Everything posted by exo attack
The age limit
I'm 10 and I have said it many times, and I don't seem to banned /chambered so I guess I am mature enough. Also, I joined after the age limit, so I lied. The reason I joined was even I, got tired of spammy kids *cough*BZP*cough* even though I am still a kid. Hope fully that makes sense? *wacko*
Minfig Generator
I'm 10 years old... where are the short legs? :D
Scot Lug
I think I ' might join as I am from Scotland... But I am too young ( I think ) I am 10.
My name is...
:D hes only kidding. Anywyas, welcome. Edited by DoubleT Dont Ruin the joke :-P
Foolish LEGO Human Errors You've Made.
I need a a Brisk Sepearator. No more peices with tooth marks on them.
Mobile Devastator!! Available
CHECK IT OUT!!!! (< clicky) Bothn Ab and GCT ar for sale in Ulk now as well!
Foolish LEGO Human Errors You've Made.
If I say " there are 6 dots permamentaly embedded into my foot " would you believ em? I would take a pic, but...
Guns too realistic for Lego?
Yes, I was particulary meaning new rifles for stormtroopers and tommy guns for batman. I don't think so, and if they think these are bad, they should visit Brickarms...
Guns too realistic for Lego?
Those of you who read The Daily Mial may have noticed on page 59 tehre is an article about lego guns being too realistic. Waht do you think?
Grocery Store Wars
:-P :-D I have never seen any of the films, but still know all the references, if you know what I mean.
LOL you gotta see this!
The nameless Piraka
Actually, Very cool. I think you should go for that.
The nameless Piraka
Pretty cool. It looks like a mini brutaka. Maybe you should mix Brutaak in here name.
What is your favorite LEGO color ???
I don't know..... Probably Light Grey or Lght bley. It can be used for lots of purposes. I also Like teh shiny gold, as used in the golden helmet in scorpion palace, or the coins in the pirate theme.
New Exo-Force promotionals
Thanks., I can give you a link to my EF site if you want. ;) EDIT: nevermind. Just look at my sig. ;)
My newest Exo-MOCs
Woah. I think you should remove the green computer stickers at the shoulders becaus ethey amke it look out of place. Apart from that, Its AWSOME!!!!!
New Exo-Force promotionals
I agree. I will ahve to see if I can get these on E-bay. Champ, Is it okay if I use that pic for news on my Exo Forec forum? I will give credit to you. Can you get any closer Pics. Please?
Moko's take on Exo-Force
Wow! That thing is beauiful. I like the legs, although it looks to fat to fly :P I wondre if he/she could make a minifig scale version?
Pretty Keychain, any info?
Ask Gylman, I am sure this was in a CC entry of his, and he is the keychain man....
How Old are you?
Umm. He is older than me.
So let it be written, so let it be done...
Cool! I really like the headdress and the staff. will you be doing miniland figures as much as vigs now?
Chair by Moko...
That ain't megabloks, its just a car bonnet piece. I am sure it is on one of the mini racers.
A little help?
Ww, I really like that. My favourite part is the shoulder artillery, and I also like the use of Mantax parts on the legs. I like the minifigure, He looks like he is on a war against Exo Force and the robots at the same time. KUTGW!!!!
How Old are you?
I am 10... I think I am the youngest non banned/chambered and active member here...
Happ B-day !
To nights, dillthepill and shi-joh! I hope you get loads of lego!
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