Everything posted by atreyu2112
Future The Hobbit Sets?
Did you see DOS? I'd say a good 20-30 minutes were spent there. Action scenes! There will be even more in TABA. I'd love an Erebor set.
LEGO LotR - general discussion
This guy knows whats up!
Future The Hobbit Sets?
LOL, the whole premise of The Hobbit is the Quest for Erebor. I'd say it's pretty damn important.
LEGO LotR - general discussion
I disagree that the line didn't sell well. I live in one of the most densely populated areas in the U.S. and have access to multiple, multiple stores. They sold around here, and I don't see any returns really since the holiday. The only 2 sets that didn't sell as well as others around here were Council of Elrond & Pirate Ship Ambush. Everything else was GONE! Do I have the sales figures in my hands, no. But I have been collecting for 25 years or so now, and I know when product moves. I don't think there really are best or worst sets in this line. Some appeal more to people than others. I like all of the sets. My gripe is the choice of sets in wave 2. I'd MUCH rather have the Balrog, Treebeard, Witchking w/Fell Beast rather than what came in wave 2. I am happy to have what I have from wave 2, but there are still some major iconic characters, creatures & settings they have yet to touch upon, leaving the collection feeling incomplete. One thing I don't get is all the doom and gloom here. People are literally arguing points to justify the end of the line. Look, I get the "lets be realistic" thing, but we're all fans here right? Why bother posting if you don't care then? I for one want to see at least 1 more wave come from LotR that hopefully touches ALL our wants, not just one big set. I'm sure most here want more sets as well. Just saying... where's the love?
LEGO LotR - general discussion
Indeed. Just about as epic as the movies themselves. I'd be good for 10-20 people. Better than nothing...
LEGO LotR - general discussion
I've been going on their Facebook and letting them know what I still want from LotR. It can't hurt for y'all to do the same. It only takes a second. Doing something is better than doing nothing. I would sign a petition, and get as many people as I can to sign it as well. I still doubt the line is dead. There are still way too many cool sets that can be made.
LEGO LotR - general discussion
Bad business decision when there's still money to be made with a strong demand. The franchise is right in the public eye NOW with another major blockbuster film coming the end of the year. It just makes no sense. The best time to sell these would be this year.
LEGO LotR - general discussion
I doubt LotR is done. It would be totally ridiculous for it to be finished at this point. Why acquire the license in the first place if they didn't have plans to release more? The Balrog, Treebeard, Witchking with Fell Beast, Gondor/Minas Tirith, Eowyn, Faramir, Galadriel, & Sauron... I mean they're all major A scene characters & settings! There's still too way much money to be made with this franchise. Everything either sold out or sold REALLY well in all my area stores (multiple TRU, WM, Target & KMarts on Long Island and in NYC). Except for TRU who actually restocked some, the rest of the stores are totally sold out still. We're talking the BIG sets too, like Orthanc, HD, etc... The new 2014 Star Wars sets were even pushed back for the Lego Movie merch! I'd bet the LotR/Hobbit stuff has been pushed back too. There's NO WAY they'd release anything that has yet to be seen in TABA early. There's just no way. I can see a Dec. 1st release for new settings, but not sooner. Honestly, the only sets that could see coming sooner are Smaug or Erebor. Like I said, I strongly doubt LotR is done. Agreed. Not to end the line, but definitely 1/3 of it could be knocked out right there. Add: Mirror of Galadriel $12 Treebeard set (would be just like Shelob Attacks) $20-30 The Balrog (just like the TMNT Baxter Robot Rampage) $40 TRU/Shop exclusive Bam... highly sought after wave in the books!
LEGO LotR - general discussion
But when Gandalf actually faces the Balrog, he has no hat. He throws it aside in Balin's Tomb. It would actually be cool to get a nice Galmdring sword (ala the Sting we got). Are you talking about the bonus level? Because I finally played through it to unlock Sauron and Mouth of Sauron. Every single set that has been released is in that level, identical to it's toy counterpart. And they (obviously) also had all the other major scenes in toy set form and I'm wondering if any of those would be what we will get if they are released. Check it out here: Sets of interest... Barad Dur, Minas Morgul, Oliphant, Minas Tirith, Grond, Edoras, Argonath, Lothlorien, Bridge of Kazad-dum & Bree
Future The Hobbit Sets?
I know I have seen Galadriel in armor, but I wen't through a # of the trailers and TV spots and cannot find it. Ug... It wasn't a fan trailer. Maybe a production video. I will keep looking. Sorry. Back on topic, are we talking about the armored palace guards or the regular armored elves? It would be really cool to get both.
LEGO LotR - general discussion
Precicely why I wouldn't be overly put out by it... BUT, I am pretty sure that have the licence through at least the end of 2015, so who knows. Maybe we'll get lucky in summer 2015 with a hole-filler combined Middle Earth wave, as there are still many great scenes from all the films they could make easily.
