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Eurobricks Fellows
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Everything posted by KotZ

  1. VOTE COUNT George (Classic_Spaceman) - 2 (penalty, Trekkie99) Susan (mostlytechnic) - 1 (penalty) Scott (Tariq J) - 1 (penalty) There are 24 hours left in the day. With five players, a majority of three (or more with penalty votes) is required to lynch. In the event of a tie due to the penalty votes, there will be no lynch.
  2. I concur, they're a lot more natural and realistic... as realistic as anthropomorphic animals can be.
  3. Voting is now open There are 47 hours left in the day. VOTE COUNT George (Classic_Spaceman) - 1 (penalty) Susan (mostlytechnic) - 1 (penalty) Scott (Tariq J) - 1 (penalty)
  4. It was a quiet night in Christmastown. Not even any music came from the mom and pop shop. All truly was calm this evening. Santa awoke that morning feeling quite rested, having stayed at the quaint alpine resort. If anything, he was quite surprised with the results. "Well children, it seems there was no news from yesterday or last night to report. Mr. Squirrel here tells me so, isn't that right, little one?" the jolly old man said. The squirrel chattered back. "Yes yes, I know it's cruel of me to put these children through this traumatizing game, but they need to grow up and see the horrors of the real world! They're lucky they live here and not in Sombertown!" Santa stared down at the children. "Out of the goodness of my heart, to make things fairer, instead of two lumps of coal for the non-voters, each will receive one to start the day. Please ensure you vote and participate." Players (5) Clark (Bob) George (Classic_Spaceman) Susan (mostlytechnic) Scott (Tariq J) Eloise (Trekkie99) The Rules 1. Each player will be given a character to play, who will be aligned with either the Nice List (Town) or the Naughty List (Scum). To win the game, the Town must kill off all the Scum, while the Scum needs to outnumber the Town. Third-party (neutral) characters have their own win conditions as outlined in their roles. 2. Each day you will be able to vote to lynch a player. Voting is mandatory. Voting should be done in the following format; Vote: Character (Player). Similarly, unvoting is to be done in the format; Unvote: Character (Player). No other format will be accepted. A majority vote is required to lynch a player. Failure to vote will incur a 2-vote penalty the following game day. 3. A game day will last a maximum of 72 hours. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. The day will end when a majority vote has been reached after 72 hours. After the day has been concluded, a night stage will commence, which will last 48 hours. Night actions must be sent to the host in the first 20 hours of the night stage. 3.5. Players may not target the same player two nights in a row, and may not target themselves. 4. The alignment of lynched players, as well as those that died during the night, will be revealed at the beginning of the next day. 5. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to or from you in PM with the game host, or in PM with any other players. This includes all the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage. 6. Do not play the game outside the thread. Similarly, do not post out of character inside the thread. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game thread or via PM with other players. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game. 7. If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players. Any information you had becomes void, and may not be passed on. 8. You may not edit your posts. 9. You must post in every day thread. 10. If you encounter a problem or have a question, please contact the host via PM. 11. Violation of any of the above rules will result in a 5 vote penalty for the first offence, and death on your second offence. 12. There are no hints or clues in the day/night images. **RULES ADDENDUM: I understand life and things get in the way (partially why I'm posting this a bit early today), but with how small of a game this is participation makes it fun for everyone. Some players brought to my attention two votes seems a bit harsh to players of any alignment as death is pretty much a permanent thing. In a non-game master opinion, no-lynch days are some of my favorite, but everyone needs to participate. So instead of two, I am putting a one vote penalty on the three players who did not vote, and any more drastic action may be taken at the end of the day. VOTE COUNT George (Classic_Spaceman) - 1 (penalty) Susan (mostlytechnic) - 1 (penalty) Scott (Tariq J) - 1 (penalty)
  5. I love this idea, definitely want to try something for this!
  6. Unfortunately due to the end of day, I cannot accept late votes. "Well, I guess not voting to lynch anyone is part of the Christmas spirit?" Santa asks the children. "That being said, I will have to give George, Susan, and Scott two lumps of coal (votes) at the beginning of tomorrow. Somehow I still have coal. Good night, children!" **My previous post regarding end of day votes said five, and when I looked back at the rules, it said two on vote penalty, which I will go off of. That being said, since this is a small game, if a player does not vote in Day 2, they will receive the two vote penalty and a five vote penalty the next day which will essentially be a death sentence per rule 11. I'm figuring it's due to lack of time to check the board, but in order to keep the game moving, I reserve the right to modkill inactive players and have voting continue as if said modkilled player(s) was already removed. Does that sound fair to all @Bob @Classic_Spaceman @mostlytechnic@Tariq j @Trekkie99? If anyone has any questions, please use your role pm.
