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Everything posted by AVCampos

  1. Yeah, vibrant orange would be lovely, to go together with vibrant yellow from two years ago.
  2. TLG likely doesn't want to be sued by parents whose children drowned while trying to get their runaway boat back. I have no idea how 42105 got the green light, but as a MOCer I'm glad it did.
  3. You made me buy 42020 Twin-rotor Helicopter to build your bird alternate model (and maybe have you sign it if I ever bump into you), and now you're making me buy a snow groomer to build a Johnny 5? You're pure evil! 😅
  4. From the image, the parts look teal to me, not green. The white balance on the photo may be wrong, though.
  5. According to Wikipedia, its construction has its fair share of nasty stuff: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neom#Controversies
  6. LEGO set numbering has always been inconsistent, so Friends taking the 42s doesn't surprise me. Technic was until now the exception.
  7. If the segments are continuous (in which case, is it wrong to still call them "segments"?) and the servo is indeed capable of partial rotation, they most likely constitute a potentiometer. That has its potential problems, as any gamepad owner with stick drift (which happens with potentiometer-base analogue sticks, but not Hall effect-based ones) can tell you.
  8. I tried it but it uses my phone's secondary camera, which, being wide-angle and with no autofocus, makes it almost impossible to read the QR codes. The Brick Search app, on the other hand, was flawless for me.
  9. As @kbalage said in one his reviews, LEGO sets tend to be directed towards a broader, more casual audience, while CaDa sets tend to be directed towards a narrower, more experienced audience.
  10. Yeah, you really don't want us to report you to the admin, Jim.
  11. Actually, we've been getting tan Technic parts, but only usually in pallets for forklifts. But indeed tan as a main body colour for a model hasn't been done yet.
  12. Speaking of which, I always thought it was officially spelled "M:Tron" with a colon, not "M-Tron" with a hyphen.
  13. Maybe the hair piece has a small hole for attachments, like many Friends hairs?
  14. To test Pybricks' recent feature of Xbox controller connectivity, I made this small program. After connecting to the controller, it lights up the LED in white when you press one of the buttons, orange when you press a direction on the D-pad, and gradually other colours as you move the sticks or triggers. You can see the code here: https://github.com/AVCampos/lego-pybricks-xbox-test The program assumes you're using a Technic hub, but can easily run on other compatible hubs just by changing two lines of code. I hope it's of help for your projects!
  15. I love it as an accent colour, but as a main colour...
  16. That would not be so good. Yet another incomplete color, just like the olive green ever since then. That's by beef with the Defender and also 42069's purple, NXT's VLBG and 42099's bright orange, plus the Fifty Shades Of Blue of 2017. However, I confess I'm a bit hypocritical in liking vibrant yellow, due to my wish to build a Technic MOC in M:Tron colours some time.
  17. Just as the Defender introduced olive green to Technic, indeed I don't see why the G-Wagon couldn't do the same for yellowish green.
  18. It's also possible that it's the front that shows the excavator loaded onto the truck, according to the precedent set by 8872.
  19. Perhaps the rumour mistook "McLaren" with "Lamborghini".
  20. New Elementary seems right for you, then.
  21. No, that one's too classy. I meant the modern one, the most beautiful car ever known to humanity and beyond.
  22. Ah dang it, I was rooting for a Fiat Multipla!
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