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Scout Trooper Guy

Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Hmmmmm this is good and all... but I was wondering, I have a magnet swamp trooper from ages ago and the legs are attached to the torso. Would this method work? I have removed the actual magnets from the legs.. but in the process I accidently snaped off one the pins that connects the individual legs and I would desperatley like to replace them. Did LEGO use the same glue? or am I risking it by trying? S.T.G
  2. hmm i got searching. and out of all 12 of my light sabers, only 3 HAVE bubbles. ( 5 come the from greivous fighter ) S.T.G
  3. WOW! that was very quick! Thanks mate! He's just so..... AWESOME! THANKS! S.T.G
  4. Hi Jebediahs! could I push my luck and ask for a second one please?! I just got the new Slave-1, and i am obsessed with the new Boba! (minus the gun please!) Thanks mate you are a true legend! S.T.G
  5. I have always loved Star Wars, And as a kid someone got me the first lego game on the playstation I then got the droid battle pack and BAM! my world is lego starwars! I get all my older sets from Traders and E-bay. well thats my story, not a very interesting one but yet a story S.t.G
  6. Ok my 3 are: Order 66 battle pack with troopers from the 501st legion (opposing pack jedi) Mos Eisley cantina with Han, Chewie, Luke, Obi-wan, 3-P0, R2, Greedo, dewback and some sand troopers! and a geonosian arena with Windu, Obi-wan, Anakin, Padme, geonians, lots of droids, acklay, reek and a nexu. well those are my 3. maybe TLG should considder the most demanded sets in this topic! S.T.G
  7. These are all great! But all 3 points have to go to: 12) Diver & Surfer Entry (Build by squiz) Good luck guys!!! S.T.G
  8. And Captain Pancakes!: Same deal with the drill! Just ask! S.T.G
  9. Here is Commander Fox: I have mage some handguns if you want (all you have to do is ask! ) S.T.G
  10. You can find all my other drawings here: http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=437337
  11. HELLO ALL! Im wondering if anyone knows where to get the instructions for the alternative build for set 6210: thanks all!!!!! S.T.G
  12. Wow! those are pretty neat! Where did you get those decals? (Or did you make them?)
  13. well i think they are the best lighsaber handles ive ever seen. if lego made them instead of the cuurent ones it would be much cooler! ...but that would raise the price of the set... anyway...good job
  14. That is a brilliant MOC!!! But I have to ask... Where did you get those custom light saber handles?!
  15. Snape!
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