Everything posted by LEGOscum
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
It's the history of the LSW theme, written by Graham Hancock (Brick Fanatics & Blocks Mag).
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
If anyone is interested:
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Has anyone seen a copy of the instructions for the C-3PO/Oscar statue that is free with the LSW 25 fan film submission? (I'd post a pic for attention but I'm only allowed to attach 20 kB... it's 2024...)
General LEGO Star Wars Discussion and Questions
I know this Brickmaster alt-build came out a long time ago, but I don't suppose anyone has the instructions saved somewhere? I've tried Wayback and it hasn't got the file.
MOC The battle of Geonosis
Fantastic! I hope you don't have dogs or cats! Or acklays and reeks either.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!! is getting the Nebulon-B Medical Frigate set
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
The Star Wars license is largely Disney led, rather than by licensees making most of the decisions. If LEGO doesn't get to see advanced material to make judgements on then they can't be held responsible.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
24 hours
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Time will tell. And so will press releases.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
What does this say?
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
No, they're US$59.99. At least that's what Walmart has them in their stock system for.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Jens Kronvold Frederiksen is very clear that there is no truth in this: "There are no hidden clues to future models in our box art. We place our models in an environment that makes sense. Sometimes it means that there are other space ships in the background, but it is just part of the setting, nothing else!" Ref:
What I meant, but didn't really explain, was if the LEGO Star Wars Blog would be rekindled. The broken link has been on the front page longer than the blog was active for! I'd love to see it up and running again. (Maybe Kim could be the LAN ambassador?!) FWIW I did check his profile first but couldn't see much in the way of posting activity to suggest Kim was back.
It'd be interesting if @KimT decided to come back to the AFOLside of LSW fandom.
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
The only big news out of London Toy Fair so far is The Rexcelsior! (70839) reveal.
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
There is a new Visual Dictionary coming out this year.
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
This pic will make you sick then - I took it at the Billund factory some years ago, and then got to scoop a handful out to take home with me!
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Dark skin toned minifig in Resistance flightsuit Was in the Resistance bomber at the start of TLJ
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
LEGO doesn't have total creative control over what sets they produce, and have to get approval from LFL.
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Sorry I misunderstood - the talk was UCS so I thought you meant the same.
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Not likely. LEGO still have the UCS 75144 Snowspeeder available. They aren't going to retire it just to bring it out less than a year later.
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
The details are being talked about are real, but whether the original source in Hungary is actually right about them is the mystery. We might be leading ourselves down a blind alley. The source was reported to LEGO over 48 hours ago, and the report got passed onto legal. That the source's link is still active after this time could mean that LEGO isn't worried about the info getting out, the info isn't accurate or the source is just slow to get it down.
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
That makes sense, it ties in with Celebration. At a guess, it's because the chemistry of the plastic got more biological, and the new compound won't deal with the stresses so LEGO had to redesign the mould in order to prevent fractures.
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
April 20th? Where did that date come from? The first LSW sets were out at the late Feb/early March, and the sets from TPM came out at 00:01 May 3rd 1999 (Toys "R" Us Midnight Madness).
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