Hi, we build the El3ctric_guitar.ev3 but I cannot figure out the program good enough. The problem is that only 5 notes can be played. The last 1/3 of the neck plays the same tone.
I got the screen print out that IR-module measures nicely 0-26 (also inside of the program).
I think that I found one error in the program. Before the 'Range'-funciton there is upper&lower definations
'5*a-1' & '5*(a+1)' I would assume that formulas should be '5*(a-1)' & '5*(a+1)'
Despite the formulas the problem stays.
Where the actual note's pointer for the Notes table is defined?
Thanx Jim,
Seems that transmission (Puppy pages 1-10) have some Ed.kit parts but the rest seem doable. Though girls have to wait after we get 31313 inventory done for the Puppy.
The basic functionallity probably comes with ease out from the EV3D4.
Thanks Jim,
I wouldn't care to go Education level yet. More I'm looking what parts the Puppy project would require? As well instructions & the program for it?
I assume that Puppy wouldn't need any new sensors, at least on videos I haven't noticed gyro, ultra nor extra touch sensors.
The Santa has indicated that we (I + 7&5y girls) are having the 31313 kit. The problem is that the kit's projects are quite boyies.
I bet that girls would adore the Poppy :-)
I have studied the different instructions and learned that Puppy's instructions comes with the Education kit only?
What additional parts we will need to build the Puppy out from the 31313 kit? How about SW?
I'm new in Mindstorms genre so any hints are welcome.
As the EV3 doesn't come with the proper Finnish guidance I've done short instructions for the every Programming Block and happy to share them if needed. I would be intrested to translate the Help section also but where are those files located?