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Everything posted by designer-han

  1. I agree that it's very likely there's no 3-point bogie-suspension for each rear-wheel according to the pictures. It should have more space for suspension travel, and that seams not the case. That's a pitty, as such a suspension is possible in Technic, as I already designed in 2011. Maybe I should upgrade my Hauler, as in between years many new elements are developed that are really useful (planetary hubs, long-stroke pneumatic cylinders/LA's, new panels, ... Of course, that MOC should be Control+ enabled Just to promote... No kidding, it is really possible to push more into the model it seams...... but let's await better pictures... and hopefully we (I) are all wrong.
  2. My guess is that TLG will use 3 App platforms: A) Control+ app purely for predefined original sets; to avoid kids making mistakes at any time. Interesting to learn if the App will remain responsive in loading... over 10yrs with 30 profiles in it by then.... B) PoweredUp app is purely for programming and education. Fun to do I must admit. C) A new App will be launched that will fill-in the gap between A) and B) and having the same UX as for instance the Brick Controller-2 app, including game-pad compatibility. It has all to do with product roadmaps, development efforts, budgets and target audience. Time will learn. In the end, PU will succeed PF.... although I have the same feeling today that PF gives more..... but it will be a dead end in time. PU has much more functionalities, and is (will become more) fun!! PS: side-question, but ON topic for this thread. Does the Volvo has the planetary gears wheel hubs as used in the 42099? Seams logical to do.
  3. Maybe this gives you an idea. More information on my website: www.designer-han.nl/lego And look for the MoC: 6x6 Articulated Hauler. An no, its not the Volvo TLC released.
  4. Thanks!! Both is possible. It works with 3x Power Functions IR receiver, or with 2x Sbrick modules. In the Building Instructions I made both options are given as instructions. Your welcome ! And, I do like to explain the model and it's functions to kids, daddies and even retired people who had picked up their LEGO hobby from long ago....
  5. Your fully righty abou this..... It is just that I finished this model with the regular LA's.... and guess what, LEGO releases the new LA's with a longer stroke this 2nd 2019. Wished I had them last year. But the regular LA's work fine, and I did not want to wait another year for modifing the Truck. Don't understand the question. My website works with the top browsers out there. Instructions can be bought via my website that redirects you to Sellfy.com. The truck is not published at Rebrickable due to their changed policies for publication irw cross selling.
  6. Yes, on my website in Excel, Xml and pictures.
  7. Time flies when designing new MOCs; it took 2 years to design this MOC and creating instructions. In total 6.012 parts are used. The building process is described in 938 pages. The Container Truck is full remote controlled (6 functions) with Power Functions or Sbrick modules. Remote functions are: driving, steering (both front axles), cabin tilt, front Power-Take-Off (PTO), container platform tilt, cable winches. At the rear-side a PTO is available as well; directly connected to the drive-train. An additional trailer is available as well; to carry a 2nd container. Fun part is to load/unload the container from the truck on the trailer. When Winter Times do come in, the truck can be equiped with a Snow Plow (connected to the front PTO) and a Salt-spreader unit (connected to the rear PTO). But there's more to tell; so I would suggest check my site http://www.designer-han.nl/lego for cut-away renders and other 'cool stuff' in this model. Talking about renders: A special thank you for Blakbird for creating these renders: they are magnificent and unbeatable! Video is available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOgOBEZTL94&feature=youtu.be For those living in the NL, the model will be shown on LEGOworld2019 in Utrecht. Enjoy your autumn and winter time to build what you have on your wishlist!
  8. Same here, I can not recall I had ever snapping these parts.... only bushes and the long-pin-with-stop-bushes do snap after a while.
