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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by Brickdoctor

  1. I must say, I'm not a fan of the general design of Krennic's shuttle, but TLG did a really nice job with all the angles in the set. The thickness is fine; they just look disproportionate because they lack the depth that the 'real' ones have. The lack of leg detailing and the really fat top side of the head don't help, either.
  2. Brickdoctor replied to Oky's post in a topic in Culture & Multimedia
    They're supposed to represent what the Alliance is trying to restore, yes, but I don't think that means they have to be portrayed as in some sort of golden age. Organizations with access to practically exclusive powers and respected as protectors of a galactic government for a thousand years don't go from golden age to ruin while their rivals take control of the galaxy under their noses in the span of thirteen years. Now, I don't pretend to know what all of George's intentions were here, but I don't see an issue if any of the PT Jedi seem boring or bland or idiotic. So...flawed, out-of-touch, stuck in a rut, ready to be exploited, like I said?
  3. While I don't think E.T. should be considered a Star Wars minifig, I also don't think this is the right reasoning. Star Wars toys and references appear in other movies because other movies are set in the real world, a world in which Star Wars exists as fiction. Star Wars is not set in a universe where other real world franchises exist as fiction, so you can't really compare the two situations. It makes realistic sense for Star Wars toys to appear in some other movies; the opposite isn't true. I think E.T. isn't a Star Wars minifig because I think it's pretty obvious that TLG isn't making a minifig out of an easter egg in Star Wars, and I don't think we need to complicate it beyond that.
  4. Brickdoctor replied to Oky's post in a topic in Culture & Multimedia
    And I would be a poor OT/Legends EU fan if I didn't point out that it wasn't a new idea; at least one magenta lightsaber debuted almost four years before Clones. Isn't that kind of the point of the PT Jedi? That they were a flawed, unsympathetic, out-of-touch order stuck in a rut and ready to be exploited and rebelled against?
  5. Brickdoctor posted a post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Can you imagine how cluttered and confusing this forum would be if we had separate topics for every single "What are your favorite/least favorite/best/worst LEGO Star Wars set/minifig/product?" combination? We already have reviews of sets and a general "Favorite Minifig" topic, plus a comparison topic for pictures of side-by-side set and minifig comparisons. These posts will be merged with the Favorite Minifig topic. Original post:
  6. Can you imagine how cluttered and confusing this forum would be if we had separate topics for every single "What are your favorite/least favorite/best/worst LEGO Star Wars set/minifig/product?" combination? We already have reviews of sets and a general "Favorite Set" topic, plus a comparison topic for pictures of side-by-side set and minifig comparisons. These posts will be merged with the Favorite Set topic. Original post:
  7. As Stash just reminded you guys a couple days ago, discussion of products (including but not limited to sets and minifigs) you want to see but which are not explicitly part of current rumors does not belong here. Even if it's tangentially related to a current rumor; even if someone else started the discussion and you want to weigh in; even if you don't think anything else is interesting at the moment; even if your wishlist is completely realistic and reasonable; even if you try to be clever about tying your wishlist in to a current rumor* -- if it isn't part of a current rumor, it doesn't belong here. *Examples of unacceptable attempts to get around this include: "This rumored set is terrible; it'd be so much better if it was this <wishlist> idea instead!", "The fact that this set is rumored is clear indication that this other <wishlist> should be coming soon!", and "This idea for this <wishlist> sounds awesome; anyways, back on topic now!" These posts have been moved to Future Star Wars Sets.
  8. To be fair, ten-year-old me thought minifigs with LULs that you could control on sticks was an amazing idea, and the rest of the set isn't a terrible representation of the refinery while being a suitable base for duels.
  9. We don't need two topics for the same WIP. Merging... Done.
  10. As amazing as Gunner's MOCs are, please don't bump a five-year-old topic just to ask for an LXF.
  11. amazingbricks is the original source, and from what I've been told, he's been correct in the past.
  12. Brickdoctor replied to Oky's post in a topic in Culture & Multimedia
    Honestly, if I were Disney, I wouldn't release them. They've made it very clear over the past few years that this is a new canon, that it's time to move on from all the old stories, that the only things remaining canon would be ongoing projects and the work George did. They've tried very hard to present a new, unified storyline with one definitive version of events that don't conflict. Why should they put significant restoration work into releasing a different version of the films when the majority of people probably don't know or don't care about the changes and George would disapprove? It's not as if they don't make a ton of money on the current version of the films and their other merchandise.
  13. It's fine to have a differing opinion, but there's no need to insult other members by saying that they aren't real AFOLs.Besides, by your logic, if you don't write fanfiction, you aren't a fan of Star Wars.
  14. Please keep any sales or trade offers in the BSTF forum.
  15. Brickdoctor replied to Oky's post in a topic in Culture & Multimedia
    Are there any real serious rumors? We don't know if that release is physically possible. The negatives, supposedly already in dirty, poor condition when taken out to make the '97 release, might've been damaged so much in the making of the special editions that Lucasfilm might not be able to put together a theatrical edition (at least not one better than Harmy and Team Negative One have) even if George and 20th Century Fox (who still have the distribution rights for the OT and PT) okay'ed it. I believe the current Blu-rays are in fact sourced from the negatives, the 2004 cut.
