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Everything posted by Brickdoctor

  1. Yeah, I went back and checked the movie, and the theme is kind of hard to notice in the rescue from Cloud City scene that it was written for. It doesn't play too loudly, and a lot of the dialogue and sound effects obscure that instantly recognizable fast rhythm. The theme is used in a more prominent fashion earlier in the movie during the Snowspeeder search for Luke and Han, fading in behind the sounds of Snowspeeder engines and being a lot easier to hear (at least in the 1980 version). The Snowspeeder scene was actually where I recognized the music from; I didn't even realize that it was used in the rescue from Cloud City scene until I went looking for it. Well between the various uses of the Imperial March theme and the Rebel Fleet/End Title piece, why would you not listen to the Empire soundtrack every chance you get?
  2. "Before I forget, Master Vandagant, hang on to one of my Phoenix Essences for this quest." I lend the consumable to Alexander.
  3. I hand Knickers 40 Gold, accepting the 5 Grand Potions. "Thank you very much. I think I'll also buy that Lustrous Cloak; could you do 60 Gold?"
  4. "I see. Interesting, that there are people who belong besides the Dreamer. Do you know who they are? Are there no other inhabitants of this land, other than yourself, the faceless soldiers, and the outsiders who belong?" "That's very generous of you, and it's much appreciated. How about, say, 40 Gold for 5 Grand Potions?"
  5. OoC: By the way, I'm not ignoring your queries, Kinto; I was just trying to think of a good response, and then the quest started moving forwards and it didn't make much sense for me to reply.
  6. "Yes, I'd be interested in your wares."While I take a look at the items for sale, I continue to speak to Knickers: "We were told that this was a dream, but you'll have to forgive me if I'm cautious and skeptical whenever I'm told that I've been dropped into the dream of someone who doesn't appear to want me here. What do you know about the castle, Master Knickers?"
  7. Combining Animal Talk and Diplomacy, I respond, "Indeed it is." I hand my piece of Catnip to the cat. "We're trying to find out what's going on here; perhaps you could help us? Do you know to whom these items belong?"
  8. "Little bit of confusion there with regards to the targets, I see, but it looks like it all turned out in our favor." I check to see if this is a safe place for Francis and I to Rest.
  9. "Master Barkley, you need to specify that if the Dream Knight is defeated, you'll do nothing. You don't want to end up switching targets to the Elite Dream Knight in the middle of the Round."
  10. I think he was retconned into the background of the street vendor scene in Menace.
  11. OoC: I think you forgot to reduce my HP after I took the Free Hit. On that note, I think I should be taking (30*2/2-23)/2=4 Damage from Free Hits, not 2, which would make my current HP 73/77. "Excellent! All right, looks as if it's time to pile it on. "Master Barkley, you can't take the Dream Lancer's Special anymore, so you should attack the Dream Knight, but do nothing if he's already defeated. Everyone else should team up against the Dream Lancer. Our Order of Actions should be myself, Lady Annienal, Master Vandagant, Master Barkley. That way, if the Elite Dream Knight gets a Free Hit, it will continue to go against me; Lady Annienal and I can get a chance to take out the Dream Lancer first and give Master Vandagant the opportunity to do massive Damage to a much healthier enemy; and it's possible that Master Barkley, who is wounded, won't have to risk attacking anyone." I attack the Dream Lancer from the Back Row with my Darksteel Crossbow.
  12. "Master Vandagant! Lady Annienal should still be acting first, to take the hit from the Dream Knight!
  13. "Aura is one of the powers of the Warden class. By 'roll,' I mean that the Voice In The Sky has randomly decided that my subconscious has successfully performed this powerful but possibly life-threatening ability which I don't really want at this time, but which has to be a possibility because the universe has to be fair to our enemies so that we can't just run around killing everything to get loot and XP. For example, Raiders used to be able to kill just about anyone and everything, but then the other Voices In The Sky nerfed the curriculum that the Copper Fox teaches from in order to keep the conflicts of the universe balanced."
  14. "Change of plans. I just realized that if I roll Aura, there's a good chance that I'd get Knocked Out, and no one else is carrying Phoenix Essences. Remind me to fix that by giving at least one to Master Vandagant after this battle is over. "So, I'll have to use a Health Core. Master Barkley, you're fine attacking the Dream Lancer. Lady Annienal, you should be fine continuing to attack the Dream Lancer, and you can stick to the Back Row if you want to be safe. Master Vandagant, you should switch to the other Elite Archer." I use a Health Core from the Back Row.
  15. (Old Plan) "Ow. Well, if we play this correctly, I can survive another Round and use my consumables more efficiently. "Master Vandagant, you should try to take out the other Elite Dream Archer. I can take another hit from him, but there's no point in trying considering that I won't deal very much Damage to him. "The Elite Dream Knight will be killed easily enough through Counterstrikes, so let's just leave him untargeted. The next highest-Level enemy is the Dream Lancer — I can survive rolling Damage against him and I think I can just survive rolling Special Damage against him, so I'll do that. "Which means, Lady Annienal and Master Barkley, that you should use a conditional action: attack the Dream Knight; if the Dream Knight is already defeated, attack the Dream Lancer; if the Dream Lancer is already defeated, do nothing. "Sound reasonable to everyone?" I attack the Dream Lancer from the Back Row with my Darksteel Crossbow.
  16. 'Mould' is British English; 'mold' is American English. We Americans are lazy. Got to get rid of those extra letters and assume that you can infer the correct sound.
  17. Let's also not forget that TLG's capability to produce highly specialized, one-time-use-only pieces and molds has gotten much more impressive over the last few years. Yes some of it's due to the China factory, but I for one welcome the massive influx of new minifig parts to play with. This is not 2006 anymore, when TIE/in Pilots and V-wing Pilots needed to have reprinted Stormie and Phase II Clone helmets; I see no reason for TLG not to make a new mold for a specialized trooper, if the design is different enough from anything that currently exists.
  18. Brickdoctor replied to KimT's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
  19. Check the main index. Star Wars License Discussion.
  20. Does no one like Bothawui, or what? Deploy more troops! Lord Vader will not be satisfied with victory in just four out of five systems!
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