Everything posted by fyrmedhatt
Monster Fighters 2012
I'd say it's very likely it will sell on as well as the lego stores. It just hasn't been released at the same time as the rest of the wave, which is pretty common and will happen with Palpatine's Arrest and the Parking Garage this year, and was the case with the Black Pearl and Hoth Echo base last year. The only regular (non-promotional) set to sell exclusively at an external retailer that I know of is the Toys R'US truck, which obviously was an exclusive due to the branding of the set, an issue which is not the case with the Zombie set.
The LEGO Idea Books
Yet another great post on your blog, SirSven7! I've read all your previous castle and pirate postings and enjoyed them tremendously. As for these castles in the idea books, they are just so big and different from the sets lego actually released. I really wish I could've had all those sets as a kid, I know I would have had so much fun building all these alternate instructions.
[Review] 9496 Desert Skiff
Great review! This set is such a must-buy, with four exceptional minifigures and a great build. I love Lando's helmet as well as the leg-printed Boba, and they are both candidates for minifigure of the year in my eyes. For $25-30 in the US this is also one of the best value Lego Star Wars sets in the last few waves.
Fire Brigade Discontinued?
The instructions and boxes are usually not changed during the lifespan of a set, so my SSD box shows two sets that already are discontinued on the packaging (10198 and 10215), not to mention the compulsory three modulars image on every modular building which contain discontinued modulars for the older sets.
Rumors and speculation: Haunted House Modular
We know Jamie Berard will reveal a set during BrickFiesta from July 4-8, so my money is on then, as we only have a few exclusive sets left to reveal for the year, and he is unlikely to reveal a Star Wars exclusive (the UCS B-Wing), and that will be too early to reveal the Winter Village set. It also appears to be a high-quality structure worthy of being designed by Berard.
Star Wars Lego Collection Question.
Use the Bricklink Priceguide. It will give you the basic value for each set, but if you intend on selling your whole collection as one, the value will be significantly less than the average used price of the collection. If you are willing to spend the time to sell each set individually, the price guide is more appropriate.
It's a really nice scene and building, there is no space wasted in the model, which to me is realistic. I also like how the roof is different from most designs. Also, nice choice of title. I'm assuming you know the meaning of the name your farm (Hjem) in Norwegian is home.
It seems many people don't understand the concept of Lego changing Cuusoo models if one looks at what's posted on the feedback walls of both your models and many other projects there, but Lego would of course have to make any model economically feasible as well as use their current parts palette, making significant changes necessary for just about any model. In any case I've supported your Sandcrawler with no illusions of getting the grand masterpiece you have created, but at this point it's been 7 years since the last Sandcrawler was released. The old one was good for its time, but I think a lot of people are curious to see what Lego would do to make this model today, especially when using your model as an inspiration.
TC-14 Lego Promo
My poster is 8000 something, and the order was made no more than a few minutes into the promotion, and the package was shipped on the fifth. I guess it's pretty random who gets the low numbered posters, but I don't really care as with almost 50'000 posters made just for the US I don't ever expect these to become particularly rare. The TC-14 from my second order shipped a few days after, from originally being backordered. Hopefully everyone else is getting theirs soon as well. I'm excited about getting it as I'll then be able to open my first TC-14.
I love it, I think you have done shape of the train really well, especially the front and the upper parts of the sides of the train. Growing up I remember seeing these on Sørlandsbanen all the time before the Signatur trains came. I think I actually did take one of these trains from Oslo to Bergen a few years back as well.
How Many Minifigs do you own?
Brickset says 641, but there are a few loose ones I don't have catalogued there, plus a significant amount of multiples of the collectible minifigures. I'd say in unique minifigures I'm around 500 or so. I'm really starting to love these little guys, hopefully soon I'll be able to finish my display cases so they can be shown off...
New brick - 2x2 tile inverted
Am I the only one looking forward to seeing undersides of spaceships and other vehicles that are actually reasonable? I'm sure this won't change that too much at first (for financial reasons), but now there is at least one more way to make models look as good from below as they do from above and one less excuse to not do so. I have to say this is an impressive piece and I'm excited to see what the more creative builders out there can do with it.
Did anybody else get into Star Wars through Lego, rather than vice ver
I really liked Star Wars from the first time when I watched it when I was 11-12 years old (right around the resurrection of Star Wars with the Special Editions and the Phantom Menace), but I wasn't too great of a fan beyond the movies. I was just entering my dark ages at the time, so I looked at the sets coming out in 1999, but I didn't have the guts to buy them as I felt Lego was too childish. Fast forward to 2010, my first set as an AFOL was the 6212 X-Wing, which launched an interest in both Lego and Star Wars. Since then I've watched the movie trilogies several times over, and frequented sites like wookiepedia to educate myself on the various vehicles and minifigures that I had in my Lego collection, so I'm far more passionate about Star Wars now than before. I've watched pretty much every extra on the blu-ray collection, and even braved my way through the Star Wars Holiday Special (sadly so, I'd have to say...).
LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
The best value and definite dark horse among the summer 2012 sets is the Desert Skiff. With new figures of Lando, Luke, Boba Fett and Weequay, alongside a pretty decent vehicle, I'm certain that people will still talk about this set in five years. Playabiity is a hard one, as all of them have a certain amount of playability in the form of flick-fire missiles and other gimmicks, but I'll venture to say that the Tie fighter is awesome for swoshing, and Jabba's Palace will be great for minifigre play. For collecting, the one I think will be most significant is Jabba's palace. It's been 8 years since the last one, and this version is a much better construction, with some minifigures that we may never see again (Boussh especially). As for display, I'd say most of them are great, the X-wing, Tie Fighter and Y-wing are all the best minifigure renditions of said vehicles, so they're certainly on the list. I also have a sweet spot for the Sith Interceptor, I know it's not well-known, but it just looks great in my eyes and I'd think it will display really well with the minifigures placed right outside the ship.