  16. Brickdoctor replied to Oky's post in a topic in Culture & Multimedia
    It's definitely worse. They're low resolution and sourced from the LaserDisc releases, not the original negatives. There's some debate as to whether original theatrical negatives for the OT even exist anywhere, or if they were irreparably cut up to make the special editions. The Library of Congress has 35mm prints of all three, but those are for copyright purposes and not otherwise accessible. Apparently even the National Film Registry doesn't have copies of Star Wars or Empire, because after they inducted the former, George only offered the '97 version. There are some pre-1997 theatrical prints floating around (and even those sometimes have changes, like the addition of "A New Hope" to Star Wars's crawl after 1980), but people are usually hesitant to show those off for fear of Lucasfilm's lawyers. If you really want to see a version close to what was shown in theaters, Team Negative One earlier this year finished their first release of a 1080p restoration of Star Wars made by combining a partially complete 35mm English print and a 35mm Spanish print. They're working on continuing to clean that up as well as on restorations of Empire and Jedi. My preference is Harmy's Despecialized Editions, which reconstruct the theatrical editions from a variety of sources, including the '93 LaserDiscs, the Team Negative One scan, and the Blu-Rays. The goal is to produce theatrical editions comparable in quality to the Blu-Ray release, as opposed to a true restoration, so the colors look more vibrant (and the colors are corrected to what the team feels the '77 prints could've looked like, not to what Lucasfilm did with its more recent releases), the sound is crisper, the camera is more stable, and the picture is less grainy compared to the Team Negative One release. Harmy has Star Wars, Empire, and Jedi all available in 720p, and his team is working on one final touch up of Empire before working on 1080p versions. I won't post links to any of those, since there're obviously concerns about downloading Star Wars movies off the internet (in the case of the Despecialized Editions, you should legally own the Blu-Ray or digital HD versions of the OT first). Here's a quick comparison I made of the respective flyovers: And a video by Harmy about his Despecialized editions.TL;DR: If you want something as close to what was shown in theaters in 1977 as possible, watch the Team Negative One edition. If you want the original theatrical edition but remastered and (in my opinion) more pleasing to watch, watch Harmy's Despecialized edition. If you don't care about any of the changes George made, watch the Blu-ray release. Don't go for the 2006 DVDs.
  17. Admittedly, I've never tried to buy a large number of clones, so someone else might have a better answer, but I doubt you're going to find any reliably-available source of most minifigs that's has both high quantity and better cost efficiency than a BP currently in production (or select other sets, like '07's MTT). You can try Bricklink, but the vast majority of offerings aren't large quantities, so you'll be paying a lot of shipping charges. Depending on exactly which clones you want (it looks like you can get any of the vanilla clones for around $3-$4), it might be cheaper than buying sets, but it still won't beat the price per minifig of a hypothetical BP that had four of that minifig. The unfortunate reality is that you generally can't have "minifigs" and "lots" and "cheap" and "now" all at the same time. I think your best bet would be to watch eBay for the lots of minifigs that pop up every now and then (or wait and hope that TLG releases BPs or sets more to your liking). Otherwise, you'll need to be patient and accumulate clones slowly from BL stores that are selling other things you also want. Or you can pay a little more; one seller on BL has 94 of the newer Ep. 2 clones for $6 each.
  18. I know you're probably kidding, but for your convenience, here're some topics from the first post of the main index that could be suitable for complaints:Pricing and availability of sets Sets you want to see Minifigs you want to see Favorite and least favorite sets Favorite and least favorite minifigs
  19. I'll do you one better; here's my best guess: umamenJarJar.lxf Some of the connections aren't legal, so the pieces have been left floating nearby.
  20. When a staff member tells you to stop, it doesn't mean "Continue saying whatever I want and then attempt to relate it back to the actual topic so I can get the last word in." Let's have a chat. I'm not directing this just at you, but in response to this: there's no obligation to post in a topic. If there's nothing on-topic that you're interested in discussing, just don't post. This topic is pinned; it'll still be here and easy to find when there is news that you want to discuss.
  21. Mmkay, what did Josh just tell you guys? The discussion of minifig detail with respect to the Ahsoka minifig is reasonable and acceptable, but discussion that doesn't pertain to rumored sets and their minifigs, including whether or not a minifig is exclusive to a set -- one that isn't rumored to release in 2016 -- in order to drive sales, belongs elsewhere. We have topics about the sets you want to see; we have topics about the minifigs you want to see; we have topics about which sets and minifigs are your favorite or least favorite; we have reviews of sets; we have a catch-all general questions topic; you can create a new topic if a discussion doesn't fit an existing one -- all of which would be more appropriate than this one.
  22. The eye stalks are 1 x 1 plates with light holders with cut pieces of black flex tubing inside.
  23. Welcome to Eurobricks. In the future, please don't post in a six-year-old topic just to say that you bought something. Thanks!
  24. That...doesn't stop you from going on Shop@Home or BL or Brickset and checking out all the new sets once they come out. I don't see how not getting a preview prevents you from keeping up with current sets. It just means you don't see them until you can buy them. It's not as if TLG is hiding sets from you after they're released, and it's not as if LEGO sets go out of production and sell out so quickly that you have to know what every set is before its release date in order to keep up. Sure, it's nice whenever you get a preview of something you like so you can keep an eye out for the set the moment it shows up in stores, but if that doesn't happen, you've still got plenty of time to find out about the set and buy it.
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