Everything posted by KotZ
Heroica: Glory Amongst The Stars - Heroica Hall
"You see one, and you can't stop. Gotta see all of 'em" Varen said. "You think it's all the same, but man no way. Each beach is different. The people, the drinks, the sand! So many different ways to feel sand. When you get a chance, go check some out. And golf courses. So many deals and hashing out on the golf course. My short game is weak though." Varen took a sip from his drink. "Nah, don't worry about the drink thing. To each his own."
Heroica: Glory Amongst The Stars - Heroica Hall
Varen smirked at the lawyer comment. How could he disagree? The Chimeran was fairly right, in Varen's opinion. "Don't get me wrong, being a lawyer was preem. Vacation days, when I was able to use them, got me great time off. I'm talking rare beaches with clients. Floral bright shirts for days. Half my wardrobe I'm telling you. I should probably bring those with me on some missions. You never know when you might need them. "Anyway, that drink there," Varen said as he causally pointed to the glass of milk. "Spiked? Not spiked? I don't care either way. You do you, man. But I gotta ask you a question down low." Varen looked around before whispering, "You got a good hookup on milk? I make some crazy macaroni and cheese, and I'm trying to up my game in the dairy department." "But yeah my old firm was on Ebria Station." Varen leaned back against the bar again. "We had some branches in other sectors, but mostly we worked with clients on Ebria or the near area. I think one of my coworkers represented a Chimeran in a burglary case. The Chimeran got off scot-free." Varen turned to the conversation between Soren and Felix when he heard his name. "Hey hey hey, Heroica only needs one lawyer. That's more than enough. Although I'd kill for an intern to do all the paperwork. Can we get that?" Varen looked to the bartender and said, "Seriously, why do I pay dues if we don't have interns to do our paperwork? Let's get some paperwork interns." Varen pushed his hand out to shake with Soren. "Like Felix asked, are you a lawyer too? And as it was said, we all have to make a living."
LEGO Masters US Show
So most recent episode was a few days ago. No new builds from me this episode, but the detonator from last season made a return. Honestly that thing will continue until the show is canceled I'm guessing. I was too busy with prepping the next episode and budget stuff. Next episode is one of my favorites from this season (even if I wanted to pull my hair out because of it) for various reasons.
Heroica: Glory Amongst The Stars - Heroica Hall
"Tried to be good. Definitely did some good stuff. Saw some sleazy lawyers." Varen chuckled at that, thinking of a partner at his firm before it went under who probably needed a better lawyer now. "I mean, I did some sleazy stuff, a little fixing. Remember, it's not honesty that wins, it's convincing people you're honest. But hey, I like the honest and helping people out. And if I make some money, even better. And having fun."
Heroica: Glory Amongst The Stars - Heroica Hall
"Oh I know that feeling, getting out of a place." Varen leaned against the bar top. "My old job went under so I've just been milling around until getting here." Varen grasped the paw firmly and shook. "Varen Nastayo. Ex-lawyer. Soon to be hero."
Heroica: Glory Amongst The Stars - Heroica Hall
Varen nodded a hello to Felix. "Nice getup you got there," he said as he looked at the disheveled clothes. "It looks like you just got back from a bender."
[RCB - OL] Nouveau Oleandia Party
Thanks! Thanks, blackdeathgr! And yes the photos are large, but it allows you to zoom in and see so much detail, as NOD mentioned.
[RCB - OL] Nouveau Oleandia Party
And here we are! The final turn has been completed! Turn 20, by CAPOnBOBS! He added a large flagpole! And now, let's look at the final photos. But first, I suggest a little music to get into the mood. Let's start with an overview of the square. There are a few brightly colored buildings we can see and some residents of Nouveau Oleandia bustling around. You certainly won't mistake this town for any other! Off to the right, there's a stage with performers; an excited crowd has come to watch. A nice close shot of a fountain. Toss a coin in, and maybe you'll get some good luck when you venture out into the swamps! Here is out first building in a bright, inviting color. Blue shaded railings for Oleon along with plants to remind you we're on Crocodile Island.You can see the details put in by all the members who worked on this project. Continuing counter clockwise around the town, we arrive at our second building, a warm yellow one with brown accents designed in seemingly a mix of the shotgun style of design and the Creole townhouse. There's a balcony just like the first building, but this one is supported by columns jutting out. Don't forget to notice the flag colors of Nouveau Oleandia: green, purple, and yellow. Let's take a look at this stage with some musicians. There's a guitar player, a singer, and a man absolutely loving playing the accordian. I mean, wouldn't you love to do that for this crowd of lovely people? Say, what does that gentleman in the back of the photo have there? Let's go check it out! Why it's some food vendors! Beer, sausage, they have it! Continuing on, we can see at the edge of the build there is some nature. As Nouveau Oleandia is fairly new, there is some encroachment by nature to be expected. Just watch out for crocodiles! And now to our third building, a cool light blue building. Some minifigures are watching the festivities out on the street. And now on to our fourth building! This certainly seems like a bar. And look at those proud Oleander soldiers taking some time off to enjoy the town and merriment. They are certainly enjoying themselves and all Nouveau Oleandia has to offer. So just what are they looking at? Why it's a parade! Complete with musicians and even a prize! Even Herbert and Ol' Bessy were able to make it out. Look at all the townspeople coming to enjoy the music, the food and the attraction. A great time to be had by all! You still listening to the music? Who dat, indeed. Our fifth building is similar to our first in style, but smaller and a more neutral tan with varying overhangs. Also there is more nature to help give borders to the town. And this is our final building for this collab! A nice purple building drawing off of the colors of the flag. But there is still one more thing we need to see. The glorious flagpole to show that Nouveau Oleandia and all of Crocodile Island belong to Oleon. Big flags that signify the power blowing in the breeze. And finally some big wideshots of the build. The final piece count is 7,398 pieces, with a base of 96x128 studs (12,288 sq studs), and with 79 minifigures. I want to give a big thank you to the talented builders who helped make this massive build happen, @NOD, @Professor Thaum, and @CapOnBOBS. Thank you all for being a part of this absolutely huge, crazy endeavor. I loved seeing all the things you all added to the builds. From techniques to little side stories of minifigures and such, this has been a highlight of Brethren of the Brick Seas for me. I'm very happy we were able to have cross-faction teamwork as well. For everyone who has not been able to see the files to build this and is seeing all these photos now, I hope you looked closely at the photos to see how much work and the builders put in, there are some really creative ways to use pieces in here. Thank you again to the builders and everyone following this project. Thank you for staying as long as you have to look at the photos and read the text in the post. Now as we say in Nouveau Oleandia, "Laissez les bons temps rouler." Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go grab myself a Hurricane, or whatever the equivalent is here in Nouveau Oleandia. I need it after these past seven days of rendering photos (seriously, seven whole days to render these). And work. And because why not have a good time in Nouveau Oleandia?
