Everything posted by atreyu2112
LEGO LotR - general discussion
That's a question a LOT of us asked when the set was revealed, fueling a fire that there would definitely be a third wave and a Treebeard set would be in it. A Treebeard set is at least one set we KNOW was ready to go for a wave 3, or else he would have been in Orthanc. It also ties in better with the video game since there was a level where you had the choice of being Treebeard or the other ent. I'm fairly certain the set designers worked hand-in-hand with the game designers, so I'm pretty sure that if we actually got (or will get) sets based on Treebeard, the Balrog, etc... that they will look very close to the game designs. PS - Bugbot - great work!!!
- MOC Treebeard
LEGO LotR - general discussion
Nice list. I'm hoping for the same too... one last wave. My wish list would be: 1. Prologue $15 Sauron, Elendil, Isildur, a small rock structure 2. Treebeard $25 Brick built Treebeard, Merry, Pippin, Grishnakh 3. Bridge of Khazad Dum $40 Brick build Balrog, damaged Gandalf, 2x Moria Orc archers & the bridge 4. The Osgiliath above, Gothmog could be here. 5. The Ideas Minas Tirith
LEGO LotR - general discussion
Thank you Risgyrnsgrot. Lego agrees with me... it's not Treebeard! Will the real Treebeard please stand up? OH HELL YES 10k!!! Well done everyone.
LEGO LotR - general discussion
LOL, that's why I posted the pics of Treebeard from the game. I literally posted them NEXT to each other. Treebeard happens to be one of MY favorite characters from LotR. That is why I want him. What's so hard to understand about that? I mean, seriously... 3 or 4 posts about how guys can't understand that some people really want an accurate Treebeard? REALLY? If this is the case, then where are Merry and Pippin supposed to sit on him when they go into battle at Orthanc? I'm not saying it isn't a GREAT looking & well designed ent, but again, it's NOT Treebeard. And I disagree with you about the game designers not having the set designs or else none of them would have made it into the game. Especially in the bonus level... who's to say they weren't designed hand-in-hand??? In other news... less than 250 supporters needed. At this rate we will hit 10k by next week. And STILL, 4 Middle Earth based sets in top 10... This topic is far from done! Did exactly this yesterday when I got the email. But, definitely a great way for everyone else here to let their "We really want more LotR" voices to be heard!
LEGO Hobbit 2014
Armored Sauron is all I want. 2 variants...
LEGO LotR - general discussion
That's cool. That's your opinion. Treebeard happens to be one of my favorite characters from TTT... To me, that ent is a birch ent and looks NOTHING like the Treebeard in the movies I saw. ALL of the sets do their best to properly represent what was actually in the movie. Look at the rest of that particular set... every minifigure and the tower itself are great representations. That ent is NOT Treebeard. Getting that ent is EXACTLY like getting Mouth of Sauron but no Sauron - it's like, why even bother? What's WORSE is that we've SEEN what the official Lego Treebeard looks like in the game! Birch Ent: Treebeard: Hahaha ... OK, end of rant.
LEGO LotR - general discussion
It's great to see so much support for Middle Earth themed sets recently. For me, honestly, all I really REALLY want to feel my collection is complete: Brick builds 1. The Balrog 2. Treebeard 3. Minas Tirith Minifigures, etc... SAURON Witch-king of Angmar (armored) Fell Beast (molded, like in the video game) Faramir (ranger) Eowyn (Pelennor Fields armor) Gothmog Guritz Madril Gondor Soldier Not too much to ask for... Hopefully, with the Ideas project hitting 10k supporters and many other Middle Earth themed sets, Lego might cave and give us one last WAVE. I'm sure they read these forums, they have to know what we want. I won't hold my breath, but my fingers are crossed!
LEGO LotR - general discussion
Great to see Minas Tirith gaining so much support. I really hope it hits 10k before the end of this year! As much as I want it, I also REALLY want a BALROG damnit!!!
LEGO LotR - general discussion
This one was modded and looks GREAT: which makes it look a lot like it did in the movie...
LEGO LotR - general discussion
I still think if that Minas Tirith actually happens, miraculously, we will get a molded Fell Beast, proper Witch-King helm and Eowyns helmet... as they were *probably* already made for that missing wave of LotR sets. Also, while a lot of guys think it's too big, the Smaug body, neck, wings & tail work perfectly for a size accurate Fell Beast. But honestly, I'm really hoping to get this one:
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2014 Rumors & Discussion
The only set I REALLY want in 2015 is this: The NEW Nick version of the Turtle Van.
