared history of the law, of course on different areas. Polaris (and MILES to an extent) is harder to nail down. After your explanation of Polaris being disabled, it all makes a lot more sense and I can see what you're doing. I think Polaris is an interesting character and do want to learn more (and oh man, Polaris was absolutely MVP this quest).- Heroica: Glory Amongst The Stars - Heroica Hall
"Yeah, the usual, thanks, bud." Varn sips on the drink he's handed.- Heroica: Glory Amongst The Stars - Training Center
Varen entered the training room. "Do I need to sign a waiver for this? If so, I might need to send a redline back." He walked over to the old rack of weights. "Mind if I use these and spend 2 points to increase my Strength from 1 to 2?"- Oleon: Sign-up and Discussion, Era II
His Most Holy Majesty, King Philip the First, by the Grace of the Gods, King of Oleon and Guelph, Protector of New Terra, the True Defender of the Faith and so forth, to all present and yet to come, hail. A great pillar of Oleon is The Faith. Without it, we would be godless heathens. Barbarians running amok in the wilderness. It is with divine grace His Holy Majesty rules and leads Oleon, guided by Zeus. Yet the Order helps His Holy Majesty navigate troubled times, providing wisdom and insight into the gods' wishes. Canon François, an honorable cleric who has lead the Knightly Order of the Treasury of Hades the Harvester of Astrapi, has also had a hand in guiding Oleon. Without his steady hand, Astrapi would not have grown as rapidly as it has. For scores of pilgrims come to visit the holy places Canon François and the Knightly Order have errected. Through faith, peace has been ever found in Acropolis. And it is with faith that the now village shall continue to flourish. While the War in Terraversa raged in far off lands, Canon François kept the subjects of the glorious Empire at ease, knowing that while horrors occurred, Faith would save all. For his commitment to Acropolis and for his dedication to the Order of the Faith. In recognition of this distinguished service to the Empire, Canon François is hereby bestowed with the title of Bishop and charged with establishing multiple parishes throughout the colonies. Dated the 27th Day of the Eighth Month of the 6th Year of His Reign. Vive Le Roi!- Heroica: Glory Amongst The Stars - Heroica Hall
Varen walked back into the hall after the success of his first mission. Not too bad, he thought to himself. He saw a litany of new faces, people he'd have to introduce himself to. That could wait. He checked the board first. Preem, new missions. He signed up for Mission #5 and #6. With that, he went and sat down at his favorite broken stool. - [OL - FactionFlavours] An Exhibition
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