  7. VOTE COUNT Susan (mostlytechnic) - 1 (Trekkie99) Scott (Tariq_J) - 1 (Bob) The day has ended with an no lynch. Tomorrow all non voters will start with a vote penalty. Get those night actions in, and a day end post will be up shortly!
  8. VOTE COUNT Susan (mostlytechnic) - 1 (Trekkie99) Scott (Tariq_J) - 1 (Bob) There are just over 17 hours left in the day. With five players, a majority of three is required to lynch.
  9. There are 20 hours left in the day.
  10. I love this so much. Really good figbarfing.
  11. Great work! The details on the bridge are phenomenal!
  12. Voting is now open. There are 48 hours left in the day.
  13. It's the holiday season is Christmastown. All is calm... or perhaps not. What's that over by the tree? Why, it's St. Nick! "Jingle jingle jingle, I can hear my sleighbells ring," he sings to himself as he places some presents under the tree. "There we go! Oh, rats! I forgot some of the toys back in the sleigh, and my list! I should get those quickly!" s So Santa strolls on his merry way back to the only building with a roof large enough to land a sleigh in Christmastown: the orphanage. "Blasted Christmastown!" he mutters to his old self. "Why does this town with such cheer have only one building I can land on? And why didn't Mrs. Claus give me that ladder I asked for this year? She knows how hard some of my stops are!" But Kris Kringle continues on, as the children of Christmastown deserve their toys. And up he goes! But when he reaches the top... "Damnit!" the kindly old man yells loud enough the people in Christmas City could hear. "Someone stole all my toys! And my list! The naughty and nice list is gone!" So Santa rushes back down to the ground to see if he lost it in the snow. But, alas! Those toys were gone, too! And no list to be found! So he mustered his strength, and with the voice of the frosty winds, Santa bellows, "CHILDREN! MEET ME IN THE STATION IMMEDIATELY!" So all the children of Christmastown, all five, got out of their beds and rushed to the station to hear what he said. "Now listen you little brats," Santa cries, "some of you stole my list, and I'm not sure who here lied. I can't go all the way back to the north pole to gaze into my crystal ball, I don't have time for that. I need to get the presents delivered to all the good children across the world, and I need my list and the rest of the gifts. It's up to you to find whoever stole them from me." So Santa shook a finger at each little kid and promised, "Bring me who you think did this, and I'll chop off their head!" Players (5) Clark (Bob) George (Classic_Spaceman) Susan (mostlytechnic) Scott (Tariq J) Eloise (Trekkie99) The Rules 1. Each player will be given a character to play, who will be aligned with either the Nice List (Town) or the Naughty List (Scum). To win the game, the Town must kill off all the Scum, while the Scum needs to outnumber the Town. Third-party (neutral) characters have their own win conditions as outlined in their roles. 2. Each day you will be able to vote to lynch a player. Voting is mandatory. Voting should be done in the following format; Vote: Character (Player). Similarly, unvoting is to be done in the format; Unvote: Character (Player). No other format will be accepted. A majority vote is required to lynch a player. Failure to vote will incur a 2-vote penalty the following game day. 3. A game day will last a maximum of 72 hours. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. The day will end when a majority vote has been reached after 72 hours. After the day has been concluded, a night stage will commence, which will last 48 hours. Night actions must be sent to the host in the first 20 hours of the night stage. 3.5. Players may not target the same player two nights in a row, and may not target themselves. 4. The alignment of lynched players, as well as those that died during the night, will be revealed at the beginning of the next day. 5. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to or from you in PM with the game host, or in PM with any other players. This includes all the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage. 6. Do not play the game outside the thread. Similarly, do not post out of character inside the thread. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game thread or via PM with other players. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game. 7. If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players. Any information you had becomes void, and may not be passed on. 8. You may not edit your posts. 9. You must post in every day thread. 10. If you encounter a problem or have a question, please contact the host via PM. 11. Violation of any of the above rules will result in a 5 vote penalty for the first offence, and death on your second offence. 12. There are no hints or clues in the day/night images.
