- Which set should I buy?
- Which set should I buy?
What are we suppose to discuss here?
Modular Building 2011
Modular Building 2011
I can confirm that the next modular will be released in August... ...but not that it is going to be a Petshop.
Are new Molds Expensive?
I've heard from a LEGO employee that a new mold costs 125 000 sek ( about 18 000 dollars ) to produce
2011 City sets
The best polybags i've EVER seen :D
MOC: Village small street
Cool moc! But I've never thought 10193 ever would be converted into a pizzeria
The Winners of Expand the Winter Village Contest
Congratulations to the winners! Your MOCs where fantastic!
MOD: Octan Road Train 3180
Nice Moc! Its really an improvement since last time. Then it was more like a double tanker than a road train but now it really looks good and reallistic (but i've never seen a roadtrain In Real Life)
Longest Modular, who has it?
Thanks, I will defiantly share my attempts to build a modular Thanks for the help. I've already teared down my Tower Bridge, so i guess that i could built something with those bricks+my spare parts. I have GG and GE, but i dont think i would ever take down those buildings. And Dragon Alley, would that make a good partspack? Thanks so much for the help it really helps
CC-Styled Inspiration Pics
I was looking for some actual buildings but thanks for the link anyway! And Obey, thanks for the tips, but i think i would prefer an actual CC building as reference pic
REVIEW: 9348 Community City Minifigures
Thanks for the review! I think this is an improvement from the old set, but the new female head print is not beutiful
CC-Styled Inspiration Pics
Hi Eurobricks! I'm new into CC mocing, so if you have some good inspiration pics please share them here /Fredrik
Longest Modular, who has it?
Thanks for the help! I'm new into CC mocing, do you have anny more inspiration pics? That woud really help me alot. And your CCs really look fantastic! /Fredrik
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