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Everything posted by atreyu2112

  1. Absolutely amazing. This is my most wanted build from LotR. I'm still pissed they never released one. I'd BUY this were it available.
  2. ^THIS^ Especially with how one license LEGO gave up, that competitor has been releasing sets that completely blow the LEGO versions off the shelf! Talk about giving fans what they really want, AND at a reasonable price with far greater attention to detail. LEGO should take a hint instead of rehashing old crap and releasing half-sets. If that DS is real... What a joke! Want LEGO to listen... teach them with your wallets. What a disappointment this past year (and continuing) LEGOs offerings have been.
  3. Theodoric ... HOOK ME UP! That looks amazing. My email is atreyu2112@yahoo.com ... Thanks in advance man.
  4. 75038 was just out like a year ago. I seriously doubt we'll be seeing another yellow version soon. You might still find them in shops if you're lucky.
  5. My favorite Rivendell / Council build by far. Nicely done.
  6. atreyu2112 replied to Khalim's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    Nicely done. What a missed opportunity for Lego & fans alike. I would have bought this set in a heart beat.
  7. General Magma... We need Sauron Eowyn (Pelennor) Faramir (Ranger) Gondor Soldier Witch-King (Pelennor) Gothmog Guritz Elendil Isildur Gil-Galad Haradrim soldier Easterling soldier
  8. Theodoric, I would love both a Sauron and a Witch-King when you are ready to sell. Please PM me when ready.
  9. I was lucky enough to find/save prelim images of 5 of the summer sets... Not sure if they're official or what, but the new X-Wing (most of us have seen), Turbo Tank, A-wing/TIE Advance and 2 ships I have never seen before. I'm not sure if they're from a game (Battlefront), EU or Rogue One sets??? I'm very excited for the A-wing/TIE Advance although only 4 minifigs (look to be dummy but one is Vader) and no other build, so that price had better come down if it's just the 2 ships. Green color on the A-wing very similar to old A-wing but new rear, TIE advance looks like it could be OT. Turbo Tank shows 6 minifigs, AT-RT walker is included, Luminara, Quinlan, AT-RT driver, Clone of some sort and 2 Battle Droids. Looks like the old TT build. The other 2 ships... First is black with red, semi circular w/center cockpit in the back with small wings on the back/top of cockpit 2 circular side engines. Comes with a mini speeder bike and 2 minifigs. One looks like a Sith, the other a bounty hunter? The other is a larger ship... not sure how to describe it. Bigger than the black ship. Grey with blue highlights, not sure how to describe it. Has 4 minifigs. I'm sure some of you will find these and can maybe further elaborate...? *edit* Wonkeye1 beat me to it, lol
  10. Saw the EE Hobbit BotFA ... it was GREAT. LOTS more added to the battle. Such a shame on Lego for that HORRID BotFA set and for no 3rd LotR wave. 4 MORE SETS LEGO! You know what we need!!!
  11. I agree, Toybiz did a FANTASTIC job with their figures. I have a COMPLETE MIB collection and they did make figures for just about everyone in the LotR trilogy. The last two "Epic Trilogy" waves (waves 3 & 4 that never got released) were going to focus on stuff that WASN'T in the movies like a Barrow Wight & Tom Bombadil, as well as PJ Corsair, PJ Wildman, Birch Ent ... I mean some REALLY obscure stuff. They did release some real odd stuff as it was, like Prince Theodred, Hama, Gamling, Guritz, Gorbag, Elendil, Isildur, Gil Galad... So, in my opinion, Toybiz really was the only truely successful line of Lord of the Rings toy product, Armies of Middle Earth second and then, *maybe* Lego LotR ***IF*** we get what's still missing. But lets face it, when people think of LotR they think of the epic moments & battles. As far as Lego is concerned in regards to their LotR offerings, they've only represented 1/2 to 3/4 at best.
  12. The reason I am so hellbent on a proper Treebeard is first, he's one of *MY* favorite characters, and second, he was designed by Lego and IN the Lego LotR game, which came out before Orthanc. So we knew/know that the ent in Orthanc is not Treebeard just by seeing the design in the game. A Treebeard set would only cost about $25. No new moulds or prints are needed, and it is very much the same in size/piece count as the Shelob set. You mean to tell me that if there was a $25-30 TB set that y'all wouldn't buy it? I get and respect that for a lot of you, the ent in Orthanc is good enough, & that's cool. For me, it's not. I do agree though, I would not want a TB set in place of a Balrog or a Witch-king/Eowyn/Faramir/Gondor set if I had to make that choice, but I don't see any reason why all 3 shouldn't be done.