LEGO LotR - general discussion
Amen brother ... the Balrog is my #1 most wanted set. And The Last Alliance would be sweet. An Osgiliath set could include the iconic Ringwraith & Fell Beast, Faramir, Madril, Gothmog... Could be a TTT set *or* a RotK set... I also really want a true Treebeard.
LEGO Hobbit 2014
Sauron ... simple, like this: Would need a head mold. Done. Could put him out as a polybag. 2 versions... grey prologue and fire color variant.
LEGO LotR - general discussion
I think that both internally at Lego, as well as all of the fans around the world want SOME sort of Gondor set that would at least get us the core RotK goodness we are still in need of to complete out collection. If it's going to happen, NOW is the time to try and get it to 10k. Besides the Balrog & a true Treebeard, this set could include ALL we really need... Armored Witch-King (who's to say they haven't already made the helm?), Fell Beast (Smaug body & wings, new head might already exist), Armored Eowyn, Faramir (either or), Denethor, Gondor Soldier, Gothmog, Guritz & some more Mordor orcs... plus a decent Minas Tirith build.
LEGO LotR - general discussion
Personally, I love the Mines of Moria set. Great mini-figs, and actually displays quite nicely. For a Lego set, it's quite accurate to the film IMO.I got a couple extra Moria Orcs and I have the Fellowship in there too. Love it.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2014 Rumors & Discussion
I was at NYCC, the Turtles panel on Friday, all I can say is that so far everything I have seen from season 3 I want... check out the new turtles designs they'll be sporting VERY soon: Gonna be sweet. Hopefully we'll see some of this great stuff in Lego form!
LEGO LotR - general discussion
Haha ... I met Sauron: met Sir Richard Taylor (under Smaug): Got a SICK commission from my man Jon Sommariva (aka RedJ, infamous TMNT Chibi artis): And, sadly... this was the Lego booth:
LEGO LotR - general discussion
I just got back from New York Comic Con... I can assure you, LOTR IS ALIVE AND WELL judging by all the insanely great cosplay I witnessed. I also saw a lot of both LotR & Hobbit merch all over. The WETA booth was hands down the biggest spectacle of the entire show floor! (PS, met Richard Taylor!!!) The Lego booth SUCKED!!!! A Bionicle head over some mist. That was IT. I didn't even see a rep, multiple passes. No one to grill about LotR. The Mega Bloks booth KICKED it's megablocks BTW. I still have a couple sets to get. An extra Black Gate, a Pirate Ship (just to have it) & the last 2 Hobbit wave 3 (BotFA & LT2). Then I will be finished & every set. If we get more Lord of the Rings sets I will be a VERY happy fan & will buy them all. If we don't... I will save money. With all I collect, I don't have room to go all out on any other theme. It will be slim cherry-picking from here on... returning to my dark age.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2014 Rumors & Discussion
I'm thinking we will get more Nick show sets, there's plenty of new vehicles and characters at this point. That Turtle mech would be very cool.
LEGO LotR - general discussion
No. It slips over a standard size minimate head. It's literally a helmet, haha.
LEGO LotR - general discussion
Balrog = brick build Treebeard = brick build Osgiliath Ruins = brick build Minas Tirith = brick build mini figures = icing on the cake PS ... Lets not forget how Art Asylum SHOWED ALL wave 3 COMPLETED/PACKAGED and it never got released. This was also around the time Gentle Giant was 6 Animated Maquettes in, confirming there were more and those never got released. And last but not least, Toybiz released the figure lists for Epic Trilogy waves 3 & 4, they were SPECTACULAR lists... and those never came out. BUT, at least ToyBiz hit ALL the main, B, C & even D characters. Those last 2 waves were just pipe dream stuff, so I wasn't upset at all when they didn't come out. You guys CAN'T take the Brotherhood Workshop Facebook comments as official lore here. Until LEGO makes a statement, we are in the same boat we have been in all year. Guys internally are STILL saying that LotR is HUGE within Lego and none of them think its done or will say the line is done. So until that happens, all this "well it was good while it lasted" talk is moot...
- [Petition] Save LEGO the Lord of the Rings
LEGO LotR - general discussion
I emailed Darth Draks last week... I STILL have a feeling, personally, that we will get either one more larger set or a small wave of sets. I am optimistic. I could be wrong, sure... but I hope I'm not. Cheers!
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
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