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Eurobricks Fellows
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Everything posted by KotZ

  1. "Perfect," Varen said after taking a sip from the tumbler. "Thanks, Charlene." "What's Agent Lars' background? Has he been working for you for awhile? Is there a chance he went rogue? Do you have any leads on possible bad actors that might be targeting your organization or Agent LArs specifically?" Varen could feel the lawyer in him coming out. Detective work, lawyer work, pretty similar in his experience, he figured.
  2. Varen sat down in a chair. It had been awhile since he had been in a small office. “If you have whiskey I’ll take that. Otherwise water is preem.”
  3. Heres' my thoughts on each now that I found the time: 1. Boeing 737 Passenger Plane by BigPlanes-Customs - I feel like one of the most likely. TLG loves their domestic planes 2. Colosseum (Architecture Style) by SkyWalter - Why release this after they just released the massive version? 0% chance 3. Gravity Falls: The Mystery Shack by TopLego8 & Minibrick Productions - An old Disney show? This isn't even a classic show like Phineas and Ferb or Lizzie McGuire. 0% chance 4. Brick Town Police Station by Bricked1980 0% chance because LEGO released their own modular this year. 5. Bag End by saabfan Has a chance, but closer to 0. We had Bag End in the LOTR theme, but not in this detail. We have a better chance with Amazon's new series. Also this is just the storybook set with BagEnd. Well, not exactly, but it is too close. 6. Red Dwarf Starbug LEGO Idea by Bobs Vintage Bricks - This is not my type of builod, but I'd love it for how different it is.I expect nothing. 7. Avatar: The Last Airbender - YIP YIP! by StudioTRico - I would love this because LEGO's original Avatar line died after two sets. We needed more. And with a new live action film? Good chance. 8. Classic Castle by DERBOOR - I like it and will take any excuse for castle, bnut it's less Classic Castle and more "mish-mash." 9. Open MRI by Apollo Exconde - You gotta be kidding, right? How did this get 10k support? 10. Motorized Lighthouse by Roses Must Build - This is actually kinda cool. Not Old Fishing Store Cool, but still cool. 11. Avatar: The Illuminated World of Pandora by bulldoozer - A mostly forgotten IP that was only relevant years ago that nobody really cares about today? Yeah, it's dead. 12. Spirited Away by legotruman - Personally I hate this movie, but I understand why people love it. I can see it happening. 13. Jumanji of 1995 by NIKANA - Nah, people only know the recent version now 14 The Little Venice by Bricky_Brick - I want, but won't happen. 15. Auto Union Type C Racecar by redera00 - I expect this one. 16. Automated Garbage Truck by MochiMaster & Alexander Hamsterton - not my thing, but I expect it. 17. TX Master Games by TXMaster - are you kidding me? How did this get the support? This is stupid. Like seriously. This is not good. This is low level. 18. Milwaukee Art Museum by Vida András - I love the design, but architecture is it's own thing, but they should accept it. 19. The Car Wash by Bricky_Brick - meh 20. Wallace & Gromit by Tom Gerardin - meh 21. Among Us: The Skeld by MinifigInDisguise - a dying game 22. Roman Warship by Iyan Ha - I really want this, but I don't expect it. 23. The Addams Family Mystery Mansion by Disneybrick55 - we have enough ":haunted" things for now, which is why I expect them to pass. 24. GMC - Blue Chip 100 [1957] by Ing-Manuel - no clue 25. Viking Village by BrickHammer - I want, but don't expect.
  4. KotZ replied to Ordinareo's post in a topic in LEGO Media and Gaming
    Sadly I still haven't received it, but I do have an early draft of the first movie. It's very different from what we saw on screen. If anyone wants to read it, just PM me and I'll email it to you.
  5. I'm not that excited about a lot of these again. I really hope we get the warship, the classic castle, or the Viking Village. I'm expecting the Boeing or one of the cars.
  6. If I had any Duplo bricks I'd do the same thing. They're so helpful.
  7. Completely agree. There's a lot of life in this build.
  8. This one. It's been around since 2018, but I still rarely see it in sets I buy.
  9. Varen sees he's been selected for a mission. "Well, time to go get ready." He exits the hall.
  10. Varen popped over to the stimulants shop. "Oh nice. These are going to come in handy real soon." He purchases 1x Essence of Glibness and 1x Essence of Intellect for a total of 20 credits. He now has 55 credits left. "Gotta spend money to make money, as they say."
  11. Hal-lo. I'm here. LEt's get this started!
  12. "Well not every one of us. Although usually the ones who don't are employed by the governments and get little pay, unless they're higherups or can manipulate like fiends, because they can't afford. Although any crime syndicate lawyers that successfully defend their clients interest probably do, as they're in-house or on call. And they're worth the money."
