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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by Brickdoctor

  1. I'm not familiar with the Juniors themes, so I can't answer that. Pirates of the Caribbean was placed in Pirates because that theme forum was getting no new sets and PotC was quite similar to the generic pirates themes. Similarly, Lord of the Rings was placed in History because it took the place of ongoing generic castle themes, plus it helped that it had a lot of the elements of classic medieval history and legend. Both of these were major themes based on successful franchises which we knew would attract a lot of activity and which would leave their respective major theme forums with no new sets. And in the case of Star Wars, I believe that it was originally part of Licensed, but it is undoubtedly large enough to deserve its own theme forum.
  2. I don't see how it could be interpreted as a lack of consistency. Friends is a Town-esque TLG original theme, therefore it belongs in Town. Disney Princesses is licensed from Disney, therefore it belongs in Licensed. For the purposes of organization, it really doesn't matter to whom TLG targets the Friends or Princesses themes — EB is an AFOL forum; there's no point in organizing things based on how age groups that none of us are part of would behave.Licensed themes belong in Licensed. It's as simple as that. LotR and PotC were the special exception, not the precedent for future licenses.
  3. Or it's a starfighter appearing in Rebels that used to belong to Anakin and now belongs to someone else. That's not too implausible, I think.
  4. I don't think we can conclude anything about the Stormies and their armor in Rebels based on the minifigs (and artwork) we've seen so far. What we've seen so far is no different from the fact that the clones in TCW were stylized resulting in different minifig prints as compared to the Clones clones.
  5. Nowadays, I believe that permissions will only allow a staff member to change your username, even if the tab for it appears on your options page. Our policy is that for Knights and above, we will change a username for you once a year, just as how it used to work under the last version of the board's software. Under that rank, if your username contains your real last name, your year of birth, 'l33tsp34k,' a typo, random numbers, improper capitalization, or something like that, we'll fix the typo. If you don't have an issue like that that needs fixing, then we'll ask you to wait until Knight. In any case, you need to PM any Moderator or Admin to request a name change. (Regulator's don't have the power to change your profile settings.)
  6. This is the one that bothers me the most. I understand that it's nice to know that your collection is worth something, but just take a moment to think about it: how many of you are seriously going to consider selling your collection, barring some sort of financial crisis? Buying a minifig purely for its investment value is risky considering that you won't get to enjoy it as much and that you have no control over future sets' effects on supply and demand. And complaining that other people can now more easily acquire the minifig which you have no intention of ever selling, that just seems childish to me. Buy a minifig because you like it, not for bragging rights or for future resale.
  7. Current Sign-ups for Quest #112: Party #1: Alexander Vandagant, Level 24.67 Hunter (Wedge09) *Party Leader* Francis Barkley, Level 5 Ranger (Captain Settle) Mizuki Kimura, Level 24 Assassin (zakura) William Harkenshire, Level 19.5 Warden (Fred Daniel Yam) Party #2: Atramor Gibbin, Level 32.75 Regulator (CallMePie) *Party Leader* Dyric Rone, Level 26.33 Assassin (The Legonater) Namyrra Uq, Level 45.8 Archmage (Quarryman) Monk Pretzel, Level 30 Artisan (Palathadric)
  8. I think it would be safe to assume that the short character is Ezra himself...but I have no idea what Ezra is supposed to look like.
  9. As I just yesterday told you about Episode VII discussion... "Discussion belongs in a topic that already exists" doesn't mean "Go start a new topic in a different forum to evade the moderator." Especially when you haven't actually provided any information about Episode VII to discuss.
  10. As long as the topic is about the MOC rather than about promoting the Kickstarter/Ideas/Indiegogo project, we're okay with it. In this case, it'd be fine for you to add a link.Relevant portions of our Site Guidelines are:
  11. A reminder: People come to read these pictures and rumors topics expecting to read about sets that we expect to see. Episode VII sets may be inevitable, but we have no source that has actually told us of any such sets at this time. Continued discussion of Episode VII sets here is not only off-topic, but it is also confusing for other readers who now have to dig through posts that have nothing to do with sets that are rumored to be released in 2015. No matter how logical your case may be, discussion of any sets that you think we'll see or that you want to see from Episode VII belongs in Future Star Wars Sets. Remember our Site Guidelines: So, please try to stay on topic, and thank you for helping to keep EB a pleasure to read for everyone. Your screaming and use of all-caps is unwarranted. Remember that EB is an AFOL site, and as such we expect a certain level of quality and maturity from our members when they post. Furthermore, as you are not a member of the EB staff, please avoid minimodding and telling other members what to do. If you see a post that you think is against the guidelines, please use the 'Report' button so that a staff member can step in.Please refer to our Site Guidelines:
  12. Current Sign-ups for Quest #112: Party #1: Alexander Vandagant, Level 24.67 Hunter (Wedge09) *Party Leader* Francis Barkley, Level 5 Ranger (Captain Settle) Mizuki Kimura, Level 24 Assassin (zakura) William Harkenshire, Level 19.5 Warden (Fred Daniel Yam) Party #2: (Requires three more heroes and to choose a Party Leader.) Rufus, Level 1 Barbarian (the lego dwarf)
  13. This is actually incorrect. We have no specific information about Episode VII sets, so any discussion of Ep. VII sets that you want to see or think we will see will belong in Future Star Wars Sets. As for discussion of Episode VII itself, that belongs in the Star Wars topic in Culture and Multimedia.
  14. Apologizing doesn't make it acceptable for you to continue posting off-topic after someone tells you not to. It only means that you know you're making an off-topic post, and you decide to do it anyways. If a moderator tells you to stop a discussion, then it is over. It doesn't mean that you get in one or two final comments while apologizing.
  15. I know you're all excited, but since there are no Slave Is coming in 2015 (as far as we know at this time), let's keep discussion of 75060 to the 2014 topic. Thanks!
  16. Yeah, unless there's a press release, we prefer to keep everything related to upcoming sets inside the appropriate rumors topic. (2014 Pictures and Rumors, in this case.) I'll lock this to avoid any confusion, and move some posts...
  17. That depends on your source, since we don't allow confidential images to be posted on EB.
  18. Welcome! Done, and done. Sorry for missing your tag the first time. Welcome! Welcome!
  19. I think Costy has that yeti-exclusive bodywear with a higher SP. Fur Coat (SP: 12), if I remember correctly.
  20. QM Note: Please make sure to embolden your sign-ups and announce your party when it's formed so I know who's signed up with whom. Current Sign-ups for Quest #112: Alexander Vandagant, Level 24.67 Hunter (Wedge09) Francis Barkley, Level 5 Ranger (Captain Settle) Mizuki Kimura, Level 24 Assassin (zakura) Require: One more hero, choose a Party Leader Rufus, Level 1 Barbarian (the lego dwarf) Require: Three more heroes, choose a Party Leader
  21. I now wonder how much better my last quest might've been if my general ed Theatre professor hadn't shown herself to be a terrible teacher whom you should never pay attention to from day one...
  22. I think it stems mostly from the fact that it's a fantasy trope. Like the whole Elves vs. Dwarves thing.
  23. I'm happy I got to post that, because I think this is literally going to be the only time in my life that I'm actually going to use anything I remember from that Economic History course I was forced to take last year.
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