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
Totally picked up a 10221 SSD last night, I'm super excited, and no, I don't have a place to display it, most likely it will hog the dining room table for a few weeks before being disassembled. 20% off wasn't too shabby especially when adding on the VIP points, TC-14 and poster, I think this is probably the best occasion this year to pick up the set unless Amazon puts it on sale.
LEGO store Grand Openings
The Woodlands, TX store will open the weekend of May 18-20. Here is the card I got about this build event: Lego Woodlands store opening by fyrmedhatt Lego Woodlands store opening_0001 by fyrmedhatt I find it interesting they are building Buzz Lightyear even though Lego Toy Story is dead, but in any case I'm excited to go to my first Lego store opening.
My 30 year old TFOL LEGO recovered
It's easy to see that you're Danish, as most kids around the world would never have had access to the 1651 Maersk Truck and that Sterling plane. Awesome collection that seems to be in great condition, the Maersk Truck is such a gem, your instructions look fresh and I barely see discoloration of the Maersk blue bricks (a very big problem for the color). Savor it! I also see some figures that you appear to have liberated from the key chain they came with, that Falck minifigiure and the Legoland figure. Are they glued together? In any case I could only see four of those Falck keychains on Bricklink, so that is a very rare item...
WW Category 2: 1908 Wild West Town
We should all make a serious push for this to happen, as Lego is intending to their next review in June, if this set misses that boat there will probably be another three months until they do another one. I totally voted for the saloon, if only one of these western modulars were ever to be produced, it should be something as quintessentially western as a saloon.
MOC : The BookShop (Modular)
I love this MOC, you've blended old with new architecture really well, I think the glass "half-roof" looks really good. On top of that, the building looks detailed, but not busy, and the interior is nice. I'm guessing you are entering the contest, as this looks like it would be a quality entry... Edit: I just noticed the use of wine glasses as windows, very interesting use of the piece.
2012 City sets
Looks like ambulances both in Denmark and the US have the Caduceus on a six point star, and I think most of the rest of Europe does as well. You are right that a red cross is often also on ambulances, but I think this is often due to ambulances having an affiliation with the International Red Cross, and this was what Lego used in the eighties (see these sets: Bricklink). What I find interesting is that Lego has stuck with the red and white color scheme of ambulances and other emergency vehicles, when many countries in Europe (thanks cimddwc) has moved to more visible yellow and blue or yellow and green color combination. Most emergency vehicles here in the states do remain red and white though, so I wonder if this shows the importance Lego puts on the American market.
2012 City sets
I've always wanted a Lego hospital, and I might still get this one, but I certainly won't get it at full price. I like the exterior of the hospital/clinic, it looks modern and interesting, but I agree that the interior is lackluster. The biggest sin of the set is in my eyes the ambulance, it looks horrendous and reminds me of the generic low quality vehicles of the late 90's and early 2000's (think Town jr. and Jack Stone). I would call Lego support for a new doctor minifigure, the design as seen on the box looks excellent, but the printing is just nasty,the coat covering the pants does not resemble white, and they were not even able to fill the pupils. The other minifigures are generic like the majority of City minifigures, Lego really should take a clue from the CMF's and all the new themes with spectacular minifigures and realize they could easily increase the appeal of the line. This set screams great concept, poor execution, with some more attention of details this would be a fantastic set, but as it stands now it's forgettable and leaves me thinking that the last good Lego hospital was released a quarter of a century(!) ago.
MOC: Jango Fett's Pistols
These look pretty cool, and I think you have captured the overall shape of the gun well. I am curious how you did the connection between what I assume is a wheel and the jet engine casing, I don't remember if they can hold a technic axle or if you're doing something else? Of course what really set the MOC apart for me is that hilarious picture at the bottom, that is one awesome hoodie!
Which set should I buy?
You will never go wrong with the modulars, as everyone above me has said. But the Death Star is quite an impressive set in it's own right, it's quite a varied and interesting build despite it's appearance, and it does show the scenes from the Death Star really well. Honestly I don't think anyone is sure of when it is discontinued either, it could be right after May the 4th or in two years, as it does sell pretty well from what I understand. It's a pretty great display piece as well, just make sure you have a somewhat large surface to put it on as a normal bookshelf is a little too shallow. If you decide to go with the modulars, make sure you get the Fire Brigade first, same thing applies to it as the Death Star, no one knows when it will disappear. The other three should be around until the end of the year and beyond for the Pet Shop and Town Hall.
How much is my X-Wing 7191 worth?
Using the price guide I think this set would be worth more along the lowest price for a new set, so $500. If I had the money I'd totally bite at $500, these UCS sets are HIGHLY sought after.
Investing in LEGO Trains
The current Lego investment craze is actually a good thing for your ability to be able to buy retired sets, as there are far more of these sets entering the marketplace than ever before. While I personally don't believe the Lego market will see a bubble like the ones seen with action figures and trading cards, the increased supply of sets means that giant price increases like those seen with the Santa Fe train is less likely. Lego trains should be a fairly good investment, at least the AFOL oriented sets. The train market is dominated by AFOLs, and most of the train fans seem to be spending significantly in order to build their layouts, and they are likely to pay extra to get one of the relatively few realistic trains Lego has released over the years (think Emerald Night, Santa Fe, BNSF and in the future the Maersk Train). Another factor to take into consideration when talking about the future potential value of Lego trains, is the overall value of the extras in each set. The train engine, receiver, battery boxes, controllers, not to mention track are significant components of the worth of a train set, and if Lego continues down the path of making Lego trains more and more simplistic, the value of those parts will skyrocket like the 12v and 9v systems parts have already done.
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