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About Daiman

  • Birthday 07/02/1968

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    jungle explorer atv

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    Lego for now


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  1. https://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?/forums/topic/200775-alt-build-contest-small-catagory-60428-space-construction-mech-alt/ why wont mine appear in that nifty box...
  2. Here's my take on a ride-able mining bot. A fun little build I had two goes at it but this one was more stable as I tried to be to clever in the prototype version Built for the small category for the contest I hope it gets a look in. I'll put up some instructions on my rebrick account in case you'd like to make one yourself. Good luck everyone.
  3. Yes I am doing a lot of that at the moment having just moved house. It is great for my creative outlet. I agree with that although the first one does look a little more off road than the original set. it also sports the spoiler on the front giving a very finished look. I was recalling the old 60s swamp buggy from Gentle Ben though its nothing like one...
  4. I agree with that although the first one does look a little more off road than the original set. it also sports the spoiler on the front giving a very finished look. I was recalling the old 60s swamp buggy from Gentle Ben though its nothing like one...
  5. Hi there, well I guess these can go in here. Although the original set is under the city theme I believe its more in line with Adventure and exploration. Just a couple of alt builds I came up with. Free instructions if you'd like to play around with them. https://rebrickable.com/users/RustyRunt/mocs/
  6. Thanks FZ its known as the 'BlockBird'.
  7. A little take on a stealth plane because there are not enough fun ones out there. Hope it serves at least a some inspiration to those who'd like to build there own.
  8. Ha Ha yes exactly however my instructions dont include that as it is just a Rancor not Jabbas Rancor. An easy mod for those who want it that way. Thanks for playing...
  9. Nice review I kind of wish I had this now as a result.
  10. Oh it's a lot bigger than I thought from the original render. I love the 'chunkiness' of the design looks like you could ram it through Death Star. The characters like they are off to take over Halloween lol...
  11. Please allow me to put a clearer picture on this and put an end to these toxic economics lessons. My point is not to complain how or why the prices are such here and there. What i neglected to clarify in a casual comment I made was this... If you went to a store and said item was gonna cost you 180 bucks of your pay you'd think about it hard for sure, but if it was going to cost you 300 dollars from your pay in any ones currency you would be thinking about it a lot harder and for me that's a no. Back on the original topic it makes sense that most are for collectors as ANH at this stage are 'ahem' a little older and possible have sentimental money to burn. The prequel generation are happy to have a chance to continue the fantasy scale army purchase while the tots are getting a kiddy jedi version to introduce them to the Star Wars concept which hopefully drags them into the larger universe and films later on. I'd say this is just a stage in a bigger picture, I mean I think the Mandalorian sets fed everyone's interest and budget and I'm sure they are planning many a drop on future series however big or small they may be.
  12. Arrrr, I also saw your stuff on discord in lego things they're great.
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