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Everything posted by atreyu2112

  1. EPIC FAILURE if LotR is indeed done. The Lord of the Rings theme will NEVER be complete without the Balrog, a real Treebeard & something from Gondor with Witch-King, Fell Beast, Eowyn, Faramir & Gondor soldiers!!! Had it been the ENTIRE wave 2 that had been left out, I don't think anyone would be complaining. But to leave out all that main stuff? REALLY??? Lego dropped the ball BIG TIME! *edit* LOL... just think, if this was Star Wars then we'd NOT have gotten: -Darth Vader (Witch-King) -Emperor (Sauron) -Darth Vader TIE Fighter (Fell Beast) -AT-AT (Balrog) -Wampa (Treebeard) And then for Return of the Jedi we'd NOT have gotten: -Leia (Eowyn) -Lando (Faramir) -Boba Fett (Gothmog) -Rebel Soldiers (Gondor Soldeirs) -Biker Scouts (either Haradrim or Easterlings) -Ewok Village (Minas Tirith/Pelennor) -Battle Of Endor (Osgiliath) But we DID get: -Royal Guard (Mouth of Sauron) -Mon Calamari Cruiser (Pirate Ship) -Death Star complete w/Emperors Throne Room (Orthanc) *AND* Emperors Throne (Wizard Battle) -Abominable Snowman (Ent) -Lars Homestead (Rivendell)
  2. atreyu2112 replied to just2good's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    Me too. My main focus of collecting Lego are the Middle Earth themes. I have a few Star Wars sets, Nick TMNT sets, and a few Marvel sets. But I cherry pick those. LotR and Hobbit I must have all the sets. Looks like between now and Christmas I will complete what I don't have. I'm not gonna chance waiting until after then and missing out on what I don't have. If we had only had only gotten the Balrog, a decent Gondor set, Treebeard in Orthanc and a better BoFA set ... the line would have been complete and as perfect as could be.
  3. Orthanc came out of nowhere. You never know. I think we will be surprised before the final Extended Edition blu-ray sets come out next November.
  4. Almost at 1300 supporters, but gaining support has slowed greatly. I guess the word of mouth & getting close friends to sign is just about at an end. What to do to raise more awareness & gain more support? I know a lot of guys here have washed their hands of this, but it's still really important to me and a few others. I hope Elessar over at http://www.theonering.net will finally get the petition posted over there. We need to keep at it, repost!!!
  5. I will ask them IN PERSON at NYCC in a little less than 2 weeks. I also know a few other people that will be asking them in person there as well.
  6. Wow, a real response! While it doesn't shed any light, it's not the cookie-cutter response the rest of us got. Thanks for sharing.
  7. I can dig that BIG time! But add in a $30 Treebeard: title character, Merry, Pippin, Grishnakh & a small tree/foliage build.
  8. You could PM him (so the conversation is private) and ask ... worst that will happen, he won't reply, or tell you that he can't comment. But, if Darth Draks was right and internally LotR is a really big deal, *maybe* they are trying to get something more released! Ideally, the best reply would be confirmation of 1 more large set or even a small wave of sets... Agreed. When it comes to LotR collecting, there are main characters, scenes and events that come to mind immediately, and then there's the fluff or icing on the cake stuff. *IF* we are lucky enough to get just the 2 sets Deathleech mentioned (a Balrog set and a Witch-King on Fell Beast vs Eowyn set w/Gondor soldiers), I wouldn't complain at all! Actually, I'd rejoice. Would I mind a Prancing Pony, Green Dragon, or a Smeagol Deagol set? HELL NO! But if I was to get those INSTEAD of a Balrog, WK/FB, Treebeard, Sauron, Eowyn, Faramir, Gondor soldier? Dude, I'd be RAGING pissed because that would just be a cold slap in the face! Just like Mouth of Sauron and the Pirate Ship Ambush are a slap in the face. The problem with all of the LotR sets on LEGO Ideas is that LEGO has already designed EVERYTHING we want in the Lego LotR video game. It's all there for us to see in glorious official Lego design. If it isn't in the likeness of the official movie/game, I doubt the license agreement would allow for Lego to make it anyway. Why wouldn't they use their own designs? They already paid to develop those designs. Besides, I don't really want a brick built Fell Beast. Easy enough to just use the Smaug mold with a new head & different tail/neck and paint it grey/black. (to the guys that complain they wouldn't want a Fell Beast the same size as Smaug due to scale, lol ... Lego Smaug is the one WAY out of scale if we're being *realistic*, but he IS the PERFECT scale for a Fell Beast). Smaug actually gives me REAL hope we WILL GET at least the Witch-King in armor & the Fell Beast in some sort of set. Smaug's body is already set up for a mounted rider, and the wings ... it's so strikingly similar to the Fell Beast that I'd be SHOCKED if they don't reuse it. It's a no-brainer win win ... Lego can further profit from the mold and give the fans at least one of the things we are still in desperate need of for this theme!
