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Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by grohl

  1. 1) SURE NOT! :D I would try searching for some female, maybe just a part of the body. 2) Pity that LEGO does not make roo figures.
  2. It was not for this one. You will have to wait to see the model we are talking about.
  3. Looks better and better-Love the grille.
  4. Here are sme more pics of the SPOT My link And finally video and pictures of my 8052 Mobile Crane Functions: Steering Opening doors Stabilizers Rotating superstructure Raising 3-section boom Working winch
  5. Sure I am, as soon as I solve the problems with the video editing software I use. During my research on this vehicle I found information that one SPOT-55 is on JFK's Airport in New york but did not check if it is true.
  6. SPOT-55 Model of a Czech firefighting tank built on a suspension of Russian T-55. Length 24cm Width 12.3cm Height 112.6cm Weight 660g Propulson 2xM motor Raising blade 1xM motor Rotating water guns 1x micromotor Manually adjustable water guns Maually rotating turret 1x PF lights
  7. First I thought you forgot about the tank's name but the sign in the back shows it! Cool video and great presentation of the MOC. There are going to be too many small tanks in a while.
  8. Wait for the daylight and take the photos again. Those pictures are darker than Darth Vader's Force.
  9. Sweet. Nice and simple but people have to love it.
  10. The only thing I do not like are the sticker headlights, otherwise it is close to perfect.
  11. Good job. Did you try it on snow?
  12. We discussed this topic a lot on the Czech forum when the battery was released. The problem is that you need DC which is quite unusual for the transformers. I had to buy the original one as well although its price is very high for something made in China.
  13. I did not play HL2, so I had to look the Charger up, and it was ugly even in the game. The other thing is, that it works flawlessly and it is very fast. The Crawler caught my eye immediately. It looks very strong, the frame is simple and the ground clearance is more than great.
  14. I really like what you are doing, but I would not have time to struggle with finding out how does the set work before it is released.
  15. One more MOC that has been waiting a long time for the video to be edited (NERO support team is more relaxed than Jamaican Marijuana smokers ) IMP My third attempt to build something fast. Propulsion 2xM motor Steering 1xM motor with return to center Opening bonnet and trunk Weight 530g including Speed Computer Not bad, but Carrod was more agile, Barracuda faster.
  16. This is supercool. The structure, the shape, everything makes a wonderful and huge MOC.
  17. Here is finally my 3rd (and worst) 8052 alternate model. Futuristic Truck inspired by Steinwinter I just wanted to make something that can move autonomously. The result is not exactly what I expected it to be. Functions: Truck- working steering motorized RWD opening doors Trailer - opening rear doors raising legs via 1 LA
  18. I was waiting for the video and it was worth it. Together with M1longer's and Sariel's tow trucks, this one is next to them in my top 3. The only thing that is pretty unusual are the front stabilizers. Is there any real truck with this system? I would not like to paint the sides after every towing because they would get scratched.
  19. Looks better than the original...a lot!
  20. This is weird... in its best form. I really like the unusual concept of the vehicle and the hidden drive motors.
  21. Very nice loader. The photos make the red look more in a brick shade which is nice.
  22. Very nice alternate, I really like that you made the model easy-to-motorize.
  23. The shapes of the armor look really great. Looking forward to seeing the video.
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