Future The Hobbit Sets?
Lets not forget, Radagast will also be in TABA. Sylvester McCoy has said he will also return to Dol Guldur in a huge battle scene, fighting something fierce (which we now know is Sauron). In one of the early trailers/TV spots, Galadriel is shown in battle armor arriving in Dol Guldur. And Chris Lee has also said that he would appear in an enormous battle of importance. I think that whatever happens in Dol Guldur for TABA, it is going to be of GREAT significance to all 6 films. And I have a feeling (I could be wrong) that Radagast will die in epic form, maybe sacrificing himself, & Saruman will be seduced by Sauron in some way, beginning his fall into darkness. In the book, Beorn fights in the BoFA... maybe he will indeed make an appearance in TABA, either in Dol Guldur or Dale. I wouldn't mind another Dol Guldur set, and it would be great to get a Sauron minifig in his iconing battle armor, Galadriel in armor, Elven soldiers & even a couple more orcs. Nothing more than a $30 set with maybe another stand alone wall/structure that could be placed with the other 2 sets we just got. 2 sets for the BOFA, an army builder and a main, big set ala Helms Deep/Uruk Army. Where is this battle going to take place? Dale or on the foot hills of the Lonely Mountain? An accurate movie Bolg should be included, a Great Eagle or 2 Whatever they do for Smaug, it had better outshine all other sets. My expectations for him are as high as they were to see him in the film, in which he was truly awesome. I would think they will have the license until at least the end of 2015, which gives plenty of time to get a 4th wave, combined LotR/Hobbit ... Right when Star Wars VII will hit.
LEGO LotR - general discussion
If Treebeard is indeed the only non-release, I guess I could somewhat live with it for the time being. Ya never know, maybe a final combined wave to coincide with the final blu-ray release in 2015??? TABA will not hit until Dec. 2014 guaranteed. These 4 sets have to be LotR. If we DON'T wind up getting the Balrog, Witch-King/Fell Beast & Smaug ... it would be the biggest travesty in toy franchise history.
LEGO LotR - general discussion
I don't think it will be a combined wave for both LotR & Hobbit. Hobbit will get it's own wave, either when the game comes out of just before the movie. I also really think there will be at least one more LotR wave.
LEGO LotR - general discussion
I can't see them ending LotR now either. You KNOW there will be another Hobbit wave to coincide with either the game or the final movie. So that leaves a long gap between releases. I am sure we will get a 3rd wave between now and the next Hobbit wave. And, to not release the Balrog, Treebeard, Witch King/Fell Beast and a couple Gondor/Minas Tirith sets (ala Uruk Hai Army & Helms Deep) would be FOLLY. Why... 1 - These are the sets that will SELL SELL SELL!!!!!!! 2 - These are the sets that will satisfy fans/collectors 3 - These are the sets that will round out/complete the theme. If they decide to end LotR after them, I doubt many would complain If you search forums and articles back to the announcement of this theme (Hobbit/LotR) ... the BALROG has been the #1 most speculated/wanted set! Since wave 2 hit, Treebeard, Witch King/Fell Beast & Gondor/Minas Tirith have been the #2 most speculated/wanted sets. Sure, I wouldn't mind Amon-hen, Mirror of Galadriel & Defence of Osgiliath... as long as I knew the 5 sets listed above were definitely coming. Otherwise, drop them and just release the 5 sets listed above. My thoughts on wave 2... The Black Gate was a great choice, and a great set. The Wizard Battle - a cool set for $12, but since we got Orthanc also, this should have been The Mirror of Galadriel instead. The Council of Elrond - again, a cool set and I'm happy to have it. But really more for the collector. Like getting the Death Star Conference room instead of the Detention Level Escape. This should have been the Treebeard Encounter, especially to coincide with Orthanc. Pirate Ship Ambush - Very cool set, but it's not nearly as iconic as other RotK scenes, and it's a very short scene. At this price point, we should have gotten a serious Osgiliath set or a Minas Tirith set, or even an Oliphant! Honestly my only interest in this set is The King of the Dead & 2 Soldiers of the Dead minifigs. Easy pass for me & a weak release. I don't think anyone would have missed this if they never released it.
LEGO LotR - general discussion
Yeah, bottom line for me is the more product they release from this line, the more I will buy. My hope is that if we get just one more wave, it will quench all collective thirst as much as possible. We all know the dream wave would sell very well. I think it's a win-win for both Lego & collectors/kids.
LEGO LotR - general discussion
All we can really do is keep telling Lego what we want next, by emailing whoever or jumping on their Facebook and posting. By keeping it fresh in their eye that there is a demand, we have a much better chance. I for one think that if they gave us the dream wave of a Balrog, Treebeard, Witchking w/Fell Beast and a Gondor/Pelennor army builder with a Minas Tirith set (comparable to Helms Deep), it would sell BIG TIME. Let this line go out with a BANG for a change (unlike all the other LotR toy lines).
