Everything posted by Asilla
[Moc] Classic Forestmen
I love forestmen, have just taken my set of 6077 out again to rebuild it and maybe do some moc too.
- MOC My first modular house
- life on Mars
- life on Mars
- What was your first lego set?
MOC Loch Ness
here is a fantasy Loch Ness animal, he won a contest this summer : LochNess by Lisa Astrup, on Flickr
Stony Forest Taven
What can I say, I love it too, this style is great.
- [MOC] Small Architecture creations
- MOC: Rosenborg Castle
- Start to collect minifigs ?
a small hotel
hi. Long time, no see.... Got y Lego out and made this micro hotel, it summer in a warm country like Italy or Greece maybe.
- Fabuland anyone ?
Home Sweet Groan.
When I look at this, I really know I have lots, and lots to learn, its fantastic, love it - all of it. :)
FABULAND Crossover: Japanese tea house - ninjas!
I love all about this lovely MOC and I love Fabuland figures.
What Lego-related thing did you do today?
I washed and sorted a lot of old bricks today, and my bathroom is full of Lego bricks,to be dry.
Panda's in the garden
A day in Fabuland Paradise. Vignette
he is reading Playboy :)
Astrup's Lego
DSC 0001
A question to female AFOLs
she looks quite dizzy :)
Microscale building ?
Hi Fred. Thanks for your answer and the links. I saw your micro castle, love it :D I'll take a tour to the links and see all of it later, its very facinating.
mini/midi modular castle.
Hi Fred. I love your micro castle and the tiny figures too, I'm looking forward to see more later on.
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