- Heroica RPG - Quest #156: Land Pirates
Heroica RPG - Quest #156: Land Pirates
As the question is asked of the heroes, Darksten recognizes the voice but is put off guard as it is not supposed to be from one of the three gathered before them. "I assume the Bonaparte leader has something more important to do and must project in" he thinks to himself. As the Heroica party lead speaks, the assassin gives a slight nod of aggreance but wishes he was a bit more eloquent. However, since the basics were said, he saw no reason to repeat the facts.
- Heroica RPG - Quest #156: Land Pirates
- Heroica RPG - Quest #156: Land Pirates
Heroica RPG - Quest #156: Land Pirates
With the the argument at the counter in full swing, the assassin misses the hint from the innkeep that their old enemy may be around. "Harlot, you are a fool. You came in here last time and conned this man out of his pay, and now you try to slander others as if he won't remember who stole from him? The knight has a good reputation amongst members of the Sun Gold Alliance, and the noble Commodore has seen her fight for the cause. Just stand down already, we are tired of your antics."
- Heroica RPG - Quest #156: Land Pirates
Heroica RPG - Quest #156: Land Pirates
"I wouldn't mind a ruby and those fire bombs among my loot, but I am flexible" Darksten replies "I am always happy to take those eyes for the gold value if you want to give them to me... just because" As the assassin continues to the inn, he turns to the commodore "true, yet it seems these lands have thousands of secrets they have not yet revealed. One could spend a lifetime in the city and not see everything"
Heroica RPG - Quest #156: Land Pirates
With the battle over and the cargo destroyed, the assassin shifts through the wreckage. The pause refreshing after the constant fighting. He helps gather the loot, hoping to find something of rare so he can claim it first. At the end really only the firebombs and the rubies interest him. To the commodore he replies: "There always seems to be something new in this line of work, yet it all seems the same in the end. I get the feeling that won't be the last we saw of that bird, and for all we know there are more of them out there. Perhaps ones of ice or lightning too we will have to contend with. But yes, for now it would be wise to arm the men appropriately and perhaps hire a weather Mage or two to accompany the shipments for further support." Seeing the Weeping Inn on the horizon he continues. "Alas it is getting dark and I think our work here is done. Shall we retire to the Inn over there? Perhaps the innkeeper has some other interesting stories we may be interested in."
- Heroica RPG - Quest #156: Land Pirates
Heroica RPG - Quest #156: Land Pirates
As the assassin sees his arrows take out the enemy, he savers the moment brought by the rare one hit kills. The joy is short lived however as his primary target still stands and continues to bring forth new foes. "Why does it always seem that I need to fight bugs?" Darksten thinks to himself as he repeats his attack on the one human enemy standing in the battle "at least there are no spiders"
- Heroica RPG - Quest #156: Land Pirates
- Heroica RPG - Quest #156: Land Pirates
- Heroica RPG - Quest #156: Land Pirates
Heroica RPG - Quest #156: Land Pirates
As the battle starts, Darksten assesses he situation unsure at first the best path. Eventually he feels that luck is with him and launches an arrow towards Filip. Darksten attacks Filip from the back Edit: ooc: also, not to be greedy, but for accounting sake, we never got the loot from the last fight...
Heroica RPG - Quest #156: Land Pirates
As the charmer withers before them, Darksten downs a Nostrum waiting to move on. When the old man stands and challenges then, the assassin can all but sigh. "Imperialists? I think you are mistaken in your advanced age. While the other guilds are out seeking to settle foreign land, the Sungold Alliance is only currently trying to help the homeland via internal fixes. Far from being imperialistic if you ask me. Alas, if you are destined to fight, you could have at least stood up and given us something to do while we waited old man. The distraction of the charmer may have served you well. Unfortunately, now you will meet a similar fate, and will have only cost us time in our advance of the common good,"
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