  14. Huzzah! Look for the Day 1 Thread coming later today after work.
  15. I would kill for that. Ok maybe not kill but you know what I mean.
  16. Welcome to Holiday Madness Mafia! Players (5) Clark (Bob) George (Classic_Spaceman) Susan (mostlytechnic) Scott (Tariq J) Eloise (Trekkie99) The Rules 1. Each player will be given a character to play, who will be aligned with either the Nice List (Town) or the Naughty List (Scum). To win the game, the Town must kill off all the Scum, while the Scum needs to outnumber the Town. Third-party (neutral) characters have their own win conditions as outlined in their roles. 2. Each day you will be able to vote to lynch a player. Voting is mandatory. Voting should be done in the following format; Vote: Character (Player). Similarly, unvoting is to be done in the format; Unvote: Character (Player). No other format will be accepted. A majority vote is required to lynch a player. Failure to vote will incur a 2-vote penalty the following game day. 3. A game day will last a maximum of 72 hours. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. The day will end when a majority vote has been reached after 72 hours. After the day has been concluded, a night stage will commence, which will last 48 hours. Night actions must be sent to the host in the first 20 hours of the night stage. 3.5. Players may not target the same player two nights in a row, and may not target themselves. 4. The alignment of lynched players, as well as those that died during the night, will be revealed at the beginning of the next day. 5. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to or from you in PM with the game host, or in PM with any other players. This includes all the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage. 6. Do not play the game outside the thread. Similarly, do not post out of character inside the thread. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game thread or via PM with other players. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game. 7. If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players. Any information you had becomes void, and may not be passed on. 8. You may not edit your posts. 9. You must post in every day thread. 10. If you encounter a problem or have a question, please contact the host via PM. 11. Violation of any of the above rules will result in a 5 vote penalty for the first offence, and death on your second offence. 12. There are no hints or clues in the day/night images.
  17. Alright, I guess I'll close sign ups and get the game started. Look out for those PMs in the next day!
  18. Yay more people! We're over halfway there, but since there aren't a ton of people still, I'll give this until Sunday/Monday and then close sign ups and start the game.
  19. Still halfway there!
  20. Halfway there!
  21. Yay, a third of the way there! In full transparency regarding boards vs Discord, I too prefer boards so any of us can easily go back through old threads and reread rather than having to re ask for private servers and such. Just wanting to gauge interest either way.
  22. True, but it doesn't necessarily fit in style, but maybe that's a good thing with the wide variety we do have no over the years. I feel like if they did that, they would just have it be brickbuilt, like the GWP Tahu or an upscaled version of the 90th anniversary set.
  23. It was good for its time, but it doesn't scream "dragon" to me anymore, especially in size. We've gotten so many great new dragons over the years from pre-fabbed pieces to ones completely built in sets like Ninjago. The old one just is too puny for minifigures now after what we've been used to.
  24. KotZ replied to KotZ's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    Thanks! It was a group effort that all came together (somewhat surprisingly haha).
  25. You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout, I'm telling you why: Mafia is coming to town! Do you have a favorite gift? Do you have a gift you don't want to ever lose? Well, looks like there's some mafia members looking to mess up the holidays here! Are you one of them? Or are you part of the town trying to stop them? I'm looking for (hopefully) eight or nine excited players for a Holiday themed Mafia game; this won't be too crazy of a game, but don't be surprised if it goes off the rails like all of our games seems to do. 1) Have you ever played Mafia before, and what's your experience? If not, have you read some of the games we've had on here? 2) Can you commit to the game timewise? 3) What is your preferred holiday present? 4) For dead threads/scum threads, do you have a preference to use old boards like we did before, or Discord? For your convenience, the rules (modified and stolen from Kintobor, who in turn stole from def) have been attached below, so everyone knows what they're getting into. The Rules 1. Each player will be given a character to play, who will be aligned with either the Nice List (Town) or the Naughty List (Scum). To win the game, the Town must kill off all the Scum, while the Scum needs to outnumber the Town. Third-party (neutral) characters have their own win conditions as outlined in their roles. 2. Each day you will be able to vote to lynch a player. Voting is mandatory. Voting should be done in the following format; Vote: Character (Player). Similarly, unvoting is to be done in the format; Unvote: Character (Player). No other format will be accepted. A majority vote is required to lynch a player. Failure to vote will incur a 2-vote penalty the following game day. 3. A game day will last a maximum of 72 hours. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. The day will end when a majority vote has been reached after 72 hours. After the day has been concluded, a night stage will commence, which will last 48 hours. Night actions must be sent to the host in the first 20 hours of the night stage. 3.5. Players may not target the same player two nights in a row, and may not target themselves. 4. The alignment of lynched players, as well as those that died during the night, will be revealed at the beginning of the next day. 5. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to or from you in PM with the game host, or in PM with any other players. This includes all the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage. 6. Do not play the game outside the thread. Similarly, do not post out of character inside the thread. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game thread or via PM with other players. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game. 7. If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players. Any information you had becomes void, and may not be passed on. 8. You may not edit your posts. 9. You must post in every day thread. 10. If you encounter a problem or have a question, please contact the host via PM. 11. Violation of any of the above rules will result in a 5 vote penalty for the first offence, and death on your second offence. 12. There are no hints or clues in the day/night images.
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