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Everything posted by designer-han

  1. With permission of Eric some magnificent renders of the Crane Truck 42009c, including the cut-away render. Really appreciated, thanks !! http://www.bricksaf...ers/MOCs/42009c
  2. Let me explain the PF parts being unused. I really did this on purpose as my kids do struggle all the time with the switch direction of the battery box (uhh, daddy, was it the switch left for lifting the crane or was it right... Yeah, son, are you in front of the battery box or at the rear side, because that depends on the direction). :laugh: And, myself I like the manual operation much better then all the PF powering as well. Btw: I did (one evening) tried to have the crane functions powered by the PF with routing the both functions thru the turntable, but not success as the mounting body of the crane came out too high... Sorry....
  3. Thanks for the positive feedback; and thanks to the moderator for the subject change (I noticed that this can not be done afterwards myself). I will try to answer the questions. First, the photoshoot is indeed the new A1 highway at Weesp/Muiden. This time easily to access without climbing over fences. Yes, there will be BI's available within a couple of weeks. All MLcad work is done and finished, now creating the whole workbook for the BI's. I modified the first post and added pictures; not much, as all the photo's will be on my website soon. Number of unused parts is <300 (I guess something in the 290's). The first rear tyres has double wheels and has the differential of course. The last rear tyres are single and steered. Regarding the doors, they do indeed in real life stop above the mudguards. However, as I have the mini-LA's already hidden behind the steps it is quite challenging to have the doors extended downwards. Another challenge will be the sturdiness of the cabin as this is realized with the black beams. Anyhow, I did not really tried to design it that way, I think I will give it a try next time I design a truck. I do agree that the standards are high today for MOC's, and there is nothing wrong to push each ones to the limits. So, point taken. Btw: this MOC will be on display during the LEGOworld2015 edition in Utrecht / Netherlands.
  4. Just did some stacking with bricks.... and it appears to be a Crane Truck with a blink to the 8258 set Question for the Dutchies: Guess the location?
  5. Some photos taken on locations not easy to access
  6. Now that you say so..... It never crossed my mind what to do with all those wheels and rims, I just start right away.. a car! Really never thought of it. :laugh:
  7. :-) Should I leave the crane 'assembled' for LEGOworld later this year :-)
  8. First, thanks to Blakbird for reviewing my Dragline Crawler Crane MOC; and even more with an objective approach! I am very glad to read that the model meets your standards; and they are high IMO, so meeting the expectations is not easy. As well I am fully aware that every next MOC I design sets even the bar a little bit higher in the AFOL field out there. :-) Regarding the colors; I choosed to use an unusual color scheme, but in The Netherlands the BAM company is well known for these colors. In daily life I see multiple of these cranes outdoor when travelling the work. I agree the slewing is a little too fast; but gearing it down was hardly impossible within the superstructure (space and reliability in operations; e.g. I did not wanted to end up with crunching gears now and then). Finally, is this my most complex MOC? No, I do not think so. The Prinoth Leitwolf took much more hassle to get all functions packed into the chassis and to design. However, the Dragline is probably #2 in row.
  9. Should not be difficult; but of course replace it with the same size AAA box (eg the 88000 part as on the LEGO website). Downside is that that 88000 battery box adds weight to the superstructure, the rechargeable box is significant less weight. And all extra weight adds up to (a little) more stress on the swing drivetrain.
  10. Actually, if the turntable is mounted 'up side down', then the drivetrain must be located in the chassis. And there was not place left for it.......... So that is why it is within the superstucture.
  11. I can confirm that. A) the turntable is positioned right in the render. DBG sides needs to be on top. B) batteries do not drawn the rechargeable box very fast. On birthday parties the crane was in operation by kids many hrs without recharging. And, the recharging the rechargable box is done fast, much much faster then the AA batteries rechargeable. Ditching motors... Don't think so. Asymmetrical motor setup for the drivetrain will result in a 'twisted axle' (the one with the worm gears) for slewing. And, the motors for the freefall system do not run frequently. Althought. One could argue to skip the freefall system, then the motor count is 7.
  12. Just curious. Use the setup on the left picture to drive the turntable type 2 (with 2x 16 tooth gears); do you think the new style turntable of the 42043 supports the same setup but then with 2x 12 tooth gears (right setup) ???
