Everything posted by large88
- [MOC] The Hobbit: Lake-Town
- Mountain Blacksmith (built by my little bro)
- [MOC/WIP] Hobbiton and Bag End
- [MOC/WIP] Hobbiton and Bag End
[MOC] The Hobbit: Mirkwood Forest
Saw it on Flickr! Looks great. Good job on those trees, they can be quite difficult to build naturaly
LotR Nazgul and Fell beast
That looks awesome! I like the wings
Do you have roundabouts where you live?
I live in the Netherlands and, as pointed out here before, there are many roundabouts. I think it was the late 90s when they really started appearing everywhere. Generally people know their way "around" them very well. But there are always some people that don't use indicators, that is very annoying. Now there are several variations and layouts of roundabouts. I personally like the ones that also serve the on and off ramps for a highway. Often they combine two roundabouts on each side of the highway, like so: 0=0. And the highway runs in between on a flyover. See here; LINK More difficult are the roundabouts that are combined with traffic lights, these are quite big. You really have to pay attention to being in the right lane. See here; LINK Near the edge of my town they have constructed a bypass for semis. So instead of turning a sharp right corner on the roundabout the can take a single lane that connects to that road on the right at a less sharp angle. This often causes dangerous situations as drivers on the bypass don't pay attention to traffic exiting the roundabout near the bypass.
An Open Letter to The LEGO Group: SDCC Exclusive Minifigures
Exclusivity and rarity make collecting fun. If every figure would simply be purchasable online it becomes to easy... Before the internet exclusivity was easily achieved by distribution limitations, serious amounts of money needed to be spent to travel to, or arrange for it to be sent, a store that had the one item missing from your collection. The internet vaporized this natural form of rarity and exclusivity. Take for example the sets that are labeled "exclusive" or "hard to find". These labels are nothing more than a marketing tool, every person with even a minor internet connection can order any of these sets online. Now how does Lego keep us interested in collecting specific Lego themes. Exactly, artificially create rarity and exclusivity by handing out true "exclusives" at events (comicon, factorytour, etc..) or limited production runs like the 41999. Now we the collectors need to travel to these events, or be online at a specific time, to have a chance of obtaining that one rare minifig or set. I understand your frustration of not being able to acquire these true exclusives. But this is just the way things are now...
Storage and Sorting LEGO
Your system looks great. It is perfectly customized to your needs. And this is probably the biggest issue with Lego storage systems, people have different needs. Particularly the size of the Lego collection is of great influence on choice of storage system. So any system you design would need to be able to accommodate different collection sizes.
- Modulars
- Legoland Denmark - Disappointing?
The Simpsons 2014 Rumors & Discussion
They probably decided not to use those because they look too much like the real Simpsons...
Which element do you use the most of?
Any 2x6 plate, I use tones of them for filling up landscapes. Several layers of them can make a landscape extremely sturdy and stable for transportation. Also any 1x2 plate, they make any structure look so much more realistic than 1x2 bricks...
Unnofficial Game of Thrones Figs
That would be Melisandre not Cersei... So you instantly recognized that wrong
LEGO Hobbit 2014
Yeah that minifig looks great Just ordered one from Ebay The printing is great. It is a must have for any Bag End creation.
- [MOC] The Last Alliance
Things non-AFOLs say WAY too often
"Man! I wish I had all of this when I was a Kid!" Got this one yesterday. A friend who had never before been to my house was introduced to my MISB collection It is great fun to see the them light up like a 5 year old in Legoland
LEGOLAND non-production parts
I think they refer to part shapes and not to part color. We have known for a while that Lego produces parts in rare, or not before seen, colors for model shops and Legoland parks. Rarely those parts find their way to Bricklink stores, at absurd prices of course
Should LEGO make a Military Theme?
Hummer, One of the most iconic military vehicles of our time... Fighter Jet, sure there are a few of these jets in commercial or private use but 99.9% is military and take part in every day conflicts round the world. Chinook, same story as the Fighter Jet. Every kid knows this is Chinook helicopter. Don't get me wrong, I am totally against the whole military theme idea. But these examples do make me wonder where Lego really draws the line...
Lake town
That's a great little scene, awesome chimney! Good job
Troublesome News (built by my little bro)
Great work on the cheeseslope water, and the awesome tree
- Helm's Deep MOC
Greek Town
Yeah! Great creation, awesome techniques used
Gruhzak Gur - Orc fortification
Great creation! Really cool how you put the whole thing in a winter setting. Also the snot steps look great!
- Members on the map
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