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Everything posted by Brickdoctor

  1. Thanks, everyone! Other than putting two photos next to each other, no. The old one was taken apart years ago. More or less. it's just plates arranged to vaguely look like the 'real' underside. Nothing notable to look at, but at the same time, nothing ugly. The alternative is to just leave it stepped or flat, which you can definitely do, but the 'real' canopy slopes downwards towards the front, and my personal preference is to trade a bulge for a proper slope. Reasonably swooshable. The front and back halves are sturdy enough separately, and even though the old finger hinge is their only actual connection, they're braced by brackets near the nose and there's a rubber band (Either a red Technic rubber band or one of the rubber rings from the Emerald Night's flanged drivers.) pulling the two halves of each wing towards each other. It's pretty flimsy when you're building it, but it gets stronger once it's all together. Off to the top of my head, is that the one made of 1-high panels? There really isn't room for more width, because you run into the wing. If I could run the fins through the wing, I could make it a fin wider on each side and move the outer fins upwards, and that'd be perfect. I didn't build it in LDD first, no. I have an older wing prototype; I'll see about updating it.
  2. Uh...surprise? It's been, what...three, four years since my last proper MOC? Well, now that I know I'll be renting the same room for the rest of my time at university, I moved a good chunk of my collection in with me. And then I had to go on a Bricklink spree after I saw all the new parts (Seriously, you guys are spoiled. ) and minifigs that have come out in the past couple years. I had the AT-ST on display, so I was planning to rebuild and update my T-47 to go alongside it. Then I had a quick conversation with LilMeFromDaFuture, and he was looking into different combinations of slopes to minimize the stepped effect of SNOT wings. I figured, well, if you really want to get rid of that stepped edge, it's just like building a Star Destroyer: you flip the thing around and put the flat edge on the outside, right? So I did that. The last time I built a Snowspeeder, I was a teen with no income, so there were some workarounds required whenever I didn't have the right part or didn't have enough of a part. This time, I had no such limitations, and I think that's a big reason why this iteration is so much cleaner. I opted for the regular orange instead of the Rogue Leader grey this time. I like the extra color, and since I did the repulsorlift housings entirely in tiles instead of SNOTed slopes, all the pieces I needed existed in orange. I'm not sure how obvious it is in the pictures; the entire wing assembly is ever so slightly inclined inwards towards the front. Some other general angles: The front portion of the guns are pneumatic tubing stiffened by two train axles apiece. (You can just barely see the divot in the middle where the two axles meet.) The exposed ends of the axles are fed into flex tubing to be clipped or inserted into a Technic pin. So smooth... I'm not entirely happy with how the radiator is integrated, but the 'real' one goes through the trailing edge of the wings, and I don't have that luxury. Comfortably seats two! As usual, reference material is Toromodel and the venerable Starship Modeler. And you can still see some of the influence of Larry Lars's speeder, especially in the canopy. Up next: The next batch of BL orders coming have a bunch of white curves, the new Hoth Rebels, and some transparent Technic liftarms, so I can build a proper stand and a display base to match the one I built for the AT-ST (or, well, an updated version of the AT-ST; I've made some minor changes to smooth out the head and strengthen the legs). EDIT: ...and base complete: As this is a display base meant to showcase the Snowspeeder, I kept it clean and simple, rather than adding a bunch of trenches and gun emplacements, as was my original plan. Comments and criticism are welcome! Thanks for looking.
  3. Nostalgia is a factor, but I know and agree with what jamesn is saying: the older minifigs have a more "LEGO-ish" stylization to them that makes them fit in better with the abstract proportions of minifigs. A good example is Boba Fett: I get that the modern helmet is more flexible (literally and figuratively), but the old mold has a certain blockish charm. It's not necessarily a lack of quality, it's just...different.I agree that minifigs are a large part of what sells sets, and I agree that TLG should continue to push the limits of minifigs, but there are some designs that don't need to be made more realistic.
  4. Dull China plastic on top, shiny Europe/Mexico plastic on the bottom for those polished Imperial boots. I'm in.
  5. Internal plans could of course change, but I would be surprised if they were officially released soon, since TLG requested the embargo until the end of next month.
  6. Brickdoctor replied to Oky's post in a topic in Culture & Multimedia
    Not sure about the new canon, but I've read theories that the majority of the time spent on the first Death Star was development of the superlaser. (In the old canon, the 'zeroeth' Death Star prototype wasn't powerful enough to completely destroy a planet, and had no targeting system. It was intended to have been finished as a proof of concept before the first Death Star was begun, which would make the timeline more sensible, until George had to go and stick the first Death Star into Sith...) They'd already figured out how to build that the second time around.
  7. Slippery slope much? TLG does do their research when considering the potential popularity of set and theme concepts. I highly doubt a negative reaction from a portion of a demographic that isn't their primary target would prompt them to cancel an entire subcategory of sets.
  8. Not really. Everything we 'knew' beforehand was based on the "A friend talked to an employee at a store/con and said it would be bigger and better and all your dreams will come true!" sort of stories. To my knowledge, TLG has never officially teased this set or attempted to overhype it.
  9. We don't always remove pictures. Historically, there have been many cases where official, non-prelim pictures leaked before release, and we weren't asked to take them down. We don't have any sort of set-in-stone rule that says "remove all pictures." Additionally, once the pictures are officially released, they do get posted here and this topic can be used to discuss them.
  10. Josh temporarily locked the topic because people wouldn't stop asking where to find leaked pictures, and none of us had the time to constantly refresh the page and hide posts. Also, the decision to lock the topic was ours; TLG isn't trying to censor negative comments or something. That couldn't be further from the truth.
