Hello everybody,
I am trying to get my mindstorm EV3 to work with my Android 4.1.2, although I cant find any tutorial on internet that can teach me how to do that.
Actually, I've been trying to work with Monobrick and Xamarin, but I am experiencing some unknown error when I try to add the DLL's from the "Monobrick for Android" library to my Android Xamarin project.
Do you know any library that I can use to communicate my android with my EV3 using the bluetooth ?
I am intending to initially communicate via Bluetooth with my EV3, just sending basic commands like go forward, backward, left, right etc.
Afterwards I will try to integrate it with OpenCV in order to let the robot see the "outside world".
So please if you guyz know anything about communicating android and MindStorm EV3, it would help me A LOT.