Everything posted by atreyu2112
- [Petition] Save LEGO the Lord of the Rings
- [Petition] Save LEGO the Lord of the Rings
LEGO Hobbit 2014
The Hobbit has been covered VERY WELL. Sure, there are a couple Hobbit characters left out, but we're talking about Bolg & generic elf & dwarf soldiers. Compare that to LotR ... Sauron, Eowyn, Faramir, Witch King, Fell Beast, the Balrog, Treebeard, Gothmog, Guritz, Grishnakh, Denethor, Madril, Gamling, Hama, Gondor Soldiers, Gondor Archers, Haradrim, Easterlings, Oliphant, Elendil, Isildur, Gil-Galad ... and some serious locations like Minas Tirith, Osgiliath, Barad-dur, Amon Hen ... Sorry, but we already have a Rivendell set and are getting an Erebor set! The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few. If there's anything more, it would HAVE to be a final LotR wave or D2C set. And it's not a matter of liking one over the other, it's a matter of addressing which really NEEDS more.
[Petition] Save LEGO the Lord of the Rings
I hope everyone realizes that once Lego's license expires, there will not be any more official LotR merchandise for a VERY VERY long time. So getting as many signatures onto this petition should be the top priority of every LotR & Lego LotR fan. I've already supported ALL the ideas I would buy, but like others have said, not one of those sets will get made. The Hobbit *almost* didn't get made due to licensing & rights... Lego's license is probably very strict. Our only saving grace is that they've already designed everything we want in the video game. So if it's in the game, it can be made.
LEGO LotR - general discussion
I hate to say it, but getting Lego to put out a last LotR wave should be everyone's TOP priority as far as LotR collectibles are concerned. After their license is up, I GUARANTEE we will not see ANY official LotR merchandise (aside a Sideshow statue here or there) for a VERY VERY LONG TIME. Mark my words. So, post, repost, update, get your friends and anyone else to sign that petition.
[Petition] Save LEGO the Lord of the Rings
We'll, DUH ... Wave 2 LotR SUCKED! Would kids want Rivendell over Balrog battle? Hell no! Black Gate (a black wall basically) with a dude only in extended edition of film for 1 minute over Witch King on his Fell Beast dragon doing battle with Eowyn & Merry, all in full battle armor? OH HELL NO! A boat that's in like 2 minutes of the whole trilogy over Minas Tirith with Faramir & Gondor Soldiers... I can't fault Wizard Battle even though it was stupid that it came in Orthanc. Not many kids can throw down $200. But it *could* have been Prologue Sauron, Elendil and Isildur -- -- -- I mean seriously, who made the decisions for these sets? Did they watch the film? If I was a little boy, ALL I'd want from: FotR would be the BALROG, Prologue Battle, Weathertop (nice set), Mines of Moria (nice set) and Amon Hen TTT - everything we got plus Treebeard RotK - part of Osgiliath, part of Minas Tirith, the Witch King & Fell Beast, Faramir, Eowyn, the Black Gate set we got but with 2 towers to make a real gate (duh!!!!), Selob (great set), Battle Trolls, Oliphants, Haradrim, Easterlings, Grond ... I'd want to recreate the cool parts of the film, not the Extended Edition 2 seconds of crap that really didn't have much to do with the film at all. The people at TLG need to wake up! Blame yourself, LEGO, for poor sales ... You put out a crap wave 2 for LotR. And now your customers are left short changed. Do the right thing here!!! My post was in response to this post: I'm on mobile version... Lol
[Petition] Save LEGO the Lord of the Rings
I couldn't agree more with this post. Especially the Hobbit getting much better coverage and the Blue Snaggs/Vader reference. I have responded to Elessar over at tORn forum directly with info & links to both the petition and the Facebook page. Fingers are crossed, if the front page & Facebook the petition, we might have a shot hitting a high enough # for TLG to take notice
- [Petition] Save LEGO the Lord of the Rings
- [Petition] Save LEGO the Lord of the Rings
- LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2014 Rumors & Discussion
I am only interested in Nick sets... F that movie crap. What I am hoping for ... the Season 3 Turtle Van more than anything else (I posted pics of the toy prototype a few pages back), Casey Jones, Newtralizer, Slash & Tigerclaw. A Technodrome playset would be awesome too.
- [Petition] Save LEGO the Lord of the Rings
- [Petition] Save LEGO the Lord of the Rings
- [Petition] Save LEGO the Lord of the Rings
- LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
LEGO LotR - general discussion
THIS. I can't even begin to tell you how asinine it is to get those 4 lame sets over the Balrog, Witch King/Fell Beast/Eowyn, and a couple Gondor sets with Faramir/Gondor Soldiers/Gothmog It really makes me angry, because time and time again (Toy Biz 6" line, Art Asylum Mini Mates, and even The Bridge Direct) Lord of the Rings/Middle Earth is the ONE brand that always gets cut short and dies a sad premature death. Luckily, they will be at NYCC, so I will have the chance to voice my opinion in person.
LEGO LotR - general discussion
Yup, I remember TLG saying something to that effect as well.
- [Petition] Save LEGO the Lord of the Rings
LEGO Hobbit 2014
Everyone, please go sign the petition to save Lego LotR ...
LEGO LotR - general discussion
THANK YOU. SIGNED & SHARED! Also, I emailed the great people over at asking them to share on the site and their Facebook page.
LEGO Hobbit 2014
Thank you Carlos. Much appreciated. I said it WAY back when the first set of images appeared. This wave looks great. Sure it's not perfect and exactly everything everyone here wanted, but all in all - The Hobbit got a really great representation of sets for the movies. I just REALLY wish we could say the same for LotR...
LEGO LotR - general discussion
EVERYONE HERE NEEDS TO CONTACT LEGO. I have emailed them several times. I have gone onto their Facebook page and posted. If I'm the ONLY one... then who cares. Don't bitch about this here alone and expect change... Go and let Lego know how you feel directly! Reach out to them. Email, phone, Facebook, hand written letter . . .
LEGO LotR - general discussion
If the LotR line is indeed done, then sadly the bulk of my Lego collecting days are done as well. After the 4 Hobbit sets, there's really not much more I want to collect outside of the odd set here or there. Maybe a Star Wars or TMNT set... But LotR is where my heart lies. It's so sad, and pathetic, Lego wimped out on this line. They did such a great job on wave 1. It was so good that even though they had the ability to live up to it with wave 2, they truly fell far short. Orthanc is an amazing set, but I'd have glady gotten a Balrog, Witch King Showdown, Treebeard and Siege of Minas Tirith in it's place. What a way to let us all down Lego.
- LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
Middle-Earth Minifigure Wish List
My list: Lord of the Rings... The Balrog - brick built Treebeard - brick built Sauron - brick built like X-men Sentinel or Guardians of the Galaxy Groot Armored Witch King Fell Beast (molded like in posters & game cover) Faramir - either ranger or soldier Eowyn - Rohan armor Merry - Rohan armor Pippin - Gondor Armor Gothmog (just do an image search for "lego gothmog") Madril Gondor - either rangers or soldiers Elendil Isildur Battle Troll Hobbit... Iron Hill Dwarves Armored Mirkwood Elves Bolg
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