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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by Privateer

  1. One thing I would love is if there was a nod to LEGO Island somewhere in the movie. I wouldn't mind if it was only a cameo from the Infomaniac, Pepper, or the Brickster. That would be so AWESOME!
  2. Screen resolution: 1366 x 768 Internet Connection speed: DSL 1.14 Mbps Internet browser: Firefox 16.0.1
  3. Thanks! No, I haven't made figures with these. Maybe one day I'll find a way to get these on water-slide decals. It shouldn't take long to do either of those, I'm just lazy. Maybe I'll be motivated enough to do them in the next couple of days. I used a couple references and a scan to trace over the logo and get the colors right. Hmm, good question. I just know it's convention for the torso to have a color, but for the legs I just left it transparent for some reason. Thanks for the comments and questions!
  4. I've been working on these decals for a while. They're from my favorite video game: Riven. My aim was to make them as accurate as I could while still keeping the LEGO design aesthetic. First up is Atrus: With and without his D'ni goggles: This was the longest and hardest decal to make, Atrus' wife Catherine: Atrus' father, Gehn: Gehn's Rivenese guard, known affectionately to fans as "Cho": I may make decals of a couple of the other minor characters in the game eventually, but for now I'm quite happy with how these turned out. Let me know what you think!
  5. Privateer replied to vmln8r's post in a topic in LEGO Media and Gaming
    Wow. That "boss bullying" as you call it is something that I don't think I've ever accomplished. I try, but it's hard to make them come in last while you come in first; good job! Nice to see that others still find this game fun. I made decals of Rocket Racer and Veronica Voltage that can be found here.
  6. He did indeed. I forgot to add it to his design. It's basically the 'RR' logo from his torso, so I'll see about updating it. Thanks for the responses, guys!
  7. Decals of characters from the classic game LEGO Racers Please let me know what you think!
  8. Here is the Gungan torso:
  9. Fiesta Grievous with 4 maracas!
  10. My votes go to... 10) Robot & Jungle Explorer Entry (Build by Darkblane) 12) Diver & Surfer Entry (Build by squiz) 19) Skater Boy & Spartan Entry (Build by Etzel) Great job everyone!
  11. Such great entries! My votes go to: 15) Traffic Cop Entry (Build by Profound Whatever) 23) Vampire Entry (Build by Darkblane) 28) Mexican Entry (Build by Mariko)
  12. That is one sweet minifig! The only thing is that it would more closely resemble the reference if the hair was a more blond color. Still, that didn't stop me from giving a 10 for this amazing entry; I hope he wins!
  13. Pepper, our pizza-delivering hero. The seven main characters from the very first LEGO computer game (Flickr gallery). Let me know what you think!
  14. Do your worst!
  15. I gladly sign. I'm sure if LEGO picked up this line again, they could really blow us all away. When the original line first came out, I remember being totally excited for the sets and couldn't wait to get Bandit's Secret Hideout for my birthday. Maybe this time LEGO would be brave enough to make a saloon?
  16. Thanks Dillon for moving this to the appropriate forum; I wasn't quite sure which it would fit better in. Also, thanks for the replies, guys! I hear you about Aragorn. I designed him a long time ago, and now I'm not quite happy with him. After reading your comments, I got some ideas for revised version of him. Anyway, I got some pictures of some more Lord of the Rings characters taken recently, so here's a flickr link to them: Theoden, Faramir, and Ringwraiths. Brickshelf Gallery when modded. Here's Faramir: I might have some more characters in the coming days, too.
  17. The other day I finally got around to snapping a picture of the finished group. Here is my completed Fellowship: A couple of the pieces are from Brickforge and there's an LA sword in there. There are still other characters I need to take pictures of and others that need to be finished. Hopefully posting this will motivate me to finish them. Here is the gallery for my other Lord of the Rings characters when public: Gallery Comments gladly welcome
  18. Signed. Pirate Advent Calendar is way cooler than City year after year after year.
  19. Privateer posted a post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    Late at night, the local blacksmith was hard at work on a new sword which the king had commissioned, when suddenly, a couple of sneaky forestmen arrived. They intend to steal it once the blacksmith is done, but can he concentrate long enough to actually finish? Flickr Set Brickshelf Gallery The anvil stand isn't just kept on the 8x8 base by gravity; there's a pin that keeps it in place. That's what necessitated the base to be a brick thick. Hope you enjoy!
  20. Thanks guys! I got the Indiana Jones Jungle Cutter set and Speed Racer on DVD. Oh, and cake, yummy cake. Mmmm. Thanks again for the birthday wishes! And congrats on your centennial, Governor B!
  21. Privateer replied to Athos's post in a topic in General LEGO Discussion
    I think that of these four new minifig ladies, the Castle Queen is my favourite. Her dress is the most extravagant, luxurious, and elegant design that LEGO has done up to this point. Also, unless I am mistaken, she is only the second Castle-themed queen as well (discounting the chess set queens). Her hair is also great, and should prove useful in many other applications. It's also great to see the merperson piece come back; I foresee Little Mermaid MOCs in the future, hehe. With the slight reservation that this head is seeing too much use, I'd say LEGO is doing a wonderful job of rectifying the shortage of female minifigs problem. From all the minifig men, thanks, LEGO!
  22. Privateer replied to Shoc's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    Dude, I had imagined the exact same yellow Bruce Wayne and James Gordon! Great minds I guess.... Good job on the many purist designs of the figures. I like them a lot!
  23. Privateer replied to noidea's post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    I just watched this, and I really enjoyed it. My favorite part was the recreation of the LEGO Racers game scenes. I thought, "No way..." That put a nice smile on my face. Keep it up, and I'm sure your next will be even better!
  24. Count me in! Thanks for the opportunity.
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