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Everything posted by TheOrcKing

  1. TheOrcKing replied to Jipay's post in a topic in Community
    A powerful album from Dynatron. I find "Travelling The Wastelands" (28:27) emotionally powerful.
  2. Very nice design with plenty of details abound.
  3. Oh wow, the detailing is staggering. It seems odd to point out how well you did the ears but you did a great job with those ears. Awesome all-around.
  4. Thank you for the nice review, Clone OPatra. Regardless of the license, I think this is a nice car in LEGO. While we did already have a hearse before with the Monster Fighters theme, that design was more of a sweet street machined hotrod whereas this (minus the ghost busting equipment) is closer to a real life hearse. The winged demon is wicked awesome, and I always welcome new hairstyles of which this introduces a few.
  5. TheOrcKing replied to Robert8's post in a topic in Special LEGO Themes
    A lot of great characters with potential to becoming official releases in my opinion such as the Holiday Elf Girl and Rapper Girl seeing how LEGO likes making companions to previously released ones. The troll is one I would need to acquire a bunch of obviously. Haha. Science fiction or fantasy personas are a must for me so the Galactic Traveler and Droid are a win.
  6. TheOrcKing replied to Jipay's post in a topic in Community
  7. I don't know about a dedicated Space theme however so long as LEGO does release an original line every couple of years then I will be content. While Star Wars is generally good and I can recall my initial excitement when the collaboration started back in 1999, sixteen years is enough to fatigue anyone even if they are a big fan of the films which are good, just not the only saga through space out there. Anyway my desires for an 'in-house' Space theme by LEGO aside from some fresh originality would be to see the many good translucent colors from the older astronaut teams return such as trans-green or trans-blue for example in the windscreens, antennas, etcetera. Lately almost all options have been restricted to trans-clear, trans-brown, and trans-black on windscreens which is alright in some cases especially realism yet those hues do not standout compared to the more vibrant tones used in years past. The likes of Futuron, Spyrius, or Ice Planet made a mark for their signature color schemes. I can understand LEGO's reasoning behind designing the sets to have clear-cut "good & bad" sides duking each other out as it was with Space Police III or Alien Conquest. However going back to basics of exploring the universe could be a good thing. Even better if they included otherworldly life forms as friendlies instead of the clichéd enemies bent on fighting, destruction, galactic conquest, or whatever it is this time. As mentioned, perhaps they could do something along the line of life in outer space. If LEGO is rather set in requiring an opposing faction then how about a group of space miners searching for rare ores across different worlds which inevitably leads to encounters with the local wildlife? Although I don't mind a few Space characters sporting the aviator type headgear, the regular biker's helmet or even the newer style helmet (Series 1 Spaceman) is preferred. Galaxy Patrol's spacemarine helmet is real cool but no visor option. Whatever the helmet, air tanks are a necessary accessory or at least I would like to be given the option to have one or not.
  8. I'm up for every theme really. More heavy into some than others at times but enjoyable all the same. Just give me a few bricks for something to build. Ha-ha. Besides any displayed official set doesn't stay up for long before becoming assimilated into the parts collection for custom stuff. I guess to me sets are like Mr. Potato Head; a bucket of parts.
  9. This is so awesomely menacing and those glowing eyes are like the cherry to top an already incredible character.
  10. This topic is full of inspiration and shows there really isn't much limitation with using only a single set as the starting point. The animals such as the mouse, lobster, and orca are creatively spot-on. I also like how accurate the ride-on lawnmower is.
  11. Yeah, most of the wolves from Chima look like they would rather eat their patrons than serve them. Haha. Well except for Windra, the still only lady wolf of their tribe (that I know of), seems friendly enough.
  12. That's good to hear. Ah, so it just reads the original file made from LDD then saves as a completely new one. Cool.
  13. It is too bad (based on personal tastes) LEGO went with their minidoll design over the traditional minifigure as these are some of the more interesting characters I have seen in a while but there is no mistaking how well they used the minidoll body frame to great effect. Even so I feel like you proved the designs could still have worked as a minifigure.
  14. This looks superb despite being a beta. One question when you say "it may crash or explode without warning taking everything you hold dear with it", you just meant the program itself could crash and not my computer, right? Cool as that sounds, I don't need my computer to suddenly blow up in a great ball of fire. Haha. Anyway, I already have a tendency to save quite often and if need be making a separate copy of the original file to upload with this software just in case isn't a problem.
  15. Anytime I see your username as the topic author for a MOC, I already know whatever it is will be a treat and I think this is your best Nixel-Mixel Mech yet. The electro-whip is a unique idea for a weapon I haven't seen used much if at all.
  16. I didn't have even the faintest idea of Fabuland when looking at Chima but now it's stuck in my head thanks to this. Haha. Anywho I think this is a fun way of taking those characters out of the warzone and into the friendzone. While I'm not a personal fan of the minidolls, I like them all the same and think they are actually quite good.
  17. I did like the color palettes for Space Police I & II and wondered what it would be like to modernize the builds. This turned out pretty sweet in my opinion. I wouldn't sweat the cockpit windscreen substitution as the build still looks great and besides nothing can be done when the part doesn't exist in the color you want (at least not yet anyway). I know although considering seeing newer sets with different windscreens in translucent red and light blue plus the return of the large rover wheels not seen since some of the 90s Space sets, there could still be hope for windscreens in translucent green or any other color besides translucent brown or plain clear.
  18. Wipeout is a game series worth remembering between the vehicles and soundtrack. The same can be said for your inspired MOCs. Well done. The AG Systems one is my favorite between the two but that is just a personal preference probably stemming from driving it a lot in the games. Haha. On a side note, racing designs is the one time I think a lot of stickers is actually good.
  19. I have mixed a few things around from experimenting (hands and legs mostly) and haven't had any problems or noticed anything different really between the Collectables and regular minifigures. Removing and/or replacing arms in any torso can be tricky business.
  20. If you are asking what I personally place into my city from themes other than the City theme itself, I would say everything. I rarely build anything official and place it in my town as is since I like making custom stuff. However I have no problem having a couple characters from Chima sitting at the local coffee house while The LEGO Movie firefighter mech is outside dealing with a couple tattooed bad guys from Ninjago as a TIE Fighter soars overhead. In reality I only have a few custom houses made from Creator sets on a shelf. Haha. As for recommendations, I think Super Heroes sometimes have interesting vehicles as does Creator, Friends seems to have most of the buildings anymore far as businesses go, and then back to Creator which is a good place for making residential housing because people need to live somewhere unless they actually lived at work. Also there have been a growing number of professions done in the Collectable Minifigures line such as the recent Carpenter and Hotdog Suit Guy among the many released prior.
  21. TheOrcKing replied to WARHEAD's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    Holy cow, that is wickedly awesome!
  22. TheOrcKing replied to car_mp's post in a topic in Special LEGO Themes
    I had no idea what to expect when clicking this thread but so glad I did. Very nice.
  23. Perfect representation of such a classic character from the golden age of radio. Oh and the building is good too!
  24. I don't think I have ever seen old and new gray work in such perfect unison. This is an amazing piece worthy of being in an art exhibit.
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