  9. As some may know I designed many MOCs myself and I do buy Technic sets once in a while just to experience what TLC is up to. Having this model almost 1 year @home, I finally opened the box last week to build it. The main reason to start that late was due a certain degree of disappointment ‘out there on the internet’, making me feel that this set was ‘not that interesting to build’ or ‘you may become disappointed in its performance’ when it is ready. However, I have to admit that I was honestly surprised by its performance and really enjoyed the build. The chassis is nicely designed and interlocked and provide new Technic Builders a good view on how to do this in your own MOCs. Figuring out how each axle of the gear-box will end-up in its final function is fun and educative either! For me, Technic is all about functions, and HOW these functions do work without malfunctions; even after a couple of ‘hours’ operating. This model does the job without compromises. I have this seen otherwise in official sets the last decade. Of course aesthetics’ / appearance are important elements as well, but comes in my view always 2nd compared to Technics (otherwise it would have been CREATOR). Overall the model looks impressive and good and has some nice details I really like: the color-scheme that turns out to be much better in real-life, the chains, the bear, and the wheel arches. One can argue that this is all relatively simple, but sometimes less is more. I think it is okay. I recommend this model to everyone who gets their hands on it against a reasonable price (yes, I do agree the set is overpriced). You will get a model that is nice looking, does the job and has the ability to explain to kids (!) how (central) differentials work, gearboxes, LA’s, steering, fake engines as these functions are visible in its operations. For this, it is handy that the truck lacks a loading floor. I know one find this a flaw, but hey, it’s a tow truck, not a cargo truck ;-) And, your kids will love it as the inituative way of operating the truck is logical. Final word: It is not my intension to adjust people’s view on this set or to start an ‘agree/disagree’ discussion. I think Jim already captured all aspects of the set (pro & con) very well in his review (thanks for the review!!) But it the end, I think the set deserves a little more positive approach as well! I would say: Above average if I ignore the price. PS: Something totally different on the BI. Why do the 2 3L blue pins have an ‘offset’ of 1 hole on step 388, and 2 holes on step 396? When I create CAD/CAM files in MLcad, I just mirror the symmetrical builds. Seams TLC does not. And why is there no 2L black pin being pushed into the grey pin-connector in step 525, to be connected to the modular build in step 538? Probably forgotten or to save 1 pin J
  10. Well, as mentioned 'just before Christomas' :-) The Building Instructions are finally there. It took about 5 weeks of almost every evening a couple of hrs to create them; including photo call-outs and so on. Thanks for the positive feedback and really hoping I do not 'let you down' in expectations. I notice that the bar is set a little higher every year, so good is not good enough for MOCs nowadays. Btw: I really enjoyed all the other posts on Eurobricks about selling BI's and even complete packages; especially the pros/cons for the price tags. I really think there is no black/white view in what people ask for BI's or packages; although I learned from the last years that it is really a niche market to mine. So, do not expect to become reach or move into the Fortune top100 :-) Basically it is all about selling really really high volumes to have prices really low and still have a profitable margin. All sales below that is considered as 'nice to have' but never compensate the work you put into it. Just my 2 cents. Anyway, I drift away from the subject. I like to create MOCs and BI's, and hope you will enjoy when rebuilding the Silo Truck. I can assure you it is a fun model to build and play with... and was very well received by AFOLs on LEGOworld2017 in Utrecht recently. Cheers!
  11. Again - after almost 1 year of silence - a short teaser; See the section 'Silo Truck' on my website: www.designer-han.nl/lego for more renders & information. As of today only the MLcad files are ready, and thanks (again) to Blakbird for rendering the files so that I am able to share them in advance. Model core features are: PF M-motor driven pneumatic system for loading/unloading the mobile silo. The same M-motor drives the cabin tilting or the outriggers extension at the rear side, based on the switchbox selection. But there's more; so I would suggest check my site for renders and other 'cool stuff' in this model. I expect the BI's being ready in December... for those living in the NL, the model will be shown on LEGOworld2017 in Utrecht, starting next week Wednesday (18 Oct onwards for 7 days). Enjoy all your autumn and winter time to build what you have on your wishlist!
  12. Dennis: Speechless, beautiful and AMAZING! Its LEGO because we all known it.... but it is hardly to see...
  13. Just being in the process to build the BWE from my spare part collection. I was wondering if some of you run into the next to 'issues' as well. 1) I used initially the DBG treads of the 42042 Crawler Crane, and experienced a very jerky run (including stalling) of the treads over the sprocket wheels. This has all to do with inner tread shapes (bad = triangle based, smooth = square based). I know that TLC changed a couple of years ago the tread design; but I did not expect that the Crawler Crane treads of 1 yr before the BWE should fail. I used the older treads I had, and no issues at all. My questions is: what are the shapes of the official BWE DBG treads?? 2) The conveyer chain of the BWE (upper chain, from buckets to middle section) to jam once in a while. I guess this has to do with the older DBG treads I am using (have more slack). Does anyone experienced this as well?
