Everything posted by large88
- [MOC/WIP] Hobbiton and Bag End
Best way to buy stormtroopers?
I collected almost all of my Stormtroopers by buying second hand 7667 sets. I never pay more than 9 euros per set. When buying them second hand make sure you get good images of them. People tend to confuse them with clone troopers or other SW figs. Good luck collecting!
Press Release 10237 - Tower of Orthanc
I doubt it, the top rooms of the tower are all too small to fit the 79005: The Wizard Battle. I'm very excited to start building this set
Disney buys out Lucasfilm
Ok, well I hope they won't mess things up to much I always smile when Mace Windu mentions the "Border dispute on Ansion" having read The Approaching Storm
Lego Star Wars Site
That is a fun project for you and the kids! Love the Death Star Video Are you going to put some MOC images on there?
Disney buys out Lucasfilm
I am a big SW fan and the only thing I am worried about is the story timeline. Lucas and all his companies have made sure that all the books, movies, games and comics fit together perfectly. Whatever movies Disney makes it has to fit in the Star Wars universe as it is now. When they start to tell stories that conflict with those in books, games, etc... the will kill the soul of SW.
- [Moc] Lightsaber Bookends
- [MOC/WIP] Hobbiton and Bag End
Fortification Trilogy
Wow! love the story you put into it!
- MOC: Escape the Black Rider
How Many Minifigs do you own?
According to Brickset I own 515, but I also have a pile of figs from some collections I bought. These are not listed on Brickset. So I am probably around 600 now.
- [MOC/WIP] Hobbiton and Bag End
Lego Book published in China
Which book? the new Collectible Minifigures book?
eBay user sells instructions for other builder's MOCs
One of the problems is that most mocs that people find "beautiful", and want instructions for, are not designed digitally. They were designed while building and the creator has put A LOT of time into it (the Hobbiton below took over 50 hours at least). So to create instructions someone would need access to the actual model and reconstruct the entire thing in LDraw and then generate instructions. Then the instructions, in most cases, need to be checked and altered to make them usable. I will not even begin talking about the fact that some models, like Technic are simply to complex to create instructions for. Besides all this, stealing someones idea is not a cool thing. But unless you patent/trademark/own the design in some way there is not much you can legally do about it. Ebay seems to care about the fact that the ideas and instructions are "stolen" but if someone offers them on their own website I am afraid there is not much you can do....
Is LEGO banned in North Korea
True, this discussion is pretty far out here... But based on the fact that Kim Jung Il was a big fan of luxury items I think we can assume that he wanted no less for his son. Kim Jung Un probably had the best toys money could buy.... And that means Lego....
Is LEGO banned in North Korea
Probably through China. There are some small companies there that can forward your package to NK. But you probably need to know someone in NK to send it to.....
Lego spill temporarily closes Interstate 79!
I think these they used this kind of Tote: Not handbags and slippers
- [MOC] LOTR: What about second breakfast?
- MOC: Ancient Greece
- MOC: Orthanc in Micro
- [MOC/WIP] Hobbiton and Bag End
You know you are a fan of Lego when...
I know the feeling. I have a bag of bricks that look like they have traveled through the digestive system of a dinosaur and I still can't get myself to throw them away
- [MOC] Last march of Treebeard
(MOC) Isengard underground
Wow that does look great. You should take some pictures of it in front of a white sheet. And at a slightly lower angle and a bit to the left like you did on this picture: That would make it blogable Ps, I like the Gollum part
Best modular to buy
Definitely the Fire Brigade. It is a great build and you get an awesome Fire truck!
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