  13. KotZ replied to KotZ's post in a topic in LEGO Media and Gaming
    No builds from me this episode. I was too busy helping make sure this episode happened via various testing, prepping the next episodes, making grids and tracking stuff, etc. Luckily in a few episodes are my major builds. Honestly, my stuff for this episode was much more behind the scenes with no builds that I can't exactly talk about. But I was in charge of the emergency pause button, so if anybody got too close to the machine when they weren't supposed to, I press pause to make sure the shaking doesn't happen. Clearly an important job. So making sure this episode happened is great. I think I ate chinese food for my dinner this night(s)? As a side note, Jen or Susan (not sure which one, I honestly don't remember peoples names on this show, it's easier for me in this specific department to not remember, and with covid things involved, masks hid people's faces) complemented a Bionicle meme shirt I was wearing. She immediately knew what my shirt with saying something like "I love Bionicle." And we had a good thirty second conversation on Bionicle before cameras rolled. Bionicle lives! On my shirt.
  14. "I mean you see one planet you see em all, right? Nah, not really. So I don't normally drink coffee. This was my normal routine, back at my old job."
  15. I do have to say I've had a good laugh seeing all the posts on an otherwise stressful work day. Not happy to see all the spam happen, but at least this lightened my mood.
  16. I'm sorry that I flagged you then haha.
  17. You want another coffee? Or am I boring company talking about previous business? I can draft up a contract we talk no business or just coffee."
  18. "Sounds like a good place to be," Varen replied, nodding his head up and down. "There are some real crappy places in this galaxy. I've stepped in a few. But the outwardly bad ones always have a hidden gem or two that make the trip all the better. So check it, once I went to this one planet. I don't remember the name. But it was volcanic, so hot as you can imagine. I thought my suit was going to melt into me. Anyway, I'm on this planet. There's nothing around living. I can't see a blade of grass, a weasel-bird, nothing. And I have to hike this place with a client to make sure a meeting with his ex went smoothly. Finally we meet the ex, everything goes fine, we turn around and leave. We take a different path down, and you know what we find? Water. Water. Like a hot spring. So you know what we did? We took our suits off and just jumped in the spring and relaxed for an hour or something. Man, place was awesome. Best part of that trip was seeing actual water."
  19. Every build you make is beautiful. I love the artistry you have. My only criticism, and this comes from a personal opinion, is the illegal connections. The only one I blatantly noticed was the tools on the sign, but the others I had to search for, so good job on those and hiding them! I think my favorite parts are the design of the lampost. So simple but utterly elegant.
  20. KotZ replied to Ordinareo's post in a topic in LEGO Media and Gaming
    I'll be honest, my ranking of the films is TLM, Ninjago, and then Batman and TLM2 alternating with TLM2 having a slight edge. Ninjago is certainly probably the worst entry in the series, and I don't keep up with Ninjago storylines (I own 8 sets over the course of ten years or however long it's been around). But it was the only LEGO film that made me cry, so that's probably why it's second for me. But yes, they were always fun movies. The highs were always sky high. The lows weren't low per se, but not the quality we hoped for. Please no. And Lego Masters US has Will Arnet mention he's LEGO Batman all the time and is produced by Plan B (Brad Pitt's company), ESNA, Tuesday's Child, and maybe one or two other companies? From 2002 to 2005, Plan B had a production deal (not necesarrily relevant to the LEGO Masters show and Lego Movies connection) with WB, and they only got it again in 2020, after Lego Masters US S1 had aired. The show is also aired on FOX. So basically distribution and company have correlation, and this happens a lot. If WB really wanted to give a beat down on mentioning Lego Batman, they would have. It's not like Arnet is a random guest where the host says "And here's XXX known from movie ABC!" He's the star of the second movie in a series and a main character in two others. Personally, I'd love to leave the Emmet world behind. I love Emmet. I LOVE Benny. But I think we've seen the Emmet story play out. The only sequel we really would need is Finn/Emmet dealing with their own kid, which honestly we already had basically with the first movie (and the second part), but it would serve as a good bookend to a trilogy. Finn goes all in on creativity and sharing and has to find how to get a kid who grew up around LEGO into it. In the LEGO world, Emmet gets a new friend or even has a kid with Lucy who doesn't want to do the things Emmet likes, and he learns to give and take, with the real world story then showing Finn and his kid interacting with LEGO and things the kid likes and combining them. As for the script, I'm in a facebook group for industry assistants and I'm one of multiple people trying to track down this script to read it. If I get it, I'll send it off to whoever wants it.
  21. Yay more pirates and castle fans! Shameless plug to come join the Brethren of the Brick seas building game in the Pirates subforum!
  22. "Well then..." Varen pulled out his mobile device and began to furiously type. "Seems like my aunt needs to explain some things."
  23. "Varen. What's your home planet like?" "I mean, doesn't this org get a cut of our pay after missions?" he asked with a shrug.
  24. Varen turned to Zaria. "Yeah, that game. Absolute pain in the butt game to get right. But if you fake it, you can make the deals. There's an art of the deals. Somebody said that I think. Lots of mindgames in that big game." "ah hell, polo? Man you must come from money. Even I haven't played polo." "Sand? We should have a beach here. We all know this is where the fun begins. the Khazra'Fai? Don't think we repped them."
  25. KotZ replied to KotZ's post in a topic in LEGO Media and Gaming
    Correction: there are two builds from em in the lego learn.
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