  14. Thanks for the (almost ) positive feedback! Answers on the questions asked: I considered pneumatics v2 to be used; but decide to do not because a) I wanted the model to be full remotely controlled. Adding pneumatics means that a compressor/motor had to fit in + a pneumatic switch driven by a motor. Thus, 2 additional motors, requiring 2 PF channels. With LA's just 1 motor (actually 2 M-motors parallel) = 1 PF channel, it is able to control the dumpbed tipping/lowering. Because I wanted to have PF LED's remote controlled in the model and keep the max number of IR receivers limited to 2 (more did not fit in the model).... it meant that steering, driving, LED's and LA controlling was the way to go. Plus b) I learned with my Lowloader that pneumatic pressure do have limitations; LA's can move significant more workload. The dumpbed itself is already 0,9kg and the requirement is to dump 1kg stuff. With just 2 pneumatic cylinders I guess it stretches the limits. And the model needs to operate predictable imo. Brings me to adding a compressor in the Artic Hauler: same story, there is not enough space in the model to do so. So, no, I do not have the intention the add them. About being the model to be fragile? Hmm, that's a matter of taste; the model is sturdy and even the protection shield above the drivers cabin is strong enough to hold when one pushes with their fingers to show the suspension in action. About the yellow wheels? I nevers saw CAT brands without any other color :laugh: Indeed I used a more brickstyle build; although Technic panels (even the new 1x3x11 yellow panel is in it) are used even. The dumpbed itself is full designed with bricks and panels; as Technic panels do not allow smooth dumping of LEGO loads (the parts always will stuck somewhere). The inside of the dumpbed is completely flat, tiles and slopes are used for that. Bricks allowed me as well to have the CAT logo in place without using decals. I will not post photos of the build, as the model does already exist in real life. Only need to create BI's, which takes some time. For those attending/visiting LW2016 in Utrecht; the MOC will be there and shown in action together with the Dragline. Looking forward to that, as well to catch up with my MOC-friends!
  15. A short teaser this time; See 'Mining Truck' on my website: www.designer-han.nl/lego for more renders. As of today only the MLcad files are ready, and thanks to Blakbird renders can be shared in advance. Model features are: Full PF operated, suspension, LED front/rear lights and ability to dump 1kg. I expect to have BI's ready in October... for those living in the NL, the model will be shown on LEGOworld2016 in Utrecht. Enjoy all your summer holiday!
  16. @technicfan: Nice to see that my dual wheel MOD is still being awarded today
  17. First, thanks for Jim / Sariel for their outstanding review. Second: I was excited about this set... but given the reviews I pass on it. There is a lot said about the Quality Assurance process, which failed in a dramatic matter I would say. I can only opt for 2 reasons why it has failed... 1) Lot of time pressure by Porsche to get the set on the market (not sure what kind of penalty agreement was made about missing the launch date) 2) More likely: I guess the BI team was already lined up 1-2 years ago. As we all now, there are multiple development models of the Porsches. What if the BI team was already creating instructions in parallel with the development and they mixed up instructions? Could be..... I hope (naïf of course) that with the same parts in the box the BI of the pre-final model was used for some steps..... and that is why LEGO recalled the sales. :-))
  18. @Sunny45, no thanks... Enjoy the build, and just for your information. If tomorrow is the 19th of Oct, it is actually my birthday so nice to know that someone is building my MOC at that day :-)
  19. So do I, sure we have enough time to catch up. All models for LEGOworld2015 are rebuilded yet and packed ready to go. Only 1 thing left: to buy ~50 batteries to power the MOCs up
  20. :blush: Thanks for the positive feedback! And I really like the color combination. Hope that you had a fun time to build this model. It takes indeed a lot of time to design the model and then create instructions. However, I hardly watch television, so that gives me in the evening hrs enough spare time besides sports, kids, work.
  21. to Andy D: Only the wheel setup and the swing panels for access are familiar with the 8258. The inner side is totally different as the Crane Truck differs from the 8258 with a steered rear wheel, twin wheels on axel 3 and outriggers between the front wheels (whereof 8258 has them above the front wheels). As the steering mechanism and outrigger functions had to pass the 2nd steered wheel to the rear side of the truck (remind, the crane truck is steered from the backside) there is no space left for an advanced gearbox as the 8258 had. Therefore, I had to lead go the motorization.... but as I already explained on my website, neither my kids nor myself like the PF driven functions. Always hassle with the battery switch box to move the functions in, or was it out... was it up, no, it was down... I really see the PF switch being more frequently used for proper usage of the functions.
  22. Á propos, on my opinion Han´s dump truck (which he had built almost a decade ago I guess) looks much more realistic compared to the Ginaf truck which it is based on than the Arocs is looking "realistic". Software used is Lpub, POVray and MLcad. Then powerpoint and finally converted into pdf.
  23. Thanks for the compliment. Building instructions available on my website since yesterday... So you can build the model yourself as well. Ps: on my website more photos and explanations can be found.
  24. Instructions will be ready within couple of weeks. Target date is 1 October to have them available for purchase on my website.
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