Everything posted by Ras 74
NEW! Who will come to the Event
I am really sorry Boney, but that is kind of funny. You must admit it kind of is now when a few years has past So confusing with you Pandora, but let me just know if the list looks correct to you. That goes for everyone by the way. See that I got a new title... Well it might be deserved, but it was needed to be done. I set an end date to all this crazy buisness, and on Friday next week we will have an hotel as well.
NEW! Who will come to the Event
That depends how many you want to be in one room. But I guess I can stuff you, your + 1, CGH and Boney in one room if you like?
NEW! Who will come to the Event
Maybe we can put you four in the same room then. If the girls don´t want their own. I´ll wait and see what you will say about it.
Brickworld 2011 - Registration Open
I will not make it this year either guys. Will have to wait a full year and see if I can make it next year. Third time is a charm. At least it has been so for LEGO World now.
NEW! Who will come to the Event
@ Peppermint and Aredhel: Do you girls want to share a room? As of now I do not know if we will have more girls that will come alone and need accommodation.
Announcing the Winners of the Harry Potter Winter Break Contest
Congratulations to all the winers! Some outstanding MOC´s you all created for sure. Awesome work done by Hinckley as well Congrats to Iz as well for beeing so lucky to make the special prize with the raffle
NEW! Who will come to the Event
PM is sent to everyone that has replyed either in this topic, or the old one. Closing day for answering to this and get help with booking is 24th of February.
NEW! Who will come to the Event
Good to see so many that has answered again. Still misses a ton of names though. Hope to see more signing up pretty soon! The list is updated! IF YOU DON´T NEED AN ACCOMMODATION, PLEASE LET ME KNOW SO, THANKS.
Harry Potter Winter Break Contest Voting Thread
2 - Lisqr 2 - Cutlass Iz 1 - Tom Bricks
LEGO World
Then I hope to see you there Christian! Will hang with Morten and Kim. CopMike will be around as well together with Superkalle. We will arrive Friday afternoon and be at LEGO World on both Saturday and Sunday.
Eurobricks Event 2011 in Windsor
Yeah you look really thrilled Jipay Hope you had some more fun than just hanging with them
Happy Birthday KimT!
Happy Birthday Kim! I wish you a merry day with your family! Let´s make a celebration at LEGOWorld and have some beers! There will be one more that have had his birthday by then Will be good to see you Christian there again as well then. The tallest LEGO builder I met IRL
Eurobricks Event 2011
Let´s invade England! Eurobricks Event in Windsor 2011 2-5 of June Do you want to come and meet the members of Eurobricks in real life this year? Then go to this page to sign up. Even if you signed up before, we need to know when you will arrive, and when you will depart. I will soon book hotels for the ones that have signed up in this new topic. The ones who don´t do that before the 20th of February will have to book their own hotel. We´ll meet in Windsor!
[MOC] Technic Rebel Snowspeeder
Ras 74 replied to drakmin's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingThose models of yours is really awesome! Great idea to build like that. Both the X-wing and the Snowspeeder looks really great.
NEW! Who will come to the Event
I am glad to hear that Etzel! @ richthelegodude: There will be no secrets revieled if that was what you ment. Has never been before, nore will it be again. However Etzel is right, check the previous threads, pretty much that is what will happen again. Friends and LEGO nerds fans hanging out, having fun. We do not exhibit models more than if small ones is included in a competition just like last year. IF someone want´s to show something as a first peak for the Eventees, it is more than ok. You can bring whatever you want, I will not stop you! Smallest Event so far since the first one we had! Will send out PMs to everyone replyed in the other thread this weekend.
NEW! Who will come to the Event
Eurobricks Event 2011 2-5 of June - Windsor, UK So this is how it will look. Please get back to me if something is out of place. Single room: Legostein 1-5 Single room: Sir Norman Ray 1-5 3 beds room: CopMike 1-5 KimT 1-5 Ras 74 1-5 3 beds room: Christian 1-5 Pretzel 2-5 Quarryman 1-5 4 beds room: Superkalle + 3 2-5 4 beds room: Bonaparte 1-5 Captain Green Hair 1-5 Pally +1 1-5 4 beds room: Aredhel 1-5 Holodoc +1 1-5 Peppermint_M 1-5 Will Fix own accommodation: Calanon +1 2-4 Rufus (Pandora) +1 ?-? SilentMode 3-5 Needs no accommodation: Cavegod 1 day ? Derfel Cardarn 1-2 days ?-? Honeybee 1-2 days ?-? Jammiedodger714 +2 ?-? NovaStar 3-5 Pinky 3-5 Pedro 2-5 SlyOwl ?-?
Our Zorro (Dieter) passing away
I had the opportunity to meet with Dieter in real life. Even though he wasn´t signed up for our next Event in Windsor, he told me that he will do all in his power to make it to that Event. I was looking so forward to meet with him there again. Dieter was a great guy, and came to touch so many persons around our planet, helping and guiding new and old members. Many with me on here saw Dieter as a good friend. He truley was what you are looking for in a friend. We are many that will never forget his work, efforts and help he gave without asking for anything in return. His passion was great for Eurobricks, and he dedicated a lot of hard work to make members enjoying the hobby and love Eurobricks just the way he did. It truley is a great loss for the all of us. To his family: I am so very sorry and sad for your loss and I hope it will be some confidence that he will be remembered by many. On here he had many friends and many with me loved and joyed having him around. My sincere condolences to you. He has been in my thoughts every waken hour since I heard about the tragic news. What ever happens, and where ever we will go from here, we will never forget him. To Dieter: You will be missed. See you later my friend! /Rickard (Sweden)
Eurobricks Event 2011 in Windsor
Will be hard to judge I am affraid. But sure, if we can find a PUB *looks around* or even better, I give you the task to find one close by Boney so we can go there and do karaoke. But I am with CGH here. Bowling rules!
Yellow Custom Speeder
Very much Naboo style over it as Kim said. A nice little speeder, and I like the differnt colours of the "hood" and also that printed yellow slope you used in the cockpit. Very well!
Endor Moon Diorama by Morten
It is all built in old grey?? Has he lost his mind?? It looks awesome Morten/Kim. How about just using one beefed up AT-AT instead? I can probably force Superkalle to help me finnish what I started. Let me know what you think. It will not be there until Saturday though since we are coming in Friday afternoon.
Free download of some of my MOCs
Thanks Marcos, and congratulation to your job! I had no idea that you made it in to the very core of our hobby. Surely a dream to many of us. Also nice to let us be able to download some of your nice MOCs that has been seen around.
[Comic] The Adventures of Harry Potter
That was a really fun one! Lots of good jokes and good photos as usual from you. Have you picked up one of the new HP sets?
MOC: 1:1 Ghostbusters Trap
This is an awesome MOC for sure that you made. When I see some MOCs they make me think, "Wow, that is one I would like to make a reproduction of". Your MOC is just another example of that. Very good details, and good recemblance. I like the idea of having it remote controlled instead of the clutch thing they do in the movie. But I can totally see why you want to add that for the more "real" look.
Expand the Winter Village Contest Voting Thread
Very many good entries. But after going through the entries, here is the votes from Sweden. Errr, I mean me. brickcitydepot: 1 point dede_la_fee: 1 point Dix: 1 point gcanik: 1 point Cutlass Iz: 1 point
Ignorance is Bliss
Where do you even see that? I looked at this picture both on home computer (not so good one) and now work computer (awesome machine) and I can´t see that at all. I think the shot is great. Good lighing versus the shadows in the picture. So far one of my favs.
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