Everything posted by Capn Kirk 911
Western Mafia - Day 1
I would like to play, please.
Lego Indiana Jones available
The new Indiana Jones sets are available at However, they don't ship til Jan. 30th. Set prices: Temple Escape = 59.99 Lost Tomb = 19.99 Truck Race 29.99 Motorcycle Chase = 11.99 P.S. The new Star Wars sets are also available, and they don't ship til Jan. 30th, too.
"The Hobbit" Movie -- TLC's next license???
It would be wonderful if TLC made a Hobbit line. There are so many sets you can make from the book the hobbit. It would be a smart move on TLC.
2008 Exo-Force sets on
I *wub* the Panther! *meow*
Competition Rules
I am building a castle to suite my knights from the new castle line. I was wondering if we could have a Castle Gates Competition. I think that it would help me finish the hardest part of the castle for me... The gates! Length: 4 - 5 weeks and aditional 1 week for voting Forum: History and Adventure Amount of Pieces: Infinite Amount of Figures: Infinite Sets you can use: Any from the themes Old castle theme Vikings Knights Kingdom Castle ( the new theme ) Prize: Bragging rights and a thank you from yours truely... Me
What game are we playing at the moment?
On the computer: Dawn of war, Dawn of war 2, Dawn of war 3, Quake, and the halo 1 and 2 On my xbox 360: Quake, Halo 1, Halo 2, Halo 3, Gears f war, Shadow Run, Lost planet, Mass Effect, Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 3, Call of duty 4, Assasains Creed, and the Orange Box. As you can see, I really like my xbox and all the games that are able to play on it! P.S. My favorite games are shooters... P.S.S If any one has xbox live my gamer - tag is = St3w Bagins
Strange Happenings at Cookstown Mall
You are very lucky! I look forward to seeing your review
Hello, I'm new here and my name is nonother than General Teers
Hello, and welcome. I hope you will enjoy you're time here. Hopefully, it will not bring you much sadness. X-D
warhammer 40,000 discussion
I am a fan of Warhammer 40,000 I collect the Space Marines, and I collect the Tau. I have to say that the Tau are much easier to paint than my space marine army.
Favorite Stand Up Comedian
So, being the lucky boy that I am, got lucky again. My mom got tickets for me and a friend to go to see Dane Cook live in Indiana. Then It dawned on me, I want to know your favorite stand up comedian. So go ahead who's your favorite jokester? By the way the show is on Friday Nov. 9th. Is Any one else going?
Dwarves' Mine Review!!
Thanks so much for the review I look forward to getting it on christmas.
Droid Carrier
That is a very impressive moc. I love how much longer it is compared to the original set.
Pirates of the Burning Sea: Game
They trailer looked marvelous! The battle at sea look very fun. I am going to have to pick up a copy of this game.
Castle sets 2008/2009
I agree with Shakar the new wizard looks good with the printed legs and the belt. Personally, I would have liked to see the wizard in gray; not sky blue.
Resident Evil goes Bikini Bottom
That must have been pretty pricey to get all those Spongebobs...
i am on meebo
Nice to meet you Beastboy!
8 Clone Wars set for 2008 !!
Hipeee! I feel like a school girl!! *wub* What I wanna see is, a lego yoda and his kybuck!
TLG Venator scaled JSF and Vulture droid
I like your use of hands *y*
Man takes to the sky...
I think someone has done this before.... MythBusters did a whole episode on it.
~Free Pirate Lego MMO in the making! ARR!~
That looks fantastic. I am hoping that you guys pull towards people being able to build their own boats that would be insane!
Happy B-day Capn Kirk 911
Thanks you guys!
Lego star wars comics
I was looking around google yesterday 8-| and I found these rather intertesting comics 8-
"The Tie Army Wants YOU"
Deep, in the dark forest of Endor a new force arise, a powerful, strong, overwelming force. The legions of it crush trees down to their roots. They're so numerous the legion drinks the rivers dry! Each and every one forged in the hieght of battle ever since they were childeren a legion of..of.... Ewoks!!!! And standing as their leader Capn kirk we are ready to take on anything the empire can throw at us. You better be scared rocks and spears can cause major bo-bos!!!!(you better bring some band-aids) For tonight we dine on Imperials! P.S. I'll bring the Chocolate syrup! Oh, and they have a secert weapon! They can harness, the pure evilness of CAREBEARS!!!!!!!!!
Tag Discussions
Personally, I love the idea! This will help new members to have the chance to find the people that are most like them, and make new friends. I would find it very helpful. Hopefully in the future Eurobricks will get it but, It would take a while to create a tag for each individual item.
What a deal!!
Shouldn't this be in Ebay madness?
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