  13. I really think the designer did a good job in the reality look of the crane. Yeah, the boom has empty spaces, but I am sure that was done on purpose. As I have some experiences with designing a crawler crane, the most challenging aspect of such a crane is finding the right balance on weight of the boom and the counter weight whereof the designer has to deal with the current turntable that is to small for this kind of applications. That is why the boom has exactly this size and why it is so empty as it is, and is not further extended. So I fully convinced that there are not sections left in this picture. Be aware that if the boom is lowered much more, the more momentum is applied on the superstructure.... What might result in tipping of the whole crane. Given the fact that the target area is kids, this crane is designed on the safe side given the above. And the color scheme is just gorgeous!! Plus a lot of blue parts, very welcome. Regarding the functions, we need to see more pictures to judge if crawling can be decoupled for both tracks. It seams indeed not to me, but not sure yet.
  14. I am afraid to so say so..... No news. Currently busy with the instructions of the dragline. New model in my mind is a dump truck, but then the mining version with the new panels of the 42035 and unimog wheels. But not a brick yet made of it.... :-)
  15. Hope this will be true irw introduction of new parts and re-releases of a crane or a truck.... MB Arocs = large size LA or pneumatics Crane = XL size turntable That would make sense. Probably not to bet on it...... ;-)
  16. Eric, a big thank you for sharing these renders. Really appreciated and I love the cutaway renders, as most of us seams to do....
  17. Ring ring: postman got a delivey for me..... just a couple of minutes ago. One word: AMAZING BOOK !!!! Beyond expectations !
  18. Is no manual work, fully automated and stamped on every page after buying before the buyer receives a download link...
  19. Still not change my view on selling my MOCs. For me there is no difference in selling official LEGO sets as used versus MOCs as 'used', even if people just build it once with the purpose for selling in their mind. It even might look like those people make a lot of profit, but I doubt that given the investments in time to collect all the parts, rebuild it and sell it. Besides the prices to be paid for buying the parts. And, given the unique number of some parts in my MOCs, one could hardly have more then 20 items on stock.. So, make a living of that? No, not via Bricklink. It is correct that I changed my mind regarding free versus sell instructions. But that is mainly because today it is quite easy to sell instructions with a 'stamp' on every page with the buyers name on it. So, the chance is minimal that people buy instructions and put them somewhere on the net with their Paypal name on it. I always had the idea to sell instructions for a small fee (hey, it must be affordable and low entry level for kids as well), but I was realistic about not having any mark of the buyer on the instructions..... for sure its copied on the net. So, I decided to keep them free, but with a clear disclaimer on it that they were 'free to use for every LEGO fan. It is sad, but I received emails of people who bought my instructions and noticed later on the disclaimer.
  20. As one probably noticed the BI's for the Stone Trailer Truck are done and ready for purchase.... one of the biggest jobs I did; took about 3 months to re-engineer the MOC to BI's for all 4.475 parts. I like to take the liberty to thank you for the support, especially Ritztoys for 'testbuilding', Blakbird for the magnificent renders and Philo for designing the Alien minifig head. And all others that have an opinion at this model. I agree, 14 orange panels is a CRIME....
  21. After 24 hrs of hmmm??!! ... and seeing the new pictures of today I think actually that TLC did a very good job! The model does really look like its original and has nice features as opening side doors for V6 engine access (clearly seen in combining two of the pictures above). As well TLC did paid attention to details by adding slopes as stairs (and one could always do this with 1x6 by the 5x7 gray frames, there is space for 1/2pins). It has 4WD btw. Even the steer within the cabin does function (can be seen in the video, and in the pictures about the 'how'). If we then swap one of the IR controllers to the 'train controller' we have proportional steering and driving!! And I think that will work quite well as it does in my MOCs ! Adding just the bang-bang IR controllers is probably a price thing. And we get a nice mix of PF stuff (servo, XL, L, M).... Plus I really like the bucket!! So, overall: very good job! So I'm afraid that I will buy it.. to join the articulated hauler! And load the Volvo on my lowloader
  22. If you look closely at Han's pictures you will notice that he didn't have too much loyalty to Old Grey vs LBG on the groomer and the old #4's are much easier to find. :laugh: Correct, even worse.... I like to mix them.... nothing is exactly equal colored in real life IMO.
  23. Clever solution! Might consider this...
  24. @jantjeuh: Actually the origina Leitwolf does have BLACK sprockets. However, at the moment of development I got only supplied by TLC with the yellow ones. Same goes for the tracks, they should be BLACK either. @nychase: The first try-out in LesArcs2000 France (wintersports) of the Leitwolf without the 1x7 gray liftarms learned that the grip was not that good on snow. The second try-out one year later with the 'blades' showed improvement in that area, but indeed the blades do not really hold the both tracks together. I found out that is better to have one blade per every 5 tracks instead skipping one every time. @squizz: Thanks for your kind words.... I do not know what to say... Especially that it cost you and a lot of others a fortune but that you enjoy it, as well as the hunt for parts
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