Heroica: Glory Amongst The Stars - General Discussion
Karie is "everyone's cool family friend that isn't actually family but is always there."
Heroica: Glory Amongst The Stars - General Discussion
I feel like you always play the "everyone's cool X". Not that that's a bad thing, it's a fun character that you play well!
Heroica: Glory Amongst The Stars - Heroica Hall
Varen moseys over to the mission board, seeing what jobs were available. "Oh? Detective work? Well that seems to be right up my alley." Varen signs up for Mission #2
[COR - ChIVC] The Crimson Mill, Westface
The scale of this is great. But why is there no railing there?
- [GoC] Class 4 Xebec - Dirty Rat
Rebuilding Terraversa - Era II, Challenge IV - RESULTS Posted!
I'm interested!
[RCB - OL] Nouveau Oleandia Party
Rendering is still happening. When I get home tonight, I'll use both laptop and desktop again to render again to get them up either late tonight or hopefully tomorrow morning at latest.
Heroica: Glory Amongst The Stars - Heroica Hall
"Well, my firm went under a few months ago, so I figured why not try this mer thing out? Can't be that difficult. At my firm we had a few fixers. I dipped my toes in on occaision, but nothing big." Varen stood up by himself. "No worries about me."
Heroica: Glory Amongst The Stars - Heroica Hall
"Hey, hey , hey," Varen said, a little too loudly as he entered the old hotel. "Damn, what a place this is." He walked up to the bar. "I hear you give free drinks to everyone in the organization. Well, I joined, and I'm ready to get lit!" There was a cracking sound. "Oh shit!" Varen slipped from his chair, finding it had broke. "Look, I'm not fat, I don't eat that much, it couldn't have been me!" "Well, anyway, I claim this as my seat, and when I fix it it is definitely mine. Does anyone need a lawyer? If no to that,, I can help you get your career on track, get you where you wanna go. All I ask for is 10%." VAREN NASTAYO JOINS HEROICA
Heroica: Glory Amongst The Stars - Hero Statistical Registry
Varen Nastayo (KotZ) 26, Male, Human Character Points: 1/13 Vitality: 5/5 Velocity: 2 Strength: 2 Skill: 2 Smarts: 2 Spirit: 0 Proficiencies: Culture 2, Deception 1, Insight 1, Persuasion 2, Long Range Weapon 1, Coding 1* Known Spells (if applicable): Credits: 115 Equipment: Lawyer's Rifle (Standard Long Range Energy weapon), Translator Cube Inventory: 1x Essence of Glibness, 1x Essence of Intellect, Ion Repeater (Standard Energy Long Range Weapon), Adrenaline Decoction, 2x Bulking Stim
LEGO Masters US Show
Nope. They asked me too but I didn't have time, so our art team did it. Luckily we had like two other people who build on art because otherwise I'd probably have a mental breakdown with how much that needed to be built. I'll call out anything that's one of my builds, which is still a decent amount. Definitely the host and judges are way more comfortable with what they're doing. As for this episode, I ran the beauties of the builds so I got to see a lot of fun technic stuff on how things work, something I myself am not that great with but got better with this season.
[RCB - OL] Nouveau Oleandia Party
So the photos are still rendering... If they're not done by 6pm my time tonight, I'm going to try to render the rest on my laptop which might be faster.
[RCB - OL] Nouveau Oleandia Party
Partially my fault for not catching all the parts that are colliding. should really have an option where when collision is on, you can't combine parts. On another note, the build is finally done! I'll post the final turn photo with all the beauties soon, once they are done rendering.
[OL - ChIVB] Shrine of the Recovery, Nola Mar
I feel like I'm playing Assassin's Creed Unity again with this build. Great job on it!
Lego declining drastically?
Most stores here in the States keep LEGO all together. Friends might be on a separate aisle occaisonally, but it's right next to the rest and that's only because LEGO will take up a huge amount of space on the shelves. Mega and other brands are usually on the secondary aisle.
[RCB - OL] Nouveau Oleandia Party
Thanks! @CapOnBOBS, @Professor Thaum, and @NOD have been instrumental in building this. They've brought in fun techniques, colors, and little things to find throughout the build. And they are fantastic people to collaborate with. I'm glad this has been a mostly joint effort between all of the factions to make this build come to life. As for the build, I still personally prefer LDD for the build, but decals, rendering, and small minutia of posing are much better with I suggest use both. The final build and photos should be coming soon!
[OL - FB] Lavalette Mint Royale
Wonderful builds! There are a lot of fun techniques in each of these builds that I'm seeing.
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