  13. If we can't get a $25 Treebeard, a $35 Balrog, a under $100 set that includes the Witch-King of Angmar on his Fell Beast against Eowyn, Faramir and Gondor soldiers, SAURON HIMSELF, or the first Ideas 10k supported Minas Tirith set, what makes ANYONE think that this 10k suppoerted Lothlorien set will get made? Hahahaha.... Lego has been drinking the Hasbro Koolaide... they think the 2012 Angry Birds is the ticket - .F.U.C.K. the millions of Lord of the Rings fans around the world! To hell with the people that supported not 1 but 2 massive LotR sets within one calendar year. Yes, it is. LEGO themselves came out and responded saying that ent was never meant to be Treebeard. And when we saw it included in the Orthanc set, we all assumed/expected that Treebeard was coming as a stand alone set. He is one of my favorite characters ever... the ORIGINAL Groot! Same as it is a travesty we havent gotten a Faramir, another one of my favorite characters, along with all the other main character, beast and locations we never saw. One wave, four sets... would make this all go away.
  14. There are 4 things that are unforgivable for me: 1. No Sauron, Lord of the Ring ... The phantom doesn't count so stop. 2. No Balrog ... The most epic part of FotR 3. No Treebeard ... Generic ent should never had been made. What a slap in the face! 4. No Witch-king/Fell Beast/Eowyn/Gondor set. Inexcusable. Getting Mouth of Sauron & no Witch-king is like getting a Star Wars Lobot and no Boba Fett. And after seeing the Mega Bloks MotU Castle Greyskull, I'd LOVE for them to get the license and see what goodness they would bring.
  15. This is a really awesome MOC. I'm gonna try that too!
  16. Sad day indeed. We should have everything seen in those pictures in a set of some form. What a joke, Lego! What a slap in the face. No: Sauron (the reason for it all), no Balrog (most iconic scene/beast in FotR), no Treebeard (but we got his generic decrepit cousin), no Witch-King (he's only the Darth Vader of LotR idiots), no Fell Beast (waste, I would have bought at least 5), no Eowyn (kills WK and brings the houses of Gondor & Rohan together with that dude), no Faramir, no Gondor Soldier, no Gondor/Osgiliath build ... But hey... We got the Mouth of Sauron (even though he was only in a 20 second scene in only the home Released EE dvd, & no one cared anyway)! Oh, and let's not forget about getting that Pirate Ship, I mean boat, I mean that thing that was also I the film all of 20 seconds and nothing happened on it... But what do I know... They poured all that loved into the OTHER trilogy directed by PJ that was so well received by fans and critics alike. They must be in better touch with reality than I am. They must know what the kids want... Like that Council set that was flying off the shelves, favored so much over releasing an action set that included the Balrog. Ever I shall remain hopeful, but alas... My ship leaves for Valinor... And back into my dark age.
  17. I'm just glad there's no exclusive minifigures.
  18. No, that's Cirith Ungol, the tower they brought Frodo to after he was stung by Shelob.
  19. I voted for the Minas Tirith set simply because I want more Lord of the Rings, but I also agree that such a huge set would be a hard sell. I personally don't have anywhere to display it! And while it could possibly fill most of the holes in the theme, I'd much rather get a small wave of sets equalling the value of the that Minas Tirith that would address the other holes as well, like the Balrog, Treebeard and Sauron as well as Witch-king, Fell Beast, Eowyn, Faramir, Gothmog, etc...
  20. That look MUCH better than the prelim.
  21. What's most depressing is how little we are asking for to fill the gaping holes in the theme, and how very little of that would require new moulds... Balrog: brick built w/existing parts Treebeard: brick built w/existing parts Minas Tirith: brick built w/existing parts New moulds: Sauron helm & torso armor Witch-King helm Eowyn helm Fell Beast Mumakil I think we WILL get a Sauron in a Dimensions expansion set. I am hopeful that with the constant nagging and the presence in Dimensions game, LotR can get 1 more small wave to give us what we really need to complete our collections. What a disappointment & wasted opportunity.
  22. My question is how do some of you guys see the 4-6 LotR sets we still need as any sort of competition with any other theme? It's not generic stuff, it's the iconic easily identifiable beasts, characters & settings. The Balrog, Treebeard, Fell Beast, Oliphant, iconic character minifigs and Minas Tirith... Seriously, you see that as competition for some other generic fantasy theme? IMO, that's like saying Lego won't release a space theme while Star Wars sets are on the shelf, which to me is just ridiculous & that argument is pointless.
  23. Agreed. Just because FE2 is coming, it has no bearing on LotR what so ever. Unless you officially work for and speak for TLG, you're just speculating. And whatever your speculation is based on is irrelevant. NO ONE saw Dimensions or the HUGE LotR presence in it coming. No one. Anything is possible. Dimensions expansion packs ARE SETS, albeit small... they still pass mini figure and a build. There's nothing to say Lego won't release more LotR sets.
  24. I love the Microfighters. The AT-AT is hands down the best one IMO. A great alternative for parents on a budget to get Lego Star Wars ships without breaking the bank. For the price of 1 regular sized Lego SW ship, you can get 2-6 Microfighters! They should have a couple Rebels sets though to go along with the show since that's what's relevant at the moment. Personally, I would love a Sith Infiltrator vs. Naboo N1 Starfighter and a Twilight vs Asaaj Fanblade - there are a TON of possiblities. I just never saw that kind of playability with the Planets line.
  25. The Balrog simply MUST be released as a set. It blows my mind that TLG had yet to release it. Most likely, it would be among the best selling LotR sets.
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