Nominate Dream LotR Sets for the Midearth Madness Tournament
Balrog Treebeard Witch King w/ Fell Beast Sauron (brick built) Barad Dur Mirror of Galadriel Amon-Hen Minas Tirith Gate & Grond
LEGO LotR - general discussion
I agree, because it would be very similar set to the Shelob Attacks. Depending on how the did the Balrog & Witch King / Fell Beast... I could see the Balrog set very similar to the $40 TMNT Baxter's Robot Rampage - And if they did the Witch King/Fell Beast set like this $50 set - , they'd probably be able to add in a small wall from Minas Tirith or Osgiliath, a catapult or mini Grond, and Eowyn, Merry, Witch King, Fell Beast, and a couple Gondor soldiers. So it's very do-able at reasonable price points
LEGO LotR - general discussion
Just reading over the last several pages, it seems the most wanted LotR sets are: Balrog with Gandalf and some Moria Orcs (archers would be very cool) Treebeard with Merry, Pippin & Grishnakh Witch King & Fell Beast with Eowyn in armor (should have both hair & her helmet) & Merry in armor And some kind of Minas Tirith / Osgiliath / Gondor scene with Faramir, Gondor soldiers/archers, Denethor, Gothmog & Pelennor orcs. This could be like a Helms Deep set with an add on set/army builder like the Uruk Hai army. I think if those were the final sets, with a Mirror Of Galadriel set if they needed a $12 price point set ... we'd all be happy.
Future The Hobbit Sets?
Deskp - that is awesome. I'd definitely buy it.
LEGO LotR - general discussion
Agreed. And lets not forget, The Mouth of Sauron was only in the EE of RotK. Unless you were already a die hard and had seen that version of the film, you never even saw him. How many kids could sit through that whole film, let alone the EE (which I have to watch in 2 sittings, lol). A prime example of doing something very cool for the hardcore fans. The Black Gate is cool, but I'd have preferred a Witch King with Fell Beast set first. $50-60 for a Balrog set is more than reasonable. He's never been made by any other company. It would literally be the only way to have him. I would buy 2, as well as many other collectors. Kids would love him, and would probably think of him fondly when they got older. I know I do when I think back upon the cool toys of my youth (AT-AT Imperial Walker is a great example). Even if this was a store exclusive similar to Orthanc, it needs to be done. If I HAD to vote, I'd vote Balrog for sure. But the price points would be so different on these sets I can't see them being put in the same category. Maybe more like, if I had to choose a: Amon Hen Ambush ~or~ Treebeard Encounter ... I would choose Treebeard Defense of Osgiliath ~or~ The Balrog ... I would choose The Balrog Since the Witchking Showdown set is already rumored, I'd be fine with getting a few of them. And I am in no way saying I wouldn't want Amon Hen or Defense of Osgiliath. I'd actually want all of the sets. I guess what I am really saying is that I want ALL of the rumored sets, a Balrog set & a Treebeard set. If that was it for the line after that, I would be VERY happy and keep my mouth shut.
LEGO LotR - general discussion
THIS IS LEGO TREEBEARD: AND HE NEEDS TO BE MADE. The Ent that comes with Orthanc is NOT Treebeard. I understand some are cool with just that Ent. But for me, Treebeard is just WAY too iconic a character to be ignored or half megablocks'd. And this for sure: The Balrog scene is pretty much the most epic part of FotR, So epic, it starts off TTT. Of this scene alone there are shirts, posters, a pretty cool AOME set (as a statue albeit), and many a pop-culture joke (You shall not pass). The whole tone of the movie CHANGED after this dude popped up out of the flames. Not 1 company has made a cool stand alone poseable Balrog toy. For years to come, this could be a highly sought after set. On the rumored list, but until it becomes reality, The Witch King Showdown is another MUST. Not only is it badass for both kids and adults alike, there are people that would buy 9 SETS! I'm sorry guys, but for me... these sets for LotR are ESSENTIAL sets, iconic scenes. Don't get me wrong here. I am very happy we have gotten what's been released to date. But seriously, between kids and the kid in me... would you want that Rivendell set or the Balrog/Treebeard? I don't understand why a company as big as Lego, who can do whatever they want basically, won't put out these SURE sellers. The hardcore fanboys alone would gobble them up. People into LotR, but not Lego so much, would buy them. I will get whatever else they release from LotR. I even like all of the rumored wave 3 sets. But without the 3 sets listed above, this line will remain unfinished with WAY too much potential. These are the 3 LotR sets I think we can all agree that most people would want. Lets make it happen!!!
LEGO LotR - general discussion
Hi guys. I'm new to these forums. I just got into collecting Lego. Mostly LotR & Hobbit, some SW and some TMNT. That being said, the list above would make me very happy and I'd feel the collection was complete. The Balrog, Treebeard & the Witchking/Fellbeast ... those NEED to happen.
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