  9. Agreed about crossover Lego Hobbit/LotR sets ... I couldn't agree more about getting Bag End (An Unexpected Gathering) and the new Witch-King Battle for Galadriel and Twilight Witch-King... to add to your Lord of the Rings collection. My Weathertop set has 2 extra Ringwriaths and now Twilight Witch-King all displayed together. Looks awesome. Even the Elrond with a standard elf hair piece makes for a good stand in prologue elf warrior (to go with the Gamestop prologue Elrond. As for the Hobbit movies thus far... AUJ for me was just OK. Mostly for the fact that I am already a huge fan. But I think it failed to attract many more fans the way they expected, like Fellowship of the Ring did. I remember distinctly telling all of my friends and family they simply HAD to see it, just like Guardians of the Galaxy recently. AUJ... I could take it or leave it. DOS on the other had, was a HUGE step up from AUJ. Much better action and pacing. And I think that TBotFA will be a *MUST SEE* film. We all know it's going to be epic. I also think that because AUJ left a sour taste for a lot of people, DOS suffered and TBotFA will be a HUGELY underestimated film at the box office. I think it's going to be the best performing film of The Hobbit Trilogy and I also think it will spark a LOT of interest in Middle Earth again, like the LotR films did.
  10. The bottom line is that we will never be happy or satisfied, and the entire LotR line will be incomplete without *at the very least* - The Balrog ... ALL fans have been asking for it since the line was announced! Could include a battle damaged Gandalf & a couple Moria Orc Archers - The Witch-King Showdown (with armored versions of Witch-King, Eowyn & Merry with a Fell Beast, maybe Gothmog) - A Minas Tirith or Osgiliath set (odds of getting both if any are slim) with Faramir, Madril (if Osgiliath), armored Pippin, Denethor, Gondor soldiers, could have Gothmog here, Haradrim soldier (most likely as no new mold is necessary), could include a Fell Beast/Ringwraith. - Treebeard Encounter with Merry, Pippin & Grishnakh ... no new molds necessary, only printing for Grishnakh. $25 set - easy win! - SAURON! I'd prefer brick built like GotG Groot or X-men Sentinel, but I'd take a mini figure. Would be perfect as a prologue set with Elendil & Isildur!!! Until at least that happens, the line shall be forever shamed and looked as as Lego's bane.
  11. Hey Draks ... this post fuels my hope of SOMETHING more, have you heard anything else or can you find out? Anyone know Draks? PM???
  12. Very cool. Thanks for sharing. I especially love the fireplace room.
  13. atreyu2112 replied to just2good's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    Hahaha ... ain't that the truth! My son hate me for it. (he really doesn't, because he only cares about Mario Kart and Kart Racers). He's 10, I'm 38 - go figure. Luckily we both like guitars & the band Rush.
  14. atreyu2112 replied to just2good's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    I found Witch-king Battle last night. Grabbed 2. Putting off getting the other 2 sets because I need funds for NYCC, so I haven't been looking for them yet.