  11. All right, let me first say that EB staff made the decision to lock the topic, so before you guys start complaining about TLG trying to censor discussion and keep it all under wraps...that's not the case. This topic was locked because no one was listening to Josh when he told you not to share the leaked pictures. I understand that you have a lot to say about this set and you all want to see pictures, but these are obviously leaks from a non-official source, so let me make this very clear: Do not post them. Do not ask how to find them. Do not in any way use EB to share them or ask for them to be shared with you. Don't try to be clever or try to find loopholes. We don't prohibit discussion and we don't care how well you use Google, but sharing the images is a no-go. We will Chamber members who use EB to share leaked images or repeatedly ask to be shown leaked images. Thank you.
  12. This is not a topic for debating the quality of The Clone Wars. Stay on target topic.
  13. Sure, that's reasonable; I don't disagree. It's when people (not specifically you) complain about it as if it's a big make-or-break issue that I think it gets a bit silly. Uh, no, it's not. This is a set about upcoming sets. Designers design said upcoming sets. I don't necessarily agree with his opinion, but posting about the designers of rumored 2016 sets as ISDAvenger has done is entirely on topic.
  14. More than "a bit"; inflation alone would give 10188 an MSRP of $457.04 in 2016 dollars. The "ten-parts-per-dollar" concept is an older rule of thumb. It was never more than a rough guideline that didn't fully take into account the costs of more specialized parts, and it hasn't been consistently observed in Star Wars sets for years. In general, licensed sets are never going to be as cheap as their non-licensed counterparts. It's unreasonable to expect Star Wars waves to be comparable in value to those of themes created by TLG. Which I acknowledged in my post: Let me put this another way -- and I intend absolutely no offense towards anyone, because EB is an AFOL site, thus I assume that the majority of us are fiscally responsible adults; I'm not trying to lecture you -- if you can't afford to drop $500 on LEGO, then maybe you shouldn't be spending $400 on LEGO.
  15. Agreed. One really can't expect a set with a lot more pieces and a greater variety of minifigs at the same price as a set that was released eight years ago. A rehash of 10188 at a higher price is exactly what I'd expect and seems like a completely reasonable set concept.Regarding price: 10143 retailed at $300 eleven years ago. I would be very (pleasantly) surprised if TLG took major elements of that set, added it to a set that was $400 eight years ago, and sold it for the same $400 in 2016. And like I've said before, I know $100 is a lot of money, but really, you have no problem with committing to $400 on a pile of plastic toys, but $500 is an instant deal breaker? Regarding new minifigs of minor characters that only appear in Death Star scenes: do you really want minifigs to be exclusive to a $500 set? Regarding potential lack of Stormtroopers: it's a $500 set. Yes, it'd definitely be nice if it had a whole platoon if them, but you're not buying it as an army building set, I hope.
  16. No, the info from amazingbricks was just that there'd be a Yoda's Hut. We got the minifig information later.
  17. Pretty sure it's just a 5-wide Scala dish. I don't know; I think it looks kind of odd. I don't know if it's the lack of depth or the fact that it's printed on a curved surface or the size, but it looks even more odd than having a pilot with no goggles at all, to me.
  18. Let's keep this discussion to actual rumors, please Regardless of whether or not there're still open prices point slots, we've heard nothing to suggest sets such as an AT-ACT, an X-wing, a TIE/sa, etc. I know there's a fine line separating reasonable guesses based on what we know (i.e., set that has Yoda and Artoo and looks like an Eta-2 is probably a starfighter) and wild speculation that really doesn't have any supporting evidence (i.e., set that will be from Rogue One and cost $70 might be an X-wing), but let's try to keep the unsupported predictions in Future Star Wars Sets. And posts like this: ...are pure wishlists and definitely belong in Future Star Wars sets.Thanks.
  19. You don't. Predictions and wishlists are all lumped together in the existing Future Sets topic regardless of year; legitimate rumors have a pinned topic per year. Don't make any new topics for predictions.
  20. You can PM a staff member (we do appreciate your help in cases like this) and there's a chance we'll discuss it, but I won't promise anything nor will I allow such discussion here because, in general, the reasons for banning a member should be private.
  21. You're welcome to send us reports with your concerns, but decisions of how, when, and why to ban someone are solely those of the staff.
  22. Mmkay, I realize that these are reactionary comments, so I don't blame anyone for posting them, but this really isn't the place to discuss how TLG handles leaks. If you have any concerns about that, another topic in a forum like General Discussion or The Embassy would be better suited. Let's keep this one focused on the rumored sets. Thanks.
  23. At the moment, TLG is saying "please," and we're enforcing it because we kind of like and respect the people who make the best toys on the planet. Which really isn't TLG's or Disney's concern. These are still toys targeted towards kids; they're neither limited productions nor collector's pieces that the majority of buyers plan ahead for. We do not, of course, make any attempt to control what you do outside of EB, and I'm not sure you had any intentions otherwise, but I will reiterate that you may not use EB to send, offer to send, or request to be sent leaked images.
  24. The embargo on Rogue One images will end on 30 September, 2016. Topic unlocked.
  25. Important! While TLG acknowledges that Amazon Italy is an official source and isn't considered confidential, they have requested that we avoid sharing the Rogue One images until further notice. As a reminder of how this affects EB: you may not embed or link images in posts on EB, and you may not use EB to send, offer to send, or request to be sent images. How well you use Google is none of our business...as long as you're not making EB your Google. I'm going to temporarily lock this topic for a few hours just to make sure everyone reads this. Both we and TLG thank you and apologize for any inconvenience.
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