Australian LEGO Pricing
I suppose we can complain about it to TLG but they obviously wouldn't have much incentive to change anything. The AUD has been trading at or above parity with the USD for a good couple of years now, and pricing's remained unchanged. More importantly, however, there are enough casual customers (e.g. mums and dads) who'll just assume that such prices would be the norm for Lego and are just going to unwittingly tolerate the markups.
REVIEW: 6869 Quinjet Aerial Battle
Regarding clear stickers - you can actually re-do them without making it look messy. Instead of peeling it off, hold a small bit of the edge and quickly yank it upwards at a diagonal angle - so you're sort of 'pulling' it off. This will remove the sticker cleanly and won't mess up the adhesive either.
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Oh you
REVIEW: 7050 Alien Defender
Those printed glasses on the ADU minifig's face look a little naff to me... the top of the glasses' 'frames' looks a bit like a unibrow at first glance.
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
I wasn't aware that Australia is currently in risk of facing a recession.
2011 Alien Conquest
If I were to buy only one set it'd be one of the ADU themed ones, because they're the good guys (also the same reasoning I'd use if I was 10)
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Yeah, it is pretty appalling, but its been like that a for a while. That's really why this thread is so worthwhile, because sales/clearances are the only times you're paying a reasonable, non-inflated cost for sets.
2011 Alien Conquest
So are these sets loaded with stickers or are we getting more printed pieces again?
MOC: Two and a half Men!
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Has anybody come across a Creator Super Speedster recently in their travels? Was wondering if they'd still be available.
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Not so great for anyone who was also after one. Why do people feel they have to hoard sale items?
2011 Alien Conquest
Well now that you bring that up, I suppose it works out with all things considered. I just preferred the colour scheme and direction that Space Police took last year.
2011 Alien Conquest
Well I like the designs of the Earth HQ and the chopper, but the kiddy colour schemes aren't really doing much for me.
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
When I rang Lego Aus asking for a replacement sticker sheet, they gave me some BS about not replacing them, so I just used the replacement form on the Lego website, where they sent out my replacements without any questions (or cost) - they came all the way from Europe.
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Yep, as the AUD gets stronger, we get gouged even more. Real classy move by LEGO.
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