  15. atreyu2112 replied to just2good's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    No unique pieces in sand green, just basic pieces. And I have to agree about the joints wearing out, but more importantly the wings on Smaug. Not so much the ball joint, but the wing pivot point... the wings are rubber and they are 1 piece. I can see that pivot point wearing out quickly, and even the wings ripping. Lets be honest, the bulk of the cost in this set is Smaug. We all know he will go for a pretty penny alone on the secondary markets. I'm glad you guys enjoyed my review, thanks for the kind compliments
  16. atreyu2112 replied to just2good's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    Here are a couple quick picks. I've never written a review before, so... The first thing I did was when I got to my car right out of TRU, I opened it to see Smaug. like 80% of him (minus claws, back spikes, fire and 2 parts of his tail) are separate. So I built most of him before even driving off. He's SICK ... super poseable, mad-articulate, VERY happy right off the bat. The new instruction manual is 1 thick paperback novel, which is really cool compared to getting 3 magazine booklets. The first thing you build is the pile of gold/treasure chest. It's cool because it adds to the diplay, but it also has 2 hidden compartments... one for weapons and one for jems/gold/keys/rings... The second part you build is the bottom half of the mine section. There's a new (to me) huge brick element, like a rock landscape wall. You use it twice on the mine section. There's a door to go into a hidden little cave-room that's in the back. In the manual they show the dwarves hiding the Arkenstone in here, but it definitely reminded me of the scene where they actually enter the mountain. This upped the ante for me, because as I was building it, in my head I saw Bilbo having that little talk Balin. There's a little smithy/armory section in the front/base which makes for a cool little display. The third part you build is the top half of the mine section and lastly the gold catapult pot & the gold chain lift. It hand slides from end to end and you can crank the chain (which is quite long enough) to raise the gold bucket. Next you build the little gold slide that connects the two halves of the set. Looks cool but nothing spectacular. The last 2 bags are for the base and top of the throne section. Typical build. There's a lever to push the steps out, but surprisingly, no action feature to collapse one of the pillars (like in Mines of Moria). Easy enough to MOC, but still, would have been cool. No real feature with the throne itself. My overall impression is that I am REALLY happy with this set. I love the aesthetic, and both sections do a great job at bringing me back to images & parts of the movie. The build was fun, not to short & not to long. Very colorful. Smaug is HUGE! For a Lego figure, he's close enough to being just a plain well articulated action figure. The wings are really what makes him so over the top because that allow for all different sorts of poses. I build and display the sets kind of like to tell the story like the official movie poster scrolls, and I'm still not sure if I should display this before or after Laketown. For me, this is my favorite Hobbit themed set behind Bag End. You know exactly what it is just with a quick glance from across the room. If it can draw your attention easily like that, its a win.
  17. atreyu2112 replied to just2good's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    I just got The Lonely Mountain and built it... the set is awesome! Smaug is magnificent, and the build was a lot of fun. A lot of guys here keep forgetting these are kids toys first and not AFOL collectibles. The set falls inline with all the other sets in the theme as far as playability. After building it, I really like the mine portion a lot more than just seeing it in the pictures. It does remind me of the scenes in the movie. The throne is great, and outside of a really good MOC to make it look like it does in the movie, it couldn't be any better. Lego did a REALLY good job here with this set. Easily my favorite set build aside Bag End in the entire Hobbit theme. I'm loosing my sh*t trying to fine The Witch-King Battle... the other 2 sets will have to wait until after NYCC. Is it me, or: Smaug + grey/black paint app, new tail end & new head = Fell Beast! Would TOTALLY work & would make the mould that much more cost effective *hint hint*
  18. Guys ... lets keep at this! Re-post, invite anyone you think likes Lord of the Rings in general to sign! Go to other forums, post there. Post it anywhere you think will get us more support. Almost 1200 supporters... Still positive momentum, but it has slowed. We need more help! WE CAN MAKE THIS HAPPEN, BUT WE NEED TO KEEP AT IT AND WORK TOGETHER!!!
  19. Agreed. I can only post it so much. I'll hit up Elessar over at TORN to see if they can post it.
  20. atreyu2112 replied to just2good's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    The bar code # on the box. This way we can all call our local TRU and have them look for stock directly from it.
  21. atreyu2112 replied to just2good's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    Does anyone have the UPC for the Smaug set?
  22. Can you post the UPC #s so we can check our local TRUs?
  23. Nice work Deathleech - looking better and better.
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