[WIP] French 4th rater
Thank you. I'll make sure to have some pictures in my next update.
[WIP] French 4th rater
Thanks for the kind worlds. I'll make sure to post an update in a not too far future.
[WIP] French 4th rater
I've been taking up building lego again after a long break. I know this is an old thread but thought I would share my progress on my ship. She is slowly taking shape but it mostly the Shell that's pretty much done. It's a 64-gun ship built on Seven midsections. Many new technics have been shared though the years and I have borrowed a few and I like to thanks the community for all your awesome ships I seen. Could'nt figurer out how to post an image here but here is the link. I hope you take a minute and have a look.
[MOC] Sang Royale
Oh, this is great news! Your ships inspired me to start building with lego again after my teenage years and perhaps I can get started again and actually finish my ships that been sittning in drydock for years. Looking farward to your update!
- [MOC] British 5th Rate Ship (WIP)
[WIP] French 4th rater
Been a long time since I posted an update on this build. I have rebuild here several times and not sure if it is the same ship anymore. Anyhow this is how far I have come this time. I changed the color of the stripes to yellow and the mast will be brick built. Notice that the mast are placeholders at the moment, just to give a feel how she look when finished. I'm thinking of rebuilding her again, this time to a frigate, perhaps with only 6 mid-sections. Right now she is built on 7 but it makes here too narrow in my opinion, and the two decks makes her look tiny for her crew. I thought I would share some pictures in case I take her apart. Egyptian theme for her figurehead. In this view you notice she is a bit too narrow for her width. The strings are part of her steering. The rudder can be connected to the wheel and is actually working.
[WIP] French 4th rater
Hello again. It's been awhile and my ship have mostly been standing in dry dock collecting dust but I started working on her again. I made some quite big changes, actually I started over from scratch. With 200 brown jumberplates and some brown bricks and plate she now has a nicer line. The black under the gun ports looks better, if you ask me. It still bugs me a bit that the brown and black line doesn't match up with the red. I been testing some design for the stern but nothing ready to be shown yet. I'm trying hard to make that look of an late 1700s, Napoleon war design. Fedback much appreciated.
WIP: Achille and Guerrière, French Frigates of 28 guns
Been waiting for you to post an update and I must say WOW! Love the ratlines. The black string looks really great.
[WIP] French 4th rater
I been rebuilding the stern a couple of times now and it´s much more stable. I´m using 8 1x2 hinge bricks instead of 3 4x5 hinge plates. I think you understand which part I´m talking about. Using rubber bands to tighten it up further is a good idea, if the stern keeps falling down. I will have to wait and see how it turns out. Yes, I planed to do the rigging with strings of some kind. The mast will be Lego´s prefab tho, at least for now.
[WIP] French 4th rater
An update on my build. The hull is now 2 plates lower and also less curved in the vertical, giving a sleeker look. The red stripes are also 1 plate lower, lowering the gun ports 1 brick in total. I have also play around with different colors and I think I will go for this. Red, black and some highlights in yellow. Dark red would also been nice too but I simply don´t own any bricks at all in that color. If I did i would probably mede her in dark red instead of red. I been giving her a preliminary stern but i have no clue how to connect it with the broadside in a good way. And finally another shot from above to show some nice curves and the upper gun deck or "the hole". Next up will probably be to finish up the rest of the walls and start on the bow.
[WIP] French 4th rater
Thanks for all the feedback, really good fuel for my coming building evenings. It might have something to do with me having my eyes on that lovely HMS Prince of Wales when I started building. Hope you don't mind. Might be a good idea to try lower her. I see a way of lowering the gun ports at least a brick. I´ll see what I can do. It was quite tricky to build the curves when I only used around 75 black jumper plates, I should have ordered some more. I had to figure out ways to get it to hold together anyway, using different colored jumper plates hidden further inside the hull and then connect those with wider plates. I would like your opinion on how I should continue my color scheme. Should I keep the stern and the the details on the bow in red or should I go wild and put in some yellow? I´m thinking windows, headrails, the colored stripe on top of the walls and all the "bling" the french put on their ships. I´ll post an update in the near future. Thanks.
[WIP] French 4th rater
Hello everyone. This is what I been working on lately. What started out as a frigate with 4 mid-section has now grown in to a 7 mid-section long two-decker. Even though its not nearly finished yet I thought I would share with everyone here who been a great source of inspiration. So, here comes some pics. A shot showing the curves in the hull. And from above. The hull is 20 studs at the widest part. Comments and tips are appreciated. /Okke
